Nah you do what all detractors do. Purposely misrepresent what you don’t want to believe. As red pill goes up feminism goes down. And it falls completely away when you don’t have the support of the govt propping it up..
Historically speaking women have always followed men. Men make the rules and gather the resources women reaped the benefits. Men were expected to defend women and children with their lives, women were not(if men were around).
What does that have to do with the very real examples I gave? I really can't decipher anything you're trying to say

You think as men get more aggressive/mad, become more single, become more intolerable, shoot up more places, commit more crimes feminism will just up and go away.

I personally do not believe half of the human population will stop defending their own human rights because bitter groups of people online exist.
You can only “live your own life” because of men. Who’s more capable of building shelter? Hunting? Who’s more capable of gathering resources? Who’s more capable of defend said resources?
Men have set up a society that does the heavy lifting for you. And that’s what causes you to think you don’t need a man. When there’s no policeman/govt to step up for you when you’re in need/danger, we’ll see if you can do all those things as a single woman
You're only breathing on this earth because of a woman.
We're in the year 2023, a woman or even a trans person could easily be the reason your house has electricity in it. A society built by men doesn't make it a society without issues, we know this. In your own words, men created and do everything so there should be some responsibility or blame for the down fall of society.
The things I said and the things you're responding with aren't correlating.
What you call “bullshyt” is what allowed humanity to come to this point. Every society lived by laid out roles that the man and women were expected to fulfill until cacs came along and introduced feminism because it would break up the family structure, add more people into the work force (and lower wages) and allow more people to be taxed…
What I call bullshyt is out of pocket things nobody should have to deal with.
Men don't want to put up with bs, women don't either and are now refusing because being single is a lot better than being miserable.
There’s people of all ages talking about redpill. If you don’t see it then you don’t see it. But there’s young dudes making content all over YouTube and tik tok.
I'm on tiktok, i rarely see the content you're talking about unless it has to do with fitness or those little divorce court clips. I see young women on there trashing that content more than anything especially when Andrew tate came out.
And no when men are pushed far enough they revolt. When pressure is put on women they fall in line. It is what it is. Just wait till you see the pressure go up and all that “men ain’t shyt” and “I don’t need no man” goes out the window
Just because you're personally angry and your life didn't go the way you wanted it to go in a society built by men, doesn't mean women's independence in the united states will be taken away. Fantasize about it but It won't happen.
Red piller's don't want to "orbit" women and think opening a door for a woman makes you a simp but they also want women to need them

. Seeing what goes in the in the world it's hard pretty to be clueless why women say men aren't shyt, your comments in this thread could be fuel for that.