Parents Keep It 100 In Son's Obituary


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
My brother was the exact same way. He turned it around but if he had died before he could.... i would feel the same.

People in here havent experienced it. My oldest brother was destroying our family. Invovled with a gang, arrested, almost deported, always fukking around. Doing nothing with his life.

If he died before fixing that... i promise my parents would have felt the same as these parents. And none of it would have been grand standing.

Yall just be happy youve never had to experience family issues like this up close.

I'm glad your brother turned it around :wow:

I guess I have this special ability where I can understand where people are coming from, because MFers here just don't get it.

If that "fast" child is in your house, remember that they are putting every single family member in danger.

You think someone he/she pissed off is gonna care that your five year old brother, mother, father, and you are in the house?

That you have nothing to do with the streets? You fools have any critical thinking skills? Things can go left quick and you want to sit there and give all the blame to the parents?


One of the hardest things I see parents struggle with is remembering their children are their OWN people. After a certain point, they will make their own decisions and you have to watch them from afar.


Feb 16, 2017
Things like these I gotta ask questions:

How strong was the relationship with the husband and wife?
How were they financially? If bad, was it because of Hurricane Katrina or their own faults?
What did you do to give him "tough love"? And no, hitting your kids alot isn't it.
Have you done things for your son to prevent those things from happening?
Have they actually tried talking to him about his future?

Alotta parents think they did the most for their bad kids but wasn't enough. Yes, adults with kids can go through rough periods, but just like you expect your kids, you should always pull through it. Some people just aren't fit to raise children.


May 21, 2012
"Tough Love" got me a good job at a top Aerospace company.
I could be like my cousins & brothers and other family who got caught up
in the streets but I had the guidance a young man needs.
So, I completely disagree with the brehs in here complaining about corporal punishment.
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Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
Robert Wells, III was born in St. Bernard Parish, October 9, 1997 to Robert Wells, Jr. and Deborah Wells. He spent the years after hurricane Katrina in the St. Charles Parish area until his murder on Sunday, February 16, 2020. As loving parents, we were not prepared for the untimely, tragic death of our young son He was a wonderful, funny, intelligent, talented and compassionate young man until the false desires of fast money and instant gratification lured him away from the morals and ethics instilled in him from a young age. Tough Love did not deter his mindset to stay involved in the streets. We always hoped that one day his parents' Love and commitment to him would prevail and he would abandon that life. It did not. His life ended almost instantly at 22 years old, alone in a car under a barrage of gunfire. All the fast money, cars and "things" that seemingly were of importance to him, meant nothing at his crossing. We hope and pray that Robert never bestowed this kind of senseless violence upon anyone else's child, and if this obituary can offer the opportunity for another young person to realize the streets offer nothing but heartache, pain, and ultimately death, Robert's life will not have been in vain. His pained soul is now set free from all worldly desires. Dear God, please take our son, the most precious gift you could bestow upon us at his birth, back once again as your Heavenly son. Lord, keep him in your loving arms for eternity and, forgive us. Robert was predeceased by his grandparents Robert and Bertha Wells, Sr. and George H. Dupard, Sr., Ingeborg Thurston (Richard). He leaves behind a brother, Antonio, girlfriend Hailey, and many loving aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. There will be no service for Robert. Instead we kindly ask you to make a small donation in his name to any at-risk youth programs. Until we meet again Son, you'll forever be in our hearts.

Obituary: Parents Bid Farewell to Son Who Chose the Wrong Path
nah, they kept this 100. and they aint trash him either


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
Respect it and understand. Took me being a parent to understand that you can do everything to set your kids right, but ultimately though they are their own person, and once they leave the house as adults if they repeatedly stray from the path you put them on, what can you do? My son is truly his own person, I learn that more and more, I can guide and instill values into him, and put in him in favorable situations, and I can support him in every area where he needs it, but he is going to make his own decisions in the end.

I saw it within my fam. My brother was bad asf early on, my parents did everything they could. He constantly was brought up home by police, suspended and kicked out of school. Sent him to the military and he was kicked out/discharged. From fighting teachers to being a class clown, disrespectful as fukk, a womanizer, and a narcissist. He wasn’t a follower, actually a leader who was extremely popular, everyone knew his name everywhere we went. He had an incredibly high IQ, and was a top athlete all his life, but fukked up repeatedly, no matter how much my parents cleaned it up and set him straight. He could have been great but In the end he has 5 kids, 3 baby mamas, a record, and is deadbeat.

