Parents Keep It 100 In Son's Obituary


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
But the public needs to start hearing this..... Our community gotta stop actin like everybody that leaves were angels and start to kick the truth about these situations .......the family and those parents probably lost him long ago.

that’s fine for an in house discussions,but not for public consumption, it’s up to parents to raise they kids, not other parents tales of how their kid got down, it ain’t nan nikka in the dope game that don’t know the consequences, so a parent decision to keep it real isn’t going to be a deterrent to nobody that wants to be down
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Nov 1, 2015
I don't respect that.

Things like that stand out as red flags to me. When a kid is messed up, the first thing I will do is look at the parents so it doesn't sit right when their port of call is to demonstrate that they did their job when dealing with the demise of their son.

I'm left with the impression that their image is and was always more important than what their son was going through.

nah sometimes the parents parenting could be at fault but sometimes its just how a person is easily influenced by others. good people can be good people despite their bad parents and vice versa.


All Star
Jul 25, 2012

Speaking ill of the dead...alright

Echoing respectability politics talking points...I see

Ignoring any mental health problems their kid likely had...check

Absolving themselves publicly for how they raised their kid and being willfully ignorant of their own failures...welp, that says it all.

If they shyt on their son after he died, best believe they were doing a fukkton worse when he was alive. They were manipulative narcissistic abusive self-righteous pieces of shyt and, if anyone had any doubt about that, the parents confirmed it with this obituary.

I don’t give a goddamn if your kid was a fukking monster. Either keep that shyt short and sweet or choose not to have one. Don’t use his death as an excuse to shyt on him some more.

His parents, and people who think like his parents, will do the most evil shyt and act like Pontius Pilate. Just washing their hands of the shyt. If the roles were reversed, do you think he would have put in the obituary

“my parents could have raised me with love and understanding, but instead chose to be hypocritical, self-centered, and abusive. They may have raised me the only way they knew how and thought they loved me but they loved themselves more otherwise they would have learned from Jesus’ own words ‘Don’t judge lest ye be judged.’ I certainly hope that, if God is real, he’s more understanding than my parents made him out to be because I don’t want all three of us in hell when I die. If he’s not real, then I hope parents learn from the example of my parents and do all they can in this life to take a good hard look in the mirror and make sure that when they die, they can look back and say ‘I believe my children respect and love me because I cared.’ Instead of ‘My children resent me and it’s their fault’. There will be no memorial service.”

Even the most ain’t shyt parents don’t receive this kind of treatment once they’ve died (at least not in the black community. I think I read an obituary where some cacs straight shytted on their mom.)




All Star
Jun 6, 2014
A lot of black parents don't get that their kids could have mental health and stability issues. My father and I were talking about something similar.

We know this guy having problems with his son (mid 20's now). The usual failing school, wrong crowd, drugs, girls, unemployed, etc.

My dad was like "I don't get why he's choosing this life. His family has done so much for him". I try to explain that it's mental, he can't help what he's doing. But my father just couldn't grasp what I was saying.

Extra love won't fix anything. Their head is wired differently and you need better approaches.
It's true, something simple like ADHD can destroy a person.

I don't know, I don't see this obituary as harsh, I think it's just honest. It seems like they tried, but some parents don't try hard enough to be honest

It's and honest eulogy but I don't know if it's fair

Prayers to the youth and the family
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20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Sometimes you need someone to step up to bat and shake things up.

There is no lack of young black men dying from the same shiit over and over again, so if this does nothing but give the world some reflection, especially those in the life ..... then well worth it.

We all have heard the single mama say her son was a darling and innocent countless times, when yes he was probably misguided by the streets and turned into a ruffian, but he was no we have 2 parents that reveal the 360 degrees of a young adult. He lived fast life, but he wasn't raised with those values, and had parents that tried to steer him in different direction.

Apparently, about 7,000 - 8,000 black american men are homicide victims annually at least in 2016 Where Does Your State Rank When It Comes to Black Homicide?

Crazy part is it use to be much worse. I remember way back in the the 90s seeing 10,000/year or more.

i get all that, but just like my second post said, ain’t nan nikka getting in the dope game ignorant to the consequences of said game, so parents posting that will not deter anyone trying to be down, it just seems like you embarrassed your kid in death and served some self righteousness to absolve yourselves as parents

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
i get all that ,but just like my second post said, ain’t nan nikka getting in the dope game ignorant to the consequences of said game, so parents posting that will not deter anyone trying to be down, it just seems like you embarrassed your kid in death and served some self righteousness to absolve yourselves as parents

I wanna see how far you guys are willing to go to run with what y'all are running with here.


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
The Foundation. Gone

“realize you can only run the streets so long, until the streets run you, into the ground and gone. Kinda tough trying teach you what’s right from wrong same shyt different day it’s the same ol song” man these people loved their boy.

Most do but a parent can’t live for their child. They can only try to instill in them their values and wisdom so that the child survives. Grows old. Passes the wisdom on to their own children. Keep it moving. The lure of fukking street life is always a constant struggle. RIP to the young man.


Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Its not about grooming anyone to be a criminal. Its about setting your kids up to have a higher chance to succeed. A lot of folks set their kids up for failure. Being a good parent goes beyond putting a roof over your kids head and taking them to church on Sunday. I had a coworker who came in crying one day cause her daughter wasnt going to graduate high school a few months before she was supposed to walk. In my head im thinking where the hell where you the whole time she is flunking out? She found out she had been failing all her classes and skipping school. She had never been involved in her daughters education. Never went to parent teacher conferences etc. Had she done that she would have been able to intervene earlier. Her daughter was a C and D student before that anyway so the real time to intervene was the first time she brought home a C or D. Get her a tutor or see if she has a learning disability. Come to find out her daughter was skipping school to see a boy and was pregnant. Now she a statistic.. high school drop out baby momma.

As an adult im thankful that my parents never gave me the option to fail classes, skip school, not go to college, hang out late night on the corner, and raised hell if I earned anything less than an A- on my report cards. You cant control everything your kids do.. but you can make it harder for them to stray down the wrong path.

funny you say that. My daughters have 98 Averages and every parent teacher night i'm up there. I get teachers saying what are you here for you girls are great. I'm like.. Im here because 1. they're my daughters and 2. grades dont reflect how they act in class.and 3. its a private school.. I'm, paying. I wanna see what my money doing
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