One of three Teens in murder of college student had racist tweets


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Your narrative is wrong....the media, whoever that is, didnt handle it as a hate crime. They handled it as fundamental failing of our justice system, the dysfunction of which was concluded to be because of Trayvon's race. Now if you believe that race had nothing to do with Trayvon being followed with a gun, killed, with no charges for well over a month, and a shoddy police investigation that believed GZ whole heartedly, even going so far as to drug test trayvon and not the killer, then go right ahead.

But I am asking, why you personally, are still so offended that the media used a nice looking picture of a younger Trayvon, who was the obvious victim. I dont see much outrage in the media using nice pictures of Lane the obvious victim. So what to make of YOUR personal double standard?
Because it's bullshyt. And the media obviously tried to make it a hate crime. Stooping as low as editing the 911 recording to make it sound like Zimmerman called black people c00ns when that wasn't the case at all. Nobody complained about that, though. The reason that they drug tested Trayvon was to attempt to back up Zimmerman's claim about Trayvon looking like he was on something. How about this? Just admit that if the roles were reversed and it was a black dude that shot a white kid there would be zero media outrage and zero coverage too. Oh wait, that already happened with a different case. But I'm sure you'll find a way to spin that and make that guy an angel somehow. After all, he was black so I'm sure the white kid deserved to die. I have no problem admitting that white people have a privilege when it comes to not being labeled as "thugs" before the proof is in or in the judicial system as a whole but I bet that you'll never admit that black people also have a privilege when it comes to sensationalizing any crime against them as a hate crime or using racism as a defense in every case, no matter how in the wrong they were. Just read this thread back - might as well be a black st0rmfr0nt.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Because it's bullshyt. And the media obviously tried to make it a hate crime. Stooping as low as editing the 911 recording to make it sound like Zimmerman called black people c00ns when that wasn't the case at all. Nobody complained about that, though. The reason that they drug tested Trayvon was to attempt to back up Zimmerman's claim about Trayvon looking like he was on something. How about this? Just admit that if the roles were reversed and it was a black dude that shot a white kid there would be zero media outrage and zero coverage too. Oh wait, that already happened with a different case. But I'm sure you'll find a way to spin that and make that guy an angel somehow. After all, he was black so I'm sure the white kid deserved to die. I have no problem admitting that white people have a privilege when it comes to not being labeled as "thugs" before the proof is in or in the judicial system as a whole but I bet that you'll never admit that black people also have a privilege when it comes to sensationalizing any crime against them as a hate crime or using racism as a defense in every case, no matter how in the wrong they were. Just read this thread back - might as well be a black st0rmfr0nt.

Its exhausting having to constantly retrace your posts and correct your incessant mistruths, and b.s statements. What is wrong with your brain exactly? Roderick scott went outside to confront those kids because they tried to break into his car, and they were breaking into his neighbors car when the confrontation happened. He didnt simply invent an idea that they were "suspicious" and start following them with a gun. And it was mutliple kids. Not just one. And rodrick was immediately tried for manslaughter...he didnt get to walk out of the police station, with no charges. He had his day in court, which was all trayvon supporters asked for, even tho we're pissed about the verdict.

Also, why is it important to drug test the victim, and not the killer again? Why was the police dept so intent on supporting GZ's story?

Perhaps if you werent gorging on far right wing websites, you would actually have the ability to make simple, logical claims, and not try to orient everything around a poor white male burden.


Bmore nicca
May 1, 2012
what did their white accomplice, who allegedly pulled the trigger, say about those tweets?

You know him, the one who the same media that produces anti-black nonsense day in and day out, tried to substitute out for a innocent black teenager to pursue a "black killers" narrative.

These race-baiting dyckheads are just relentless.
I was about to say this.

This crime has nothing to do with race. It was two black boys and ONE white boy.



All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Its exhausting having to constantly retrace your posts and correct your incessant mistruths, and b.s statements. What is wrong with your brain exactly? Roderick scott went outside to confront those kids because they tried to break into his car, and they were breaking into his neighbors car when the confrontation happened. He didnt simply invent an idea that they were "suspicious" and start following them with a gun. And it was mutliple kids. Not just one. And rodrick was immediately tried for manslaughter...he didnt get to walk out of the police station, with no charges. He had his day in court, which was all trayvon supporters asked for, even tho we're pissed about the verdict.

