Obama on Senate gun vote: 'A shameful day'

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012
you sound like a ra ra guy. but you would be a dead ra ra guy before the war even kicked off. because you're not strategic. you're silly.

here's the deal. YES the missiles and some bombs will hit. they dont have to bomb everyone. just bomb a few black neighborhoods that no one cares about. and bam scare up the rest of whitee country.

no one said nuke your own country. all bombs are not nukes with radiation, etc.

drones can be armed as well.

the truth is, if it went down, the army is only controlled by those who choose to be controlled. this aint the movies. everyone has family, friends in the armed forces. everyone on here, knows someone close thats in the or has been in the armed forces or they know someone who knows someone who's in the armed forces. you infiltrate them from within. otherwise you will never win a fight with an arrow while i have a gun. you have an AR15, i got a tank. LOL at you hurting me. not going to happen. thats why you work it from within. then here comes to coup and country take back.

:lawd: POS+ REP

These guys don't understand how you take down a huge power. You can never win by going head up, you have to tear it down from within.

Really that's how the US government have destroyed many militant groups like the Black Panthers, etc.


Nov 27, 2012
If people dont want firearms tracked or controlled even after 6 year olds are slaughtered by military grade arms, where do you think this country is heading?

There will be hundreds of Trayvon situations in the coming years. Hundreds.

Passports people. Get them.


Nov 27, 2012
What freedom? :russ:

You think we have freedom now? GTFOH:heh: Only the top 1% have freedom. You are a slave right now breh. They don't have to make you a physical slave anymore. They have everyone as a slave mentally.

You have been fooled by the propaganda machine. That is ran by the top 1%.
You will be dead by the uses of eugenics before you even able to pick up your rifle.

He doesn't get it. I love gun nuts. No logic, only rah rah bang bang and rhetoric :heh:


Jan 10, 2013
They are the ones who control the masses with propaganda media and what is being taught in the education system.

US really don't even need to use bombs when they can secretly inject bioweapons diseases in our food and water. Your guns would be useless with that type of attack. Remember Tuskegee experiment or what about AIDS being a medical engineered diseases.

Eugenics is the government most deadly weapon breh.
Propaganda is the reason why I'm against banning assault weapons and background checks. The people behind the propaganda machine want us to believe that our government would never violate our rights. If we surrender our rights and guns, the government will take care of us (LOL). But blindly trusting your government is never a good idea, just ask the victims of the Tuskegee experiment.

They keep telling us we need these things, but when you read independent news reports from Mexico and south American countries with strict gun restrictions, you realize that gun controls give cartels, criminals, and crooked military and law enforcement the leverage against the public. And this paves the way for corruption and violence.

Why do Mexico, Venezuela, Brasil, Guatemala, and Colombia and other countries have the highest per capita murders? It can't be just poverty because Haiti and Nicaragua are the 2 poorest countries in the western Hemisphere, yet their murder per capita ratios are extremely low. They're not even listed here:
List of cities by murder rate

Also, if the US did use bioweapons to contaminate our food and water, then that would weakens us and give our enemies (North Korea, etc) move incentive to invade us because armed citizens are better at defending cities and towns where there are no military bases. Most of our military bases are in remote locations.

Thats exactly how they want you to think and feel, you are all ready defeated and pose no threat. You are complacent and have given up all ready. The battle is over before it began with cowards like you. If they disarm the people, they can rule with no fear of reprisal...Who would the govt target with its bombs and missle if WE the people decided to rise against. The military is still made up of our CITIZENS, a large portion of the army would desert if it ever went down against US.
This right here, man. You remember that movie Fahrenheit 9/11 when the Marine recruiters went to the poorest neighborhoods in Detroit, Michigan to recruit soldiers? That's who compromises the foot soldiers of our military. Poor people. Asking poor people to kill their neighbors, family, and friends, and level their own neighborhoods would be counter productive. They wouldn't go for it.

You can fight the government with guns all you want. Enjoy being killed by a drone with your rifle in your hand. The government would hire contract shoulders to take you out. Like the government is already doing. The American people are why too divide by race, class, and prejudice to come together against the government.

