Adding onto the above, I'd love if like Michael Bay made a new film but attached someone like Martin Scorseese's name to it, say Pain and Gain for example (brilliant movie), kinda like a pseudonym for writers... people still think Pain and Gain gets 40% and most people trash it? 
So many great movies out there by so called bad directors, and so many terrible ones by so called good directors. All I've heard if the new Alien movie is trash yet it's sitting on 71%, take away Ridley Scott's name and put Raja Gosnell or someone instead and ya'll think it gets 71%?

So many great movies out there by so called bad directors, and so many terrible ones by so called good directors. All I've heard if the new Alien movie is trash yet it's sitting on 71%, take away Ridley Scott's name and put Raja Gosnell or someone instead and ya'll think it gets 71%?