Man, John Wall SERIOUSLY gets unfair criticism on the reg.
I mean, criticizing his perimeter shot is a LEGIT criticism. But that's something that can be improved if he works at it, that's not really a "deficiency" unless he doesn't show improvement over time.
For another...wouldn't it be MORE fair to criticize his game AFTER you give him good players to play WITH?:
But this is also an indictment on the supporting casts that have been put around him. Point guards don't make decisions in a vacuum. They need space to see the floor. They need supporting players that amplify their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. Without those things, any young point guard will struggle to develop proper decision-making skills. You aren't just born with a high basketball IQ. It needs to be cultivated with the right surrounding mix.
In Wall's case, one would think that spacing and perimeter shooting would be the best way to amplify his quickness and minimize his poor shooting. Instead, the Wizards have consistently surrounded Wall with a weird mix of talent without an identity. Wall had by far the most assists to corner three-point shooters last season; why haven't the Wizards signed an elite corner three-point shooter? (They traded their best one in Nick Young and let their second-best, Roger Mason, go in free agency). Wall likes to run and find shooters spotting up; why haven't the Wizards studied which players hit the most transition threes and pursued them in free agency? (Marco Belinelli is starring for Chicago; he'd have been a nice, cheap addition). Why haven't the Wizards tried to find a stretch 4 instead of hoping their big men can hit enough mid-range jumpers to get by? Why are they running a post-heavy and baseline-screen offensive system when Wall is a poor off-ball player?
^^THOSE are good points.
I remember when people said Jrue Holiday wasn't going to get any better, and he's on his way to becoming a top PG in the league. It's not like players don't improve, especially those who are still in the infancy stages of their careers.
What are critics gonna say once Wall learns how to hit that outside jumper?