Obama on Senate gun vote: 'A shameful day'

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Restricting gun laws makes the mafia stronger because unless you crack down on organized crime in tandum, someone is going to eat from the void. Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown:

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
Immigration laws are outdated. The easiest path to citizenship is through marriage. This leaves out lots of doctors and lawyers in the wind, which America painfully needs to compete on an international level.

This brings up another discussion: should an ex-con that has served his time be denied constitutional rights (Voting, FAFSA, 2nd amendment, etc)??

Move to Ciudad Juarez for a month if you want gun restrictions so badly.


Why would they nuke their own cities? Where do Senators and congresspeople come from? They come from your state, your city! They'd be killing their own families in the process. They'd also be legitimizing and justifying the cause for anti-gun restrictions.

Tell that to the people of North Mexico that are getting massacred by armed cartels. You think innocent people don't get extorted, kidnapped, and murdered in this cartel war?

In a guerrilla war, the army wouldn't stand a chance against a heavily armed populace, just like in Vietnam or Mogadishu. They'd have to start killing innocents by the thousands (probably what they did in Iraq), and then that would only help the pro-2nd amendment folks and their cause.

Dude the top 1% are the ones that control the government. They are they real reason why US attack other countries is to protect their financial interest. They are the ones who control the masses with propaganda media and what is being taught in the education system. They are the ones who create and fund politicians that become Senators and Congressman.

Did serious just ask why would the government use bioweapons to attack their people. I imagine the the government families and the 1% would be in a hidden location where they are not effected from the attack. The government have used many of tactics like secretly shoot up people with diseases or putting harmful chemicals in food products.

The only why America use ground forces in today military is because they agreed to treaties and rules of war with other countries to not use bioweapons in war, because it is inhumane and innocent people dies. US could have completely wipe out Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam if they wanted to. Why you think the US stop using weapons like napalm in during Vietnam. US don't need men power anymore with remote aircrafts that can take out a massive amount of people.

US really don't even need to use bombs when they can secretly inject bioweapons diseases in our food and water. Your guns would be useless with that type of attack. Remember Tuskegee experiment or what about AIDS being a medical engineered diseases. They have thousands of ways to take you out without taking your guns.

shytt, the government have even injected their own military with different diseases in many secret military experiments.

Eugenics is the government most deadly weapon breh.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Restricting gun laws makes the mafia stronger because unless you crack down on organized crime in tandum, someone is going to eat from the void. Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown:

our laws and government agencies are more than adequate to battle the mafia now


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
:aicmon: They did the right thing. That one incident should not make them change a thing about background checks.

who said it was about that "one incident"?

we had an active gun control thread going here the day this "one incident" happened


Jun 4, 2012
I mean just because there were a few bad slave owners didn't mean slavery needed to be abolished.

The concept of slavery was bad. The concept of having the right to protect yourself is not bad, so it doesn't need to be banned or abolished.

What is bad is ignoring the real causes of violence and manipulating people to believe that guns are the problem. The legislators and Obama all know that Guns are not the issue --- ur a fool if you believe otherwise.


All Star
May 15, 2012

All the government have to do is annonce that they are going to be dropping bioweapons and chemicals from the sky if the citizens don't disarm themselves. And watch how many people will give up their guns. In today age, the government doesn't need for you to hand over your guns to take you out. They are going to have drones, napalm, and cruise missiles, etc to take you out. :usure:

What you fail to realize is, if the govt did indeed go rogue. They dont even want it to get to that point. They dont want to be fighting and killing their own citizens. You have the same bad logic as alot of others with your same terrible argument. "But but but if the govt takes over, they got missles and bombs, we cant beat them." Thats exactly how they want you to think and feel, you are all ready defeated and pose no threat. You are complacent and have given up all ready. The battle is over before it began with cowards like you. If they disarm the people, they can rule with no fear of reprisal. I know they got bombs and missle, but they are not going to nuke their own lands they rule over, so that leaves conventional shyt. Who would the govt target with its bombs and missle if WE the people decided to rise against. The military is still made up of our CITIZENS, a large portion of the army would desert if it ever went down against US. They would have to find us and track us down. They got bombs and missles in vietnam and iraq and afghansitan, but we didnt win those wars....... Try to think logically before you type, boy

Let me make something clear, I personally dont think anything like that will happen here in my lifetime, and prolly not even my kids. But its always a possiblity. I am not a conspiracry theorist, im simply talking based on historical facts.

Good reply, well thought out

:heh: Thought this was about background checks?

No, im talking in general about the arguments.