All the races would go to war with each other before attacking government.
If drones are the answer, then why are we fighting a 10 year war in Afghanistan? I don't think there's enough drones to kill 300 million people in America, let alone the 10 million or so in Afghanistan. Also, speaking about guns, those peasant farmers in Afghanistan are putting up a pretty good fight, and all they have are rusty AKs, RPGs and IEDs. American citizens have access to even deadlier weapons, we could put up an impressive fight. That dude Tim McVeigh nearly leveled a federal building by himself. Imagine what armed communities throughout America could accomplish.

I thought we were discussing the U.S., what does Mexico have to with the gun debate here?
Mexico has strong gun restrictions. They're our nearest neighbor. There are 9 international bridges that connect El Paso to Juarez. To get to the other side, all you have to do is walk 50 feet across one of the 9 bridges.

Juarez was the most violent city in the world just a couple years ago. On the other hand, El Paso is considered the safest city in America. What is the difference? The populations are almost the same, since El Paso is about 80% Mexican or Mexican American. What other difference could there be? Could it be that our 2nd amendment and pro-gun culture has kept El Paso safe, while Juarez' gun restrictions have not?

Think about this: The armed wing of the Juarez Cartel is from El Paso, Texas. A prison gang called "Barrio Azteca" functions as the street muscle of the Juarez Cartel on BOTH sides of the border. Their leader is even a top 10 FBI fugitive. Why then are we not seeing the same violence they commit on the otherside, on our side of the border?

And one last thought: why don't American mainstream media outlets (MSNBC) report on Mexico's war on drugs? Is it because the war on drugs in Mexico will make their push for gun restrictions in America look foolish?We too are fighting a war on drugs, which kills more people than school massacres. FAR more people than all school massacres combined.


Apr 30, 2012
Mexico has strong gun restrictions. They're our nearest neighbor. There are 9 international bridges that connect El Paso to Juarez. To get to the other side, all you have to do is walk 50 feet across one of the 9 bridges.

Juarez was the most violent city in the world just a couple years ago. On the other hand, El Paso is considered the safest city in America. What is the difference? The populations are almost the same, since El Paso is about 80% Mexican or Mexican American. What other difference could there be? Could it be that our 2nd amendment and pro-gun culture has kept El Paso safe, while Juarez' gun restrictions have not?

Think about this: The armed wing of the Juarez Cartel is from El Paso, Texas. A prison gang called "Barrio Azteca" functions as the street muscle of the Juarez Cartel on BOTH sides of the border. Their leader is even a top 10 FBI fugitive. Why then are we not seeing the same violence they commit on the otherside, on our side of the border?

And one last thought: why don't American mainstream media outlets (MSNBC) report on Mexico's war on drugs? Is it because the war on drugs in Mexico will make their push for gun restrictions in America look foolish?We too are fighting a war on drugs, which kills more people than school massacres. FAR more people than all school massacres combined.

These cartels ain't stupid if they tried any shyt like they're doing in Mexico it'll fukk up their money. You really think the citizens of El Paso being armed is what's stopping them?


All Star
May 15, 2012
you sound like a ra ra guy. but you would be a dead ra ra guy before the war even kicked off. because you're not strategic. you're silly.

here's the deal. YES the missiles and some bombs will hit. they dont have to bomb everyone. just bomb a few black neighborhoods that no one cares about. and bam scare up the rest of whitee country.

no one said nuke your own country. all bombs are not nukes with radiation, etc.

drones can be armed as well.

the truth is, if it went down, the army is only controlled by those who choose to be controlled. this aint the movies. everyone has family, friends in the armed forces. everyone on here, knows someone close thats in the or has been in the armed forces or they know someone who knows someone who's in the armed forces. you infiltrate them from within. otherwise you will never win a fight with an arrow while i have a gun. you have an AR15, i got a tank. LOL at you hurting me. not going to happen. thats why you work it from within. then here comes to coup and country take back.

Thanks for taking what I said earlier and writing it back to me as if you are informing me on something. Again all the tech in the world still didnt win us the guerilla wars with insurgents thate we started fighting after Korea. You keep spouting off about how they have better tech and weapons and how we CANNOT win if they strike. Yet history and facts show all this military might has not been able to defeat a army that fights with small raids and skirmishes. As I said, we lost vietnam, WE did not win iraq or afghanistan and those wars are still going.
So for you to keep parroting, we cant beat them, they have better guns and tanks. Is 100% wrong, supported by facts and history.

Like the other guy, you have the mind state of a defeated, broken man. If it came down, you would not fight becuz you believe it cannt be won. You have been trained and therefore any tyrannical govt who did want to takeover has all ready won with people like you.