Perhaps if you werent gorging on far right wing websites, you would actually have the ability to make simple, logical claims, and not try to orient everything around a poor white male burden.
Dude, get fukked. Really - get fukked. I'm tired of your bytch ass twisting everything to make black people in the right when they're clearly in the wrong. I don't know what your whole issue is with white people - I'm sure somebody did something "really serious" to you personally.:shaq2: If Zimmerman caught Trayvon breaking into a car before he shot him you would still react in the same way that you did initially, and you would be right. If you say you wouldn't then you're a liar - straight up. The case would still get all of the attention that it did initially. If you say it wouldn't then you're a liar - straight up. The only reason you feel no sympathy for that kid is because he doesn't look like you - fact. You're irrational because you hate everything white - fact. If a white person jumped in front of a bullet trying to protect his black friend you would still call him a racist cac and say he deserved to die - fact. With that said, continue living your life like the depressed and unhappy mess that you are. If you really feel how you feel with most of the shyt that you type on here then how about you get up off of your ass and do something about it. :aicmon:Good day, fekket.


Apr 16, 2013


That's how it is now. :shaq:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Dude, get fukked. Really - get fukked. I'm tired of your bytch ass twisting everything to make black people in the right when they're clearly in the wrong. I don't know what your whole issue is with white people - I'm sure somebody did something "really serious" to you personally.:shaq2: If Zimmerman caught Trayvon breaking into a car before he shot him you would still react in the same way that you did initially, and you would be right. If you say you wouldn't then you're a liar - straight up. The case would still get all of the attention that it did initially. If you say it wouldn't then you're a liar - straight up. The only reason you feel no sympathy for that kid is because he doesn't look like you - fact. You're irrational because you hate everything white - fact. If a white person jumped in front of a bullet trying to protect his black friend you would still call him a racist cac and say he deserved to die - fact. With that said, continue living your life like the depressed and unhappy mess that you are. If you really feel how you feel with most of the shyt that you type on here then how about you get up off of your ass and do something about it. :aicmon:Good day, fekket.

I didnt claim that Rodrick scott was in the right....i simply tried to explain to you the polarizing differences in the two cases, since it was you who drew the equivalency. In order for there to be a double standard, there has to be some basic similarities between two points of comparison.

Your whole argument seems to rest on this oppressive bias in the media, (who makes up this "media", exactly?) where white people are aggressively discriminated against and demonized, while black people are championed and supported above everything. You've even gone so far as to claim that I want to see white people die. And you claim im irrational?

Pretty sad to rest your existence on such pathological and schitzophrenic set of beliefs. That has to be mentally taxing, as evidenced by your insane thoughts. Good luck! You'll need it for sure.


Apr 16, 2013
See, this is why I can't take the retards on this board serious. You have zero proof of anything but you want to assume based on nothing. This could have easily been a hate crime and you know it. But it won't be charged like that because black people are immune to being charged with hate crimes. It's just the way it is. You're the ones with the privilege in this case. But guess what? All of these kids are either frying and seeing life so either way I'm happy.

I know that you're on something else right now but I'm still going to respond. If the media went as far as to use someone else's photo for the white suspect (showing 3 black male suspects instead of 2 black 1 white) to push an agenda, what makes you think that they won't try to push the "black people are racist too" agenda?


Jun 4, 2013
Making derogatory remarks about the phenotypical traits of other humans does in fact make the statements racist, no matter how many butt hurt victim groups want people to believe otherwise.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
I know that you're on something else right now but I'm still going to respond. If the media went as far as to use someone else's photo for the white suspect (showing 3 black male suspects instead of 2 black 1 white) to push an agenda, what makes you think that they won't try to push the "black people are racist too" agenda?
They won't do that because history has shown that black people are given a huge amount of leeway in the media when it comes to that sort of thing. I wish they would, though, because this whole "black people can't be racist" shyt is a fukking joke.


Jun 20, 2013
I feel ya.

Then you shouldn't say you hate a whole race of people because there's a some ignorant whites. You think all whites hate Blacks and are KKK members :stopitslime:

come on dude..the whites who don't flat out hate blacks and are unaware of their racism are more of an issue than ones that they do.

you tellin me that someone like bill oreilly or glenn beck isn't doin more to push the anti-black sentiment than say the flat out "i hate blacks" racists?

the later usually gets looked at like "woah, hold up" from whites but the ones that try and use statistics and bullshyt arguments get a handshake and a highfive