My parents did their best with me, my dad was cock blocking like a mf, they tried every punishment, every tutor, everything and I can admit I was hard headed and rebellious. In the end I did eventually get it together and now I’m doing very well, but I can’t blame my parents for my decision to stray off path, inevitably becoming a single mom.

On the other end are my two younger sisters. One went to Harvard for undergrad, she was an attorney at Skadden in Manhattan. My other sister went to Northwestern. Both are successful and didn’t stray off the path my parents set. Some kids, no matter what you do, will choose fukked up paths. If you’ve done everything you could as a GOOD parent, it does no good to blame yourself and internalize their shortcomings.

The reality is that they probably really did what they could for their son, but he chose the streets. Hard to hate on them admitting that his death is the result of his choices and not what they instilled in him.

reminds me of my aunt who had 8 kids in the projects. 6 of them became successful and now live prosperous lives. The other 2 still living in the hood mindset.


Feb 8, 2015
My brother was the exact same way. He turned it around but if he had died before he could.... i would feel the same.

People in here havent experienced it. My oldest brother was destroying our family. Invovled with a gang, arrested, almost deported, always fukking around. Doing nothing with his life.

If he died before fixing that... i promise my parents would have felt the same as these parents. And none of it would have been grand standing.

Yall just be happy youve never had to experience family issues like this up close.

It’s hard man. I went numb for a whole year after he died. I dealt with it over time along with my oldest sister because we both came to grips with the fact that he chose his fate. In half of our family pictures he wasn’t even in them because he was either in jail or out in the street selling drugs. My second oldest sister however, has never gotten over it. They were one year apart and close like twins and his death caused her to spiral. He was just so addicted to the fast money. He had bags of money and drugs stashed all over the house. Was pushing a beemer in high school. An old one but still. All the girls he wanted. All the boys in our hood used to follow after him like lapdogs. Died at 26. Was it worth it? No. If he took the legal path, it might’ve taken him an extra 10-15 years to accumulate the wealth he wanted but at least he wouldn’t have to sleep with one eye open or worry about if he might get killed everyday. It’s just weird not having a brother anymore. I wish he was smarter and made better decisions. I used to make excuses for him but all the men in our family grew up in the same environment as him. He’s the only one that decided to do what he did. So while I don’t necessarily agree with not having a wake...I can see where the parents in this story coming from.


#TunnelGang #RingGangRadio
Staff member
May 9, 2012
Thread reminds me of the time Jasmine Sullivan curved some nikka from the afterlife once he died and everyone roasted her for it.


All Star
Dec 20, 2017
Nicca had TWO LOVING PARENTS and still ran them streets. A lotta dudes I grew up with lived in single parent homes. But when I learned how many niccas had 2 loving, working parents I realized a lotta dudes are ungrateful as hell

Just having two parents doesn't mean your life is sweet.
How do we know he really had two loving parents?
Whose side of the story are we hearing?
These so-called parents are full to the brim with BS.
They sound like typical hypocritical religious parents with a self-righteous streak. Ofcourse their son rebelled against their order.
That's what many youth (especially males) in that situation do in their teens to early 20s.
It just so happened he died.
This obit reads as if they're blameless.
Yet they say he loved "things" and that led to his death -- was he born that way or did they fail to show him a way to get those things that didn't involve "the streets"?

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
I hope that instills some sense in atleast one youngin, would love more but we know how it be out here.

Matthew 13:18‭-‬23 NKJV
“Therefore hear the parable of the sower: When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart.
This is he who received seed by the wayside.

But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles.

Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”

God bless that family during and after their time of mourning.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Just having two parents doesn't mean your life is sweet.
How do we know he really had two loving parents?
Whose side of the story are we hearing?
These so-called parents are full to the brim with BS.
They sound like typical hypocritical religious parents with a self-righteous streak. Ofcourse their son rebelled against their order.
That's what many youth (especially males) in that situation do in their teens to early 20s.
It just so happened he died.
This obit reads as if they're blameless.
Yet they say he loved "things" and that led to his death -- was he born that way or did they fail to show him a way to get those things that didn't involve "the streets"?
Pure Plug Bull

Contrary to what some of y'all personal experiences are, MANY Black families actually raise their kids with values and principles. This is only a foreign or weird concept to those who weren't raised like that.
Some kids see the streets as a shortcut alternative to working and sacrificing for what they want.
The parents used the terms "fast money" and "instant gratification" in the obit to describe what they saw his motivation to running the streets.

Keep projecting these ideas about them being "ain't shyt " parents , though.