I dont care if i died in the opening salvo of the first strike. if my country went down that road. I would gladly give my life for the hopes of my people and family to be free.

Im sure you would be packing up your family and rushing them straight to the FEMA camp so you can be safe and taken care of.

Also, Not only am i not a NRA guy, I dont own any firearms, however, I fully understand why it was a right given to us and the purpose and meanining of which is was meant for.

Now child,what do you have to say when i give you facts, keep trying to label me based on what who you think i am or what i represent, and i will label you based on the things you are telling me your self.

This is fun

He doesn't get it. I love gun nuts. No logic, only rah rah bang bang and rhetoric :heh:

See above.


May 1, 2012
I cant see how many man with a pair of stones would be for being stripped of his right to own a nice weapon. Makes no sense. Once you lose that gun, its never coming back so if you go through a period of tyranny down the road say in 50 - 100 years your grandchildren/great grandchildren, are fukked!

When you give up that gun you're assuming its going to be all good, forever. You're basically saying you'll never have a need to fight ever again.

The Real

May 8, 2012
I cant see how many man with a pair of stones would be for being stripped of his right to own a nice weapon. Makes no sense. Once you lose that gun, its never coming back so if you go through a period of tyranny down the road say in 50 - 100 years your grandchildren/great grandchildren, are fukked!

When you give up that gun you're assuming its going to be all good, forever. You're basically saying you'll never have a need to fight ever again.

This thread and the bill weren't about stripping people of "nice guns," though. They were about background checks and assault weapons. Two dudes with guns just put an entire city on lockdown, and somehow idiots think better background checks for gun owners are bad.


May 1, 2012
This thread and the bill weren't about stripping people of "nice guns," though. They were about background checks and assault weapons. Two dudes with guns just put an entire city on lockdown, and somehow idiots think better background checks for gun owners are bad.

I dont think there was a need to put the city on lock down but white folks are scary so when shyt gets real they wanna go to defc0n 5 because someone got bytch slapped. They are using laws and events to chip away at gun rights until guns are illegal. This is why when countries want to get rid of guns, they do it gradually over the course of years and decades until the guns are gone.

Would the city have been put on lockdown if 2 white boys walked into a KFC in the hood and went ham with pistols? I doubt it seriously.


Jun 8, 2012
Thanks for taking what I said earlier and writing it back to me as if you are informing me on something. Again all the tech in the world still didnt win us the guerilla wars with insurgents thate we started fighting after Korea. You keep spouting off about how they have better tech and weapons and how we CANNOT win if they strike. Yet history and facts show all this military might has not been able to defeat a army that fights with small raids and skirmishes. As I said, we lost vietnam, WE did not win iraq or afghanistan and those wars are still going.
So for you to keep parroting, we cant beat them, they have better guns and tanks. Is 100% wrong, supported by facts and history.

Like the other guy, you have the mind state of a defeated, broken man. If it came down, you would not fight becuz you believe it cannt be won. You have been trained and therefore any tyrannical govt who did want to takeover has all ready won with people like you.

I dont care if i died in the opening salvo of the first strike. if my country went down that road. I would gladly give my life for the hopes of my people and family to be free.

Im sure you would be packing up your family and rushing them straight to the FEMA camp so you can be safe and taken care of.

Also, Not only am i not a NRA guy, I dont own any firearms, however, I fully understand why it was a right given to us and the purpose and meanining of which is was meant for.

Now child,what do you have to say when i give you facts, keep trying to label me based on what who you think i am or what i represent, and i will label you based on the things you are telling me your self.

This is fun

See above.
we're not from vietnam. you dont know the difference between the v's were were supporting and the ones we were not. all in their territory to boot. in addition you couldnt just carpet bomb the entire place because some were your allies.

IRAQ war we destroyed them. the rest of that war wasnt a war. its what i call police trying to capture criminals. again in their territory .. not ours. where you have a bunch of innocent women and children and men that are not involved within these areas. so you cant carpet bomb them to death either. Afghan.. worse terrain on earth. not our home country, again we're trying to fight people while they are within areas next to innocent people.

if the govvy turned on ALL OF US. there is no, we aint trying to harm innocent. there are no innocent. they could just as easily bomb an entire city. doing so wouldnt mean they hit their allies. they dont have any allies if the PEOPLE are the enemy. their only allies are other armed forces/soldiers. as long as you dont hit a base. you're good.

last but not least. they know this terrain WELL.

so what you're talking about is not relevant.

again if you want to WIN a war. not just keep them at bay for a time. but WIN. you do that from within. you get in control of the armed forces from within. you hit up your relatives. there is no military without us. unless of course they unleash the robot soldiers with the drones. then we're in for a tough one. lol.


Jun 8, 2012
I cant see how many man with a pair of stones would be for being stripped of his right to own a nice weapon. Makes no sense. Once you lose that gun, its never coming back so if you go through a period of tyranny down the road say in 50 - 100 years your grandchildren/great grandchildren, are fukked!

When you give up that gun you're assuming its going to be all good, forever. You're basically saying you'll never have a need to fight ever again.
and again. in 50- 100 years. your kids kids will be lasered to death in seconds. while you're still trying to pop off with your 22, 9, or a AR15. stop being silly. you have no chance. unless you infiltrate the forces by using your human connections to the people within those armed forces. thats THEE only way. stop dreaming thinking your little P shooter is going to hold off tanks, stealth bombers, and drones.

and lastly. dummies. if the govvy really want to take your guns. all they have to do is change the constitution. then what ya gone do? LOL at saying "but but they will take our guns" fools, if they wanted them that bad. they would change the law. and tell you to DEAL WITH IT. the war could jump off then.


May 1, 2012
and again. in 50- 100 years. your kids kids will be lasered to death in seconds. while you're still trying to pop off with your 22, 9, or a AR15. stop being silly. you have no chance. unless you infiltrate the forces by using your human connections to the people within those armed forces. thats THEE only way. stop dreaming thinking your little P shooter is going to hold off tanks, stealth bombers, and drones.

and lastly. dummies. if the govvy really want to take your guns. all they have to do is change the constitution. then what ya gone do? LOL at saying "but but they will take our guns" fools, if they wanted them that bad. they would change the law. and tell you to DEAL WITH IT. the war could jump off then.
You sound like a coward. :ufdup:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
NTM - urban crimes aren't affected by gun legislation. illegal weapons are easy to get, so background checks, gun bans, etc will just create urban situations, that only allow street people to be strapped.
:what: the stupidity exuded in this post is baffling. Did you read the shyt back to yourself before hitting submit?

The sole purpose of backround checks is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Guns are easy to get because there are no backround checks or laws in place to hold people accountable for where guns end up.

It's amazing that so many black people are in here applauding this bill being shot down. They only stopped the bill because it does effect us so much. The "this wouldn't have stopped sandy hook" argument comes from them, because they are only concerned with little white kids. Anything that has to do with helping little black kids gets blocked and slandered and you stupid nikkas in here promoting their argument.:snoop:

Got nikkas talking about "why don't Obama care about black issues this much"

:what: This IS a black issue. Our kids are the ones being shot down by illegal guns. That's why they don't want to pass this bill. Gun manufactures make millions of dollars off guns that end up in the hood killing our kids, and you stupid nikkas wanna protest something that could help that:mindblown:

The mind of a militant nikka is a very confused place:wow:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
And the "I need guns to protect myself from the goverment" argument is nonsense as well.

First off a tyranical goverment doesn't need to pass laws or need any support from its citizenry in order to become tyrannical. That's kinda the point. They would be going against the wishes of the people.

Second. They don't need a law to disarm the people. They control imports and gun manufacturers now. If they wanted to disarm the people they would just do it. No need in making a law about it, they would just forcibly remove guns from the hands of citizens. That's the type of thing a tyranical goverment does.

Third. Your argument is that gun control should be blocked cause the goverment might attack us, but it's the goverment who's blocking gun control:mindblown: they dont give a fukk about how you feel. If they wanted to take your weapons and attack they would be passing gun laws, not shutting them down.

The propaganda machine got y'all all confused. They don't give a fukk about your "right to bear arms" they make money when Americans are shooting each other up, then they tell you you're free, so you can continue to support your enslavement. nikkas need to wake up and see what really going on here.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
man :obama: kills me with his outrage. I can't stand it when cats who have 24 hour armed security don't seem to understand why the average person doesn't want ANY threat to their 2nd ammendment rights.

where was he when me and my daughter walked in the crib and it was nikkas in there taking my shyt???? couldn't even have a gun on me legally then, and everyone would have just been like :yeshrug: if I would have gotten shot while going in my own house.