Obama on Senate gun vote: 'A shameful day'


She's into malaka's, dino.
Mar 13, 2013
Let's be reality though...you can't stop crazy. You can put a million laws on the books and if someone wants to do something nuts, they gonna do it.

Crazy gonna Crazy.

Iv'e always said that we don't really have a gun problem, we have a people problem:manny:

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Was a dumb law, glad it got shot down .

You dudes who want to give up everything so you can feel safe at night make me sick.

You cant be 100% safe and i dont care what the goverment says, they cannot keep you safe. But go ahead and keep giving up your freedoms so you can FEEL safe,

:heh: Thought this was about background checks?

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
:russ: You don't even know what was in the bill, do you?

Do we not have background checks when purchasing firearms over the internet?:upsetfavre: I myself went through a background check when I purchased my 12 gauge off the net... Passing a law to require background checks for sites like armslist or gun shows isnt going to prevent a massacre from occurring... this bill was trash and wasted alot of time and resources for solving other major problems in this country


Jun 4, 2012
:what: If the US govt wanted to round people up right now they could do it effortlessly even with all the assault rifles we have. NO ONE is taking on the U.S national guards. NOBODY.

this aint the movies.

the only hope of preventing said round ups, is that our military is civil (not private) compared to alot of nations. so the people can have them stand down and they can, optionally. lot of people dont know about that.
People aren't talking about taking on the government in a str8 up war vs. the people situation. Basically, the majority of the military and guard members wouldn't go to war with the people and they would have to side w the people. This could happen because large amounts of people have arsenals and mass amounts of bullets (these arent the mass shooting nuts either) - these people keep lower than average low profiles.

The real fight is to prevent a slippery slop of fckkery legislation. There has to be a fight against this gun ban sh1t because eventually ideologues in the congress and misguided citizens are pushing for a complete ban that goes way past background checks.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better and the sad truth is that it will probably take yet another senseless shooting before people realize that there NEEDS to be stricter gun laws in this country.

Background checks? They could'nt at least agree to mental and background checks?

And fukk that ammunition shyt because a bullet is still a bullet and if some psycho wants to take some people out before they leave this earth, they're gonna do it. Making the clips smaller won't stop them.

The background checks I feel is just common decency considering the mass shootings we've had in the past 2-3 years. They owe it to those families at least. Background checks man at least that!

There are already background checks. Most people have to go through the FBI screen. The entire focus should be taken off guns completely and place on mental illness. The sad thing isn't the gun rights, and no one owes these families sh1t expect the shooters, the shooters families and school counselors... . in the majority of the mass shootings all the signs were there - people ignored the signs so they could turn around and blame it on guns and ammo.

NTM - urban crimes aren't affected by gun legislation. illegal weapons are easy to get, so background checks, gun bans, etc will just create urban situations, that only allow street people to be strapped.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
The Manchin-Toomey Bill was a toothless pile of crap which crakcs me up that even that couldn't get passed.
The bill doesn't cover anyone who got a concealed carry permti in the past 5 years; still leaves the gun show loophole in place; doesn't cover private gun sales; reduces the FBI window to block a sale from 72 hours to 48 hours; weakened the law against taking guns across state lines; would allow vets with "issues" to buy guns; and according to the ACLU this bill, if passed, would make it harder to get a national gun registry.

All this teeth gnashing and finger wagging that it failed is just priceless because it wouldn't have accomplished shyt either way. But it is still pretty funny that this Congress is so ridiculous that they won't even vote to push through something that enjoys overwhelming public support. And it drives home just how powerless Harry Reid is in his position as Majority Leader.


Jan 10, 2013
The whole new immigration discussion is also a joke. There is nothing wrong with the current immigration laws. They just need to enforce them.
Immigration laws are outdated. The easiest path to citizenship is through marriage. This leaves out lots of doctors and lawyers in the wind, which America painfully needs to compete on an international level.

Look how easy it is for anyone, including felons and fugitives to buy guns online
This brings up another discussion: should an ex-con that has served his time be denied constitutional rights (Voting, FAFSA, 2nd amendment, etc)??

This is indeed shameful. I wonder what catastrophe would have to take place for our elected officials to come to their senses. If children dying in a massacre isn't enough, then what will it take?
Move to Ciudad Juarez for a month if you want gun restrictions so badly.

That list is scary. It disturbs me how the government deals with dissent first by disarming it's citizenry.

"If I could have banned them all - 'Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns' - I would have!"

- Dianne Feinstein (Senator/California/Democrat)

:yeshrug: To be real. The whole point of having a gun to defend yourself from the government went out the door when this was created....Nuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The slave owning founding fathers couldn't predict the future. They would probably laugh at all the 2nd amendment gun nuts, if they knew about this......Nuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :heh::laff:
All the government have to do is annonce that they are going to be dropping bioweapons and chemicals from the sky if the citizens don't disarm themselves. And watch how many people will give up their guns.
Why would they nuke their own cities? Where do Senators and congresspeople come from? They come from your state, your city! They'd be killing their own families in the process. They'd also be legitimizing and justifying the cause for anti-gun restrictions.

How many bullets do you need? These muthafukkers act like they get attacked by hit squads like in Scarface on a daily basis. If you're not into moving tons of cocaine or living a life that puts you in constant danger I highly doubt you'll ever need thousands of rounds of ammunition.
Tell that to the people of North Mexico that are getting massacred by armed cartels. You think innocent people don't get extorted, kidnapped, and murdered in this cartel war?

:what: If the US govt wanted to round people up right now they could do it effortlessly even with all the assault rifles we have. NO ONE is taking on the U.S national guards. NOBODY.
In a guerrilla war, the army wouldn't stand a chance against a heavily armed populace, just like in Vietnam or Mogadishu. They'd have to start killing innocents by the thousands (probably what they did in Iraq), and then that would only help the pro-2nd amendment folks and their cause.


Jun 4, 2012
Fighting and pushing and crying to only allow the government to solely own the rifles, assault rifles, and automatic handguns in a nation... is like is like fcking a chick with aids because you feel like you need some p*ssy. Dumb as fck and is potentially dangerous in the long run.
As we stand right now, the government wouldn't be able to wipe out (or martial law) all US citizens because they would need the manpower to do that, and the majority of the military aren't even patriotic, only 1% of the patriotic know anything about combat, and most of those people aren't psychopaths that would kill random citizens (US - cuz they would murk those in foreign nations) for the flag.

We lose privacy and other rights every year -- why would we want voluntarily give up any other basics right, for any reason, without a fight?

Why do we fool ourselves into thinking that this sh1t will affect mass shootings and crazies killing random people?
Why do we fool ourselves into believing that legislation about guns will help urban and black - black violence - when anyone who knows, knows that those gun aren't going through checks.
why don't we focus on Early childhood education and mental illnesses (not just screens) instead of spending millions pushing for pointless gun bills n sh1t? Millions invested the right way in the hood, can prevent multiple murders - millions invested in weak failing bills - helps no one.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
@Morph I think it has to be selective. I don't see the point in keeping criminals from voting... I have some theories on that but no real proof to legitimize them. But I don't think violent criminals should have second amendment rights. Especially repeat offenders.
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Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better and the sad truth is that it will probably take yet another senseless shooting before people realize that there NEEDS to be stricter gun laws in this country.

Background checks? They could'nt at least agree to mental and background checks?

And fukk that ammunition shyt because a bullet is still a bullet and if some psycho wants to take some people out before they leave this earth, they're gonna do it. Making the clips smaller won't stop them.

The background checks I feel is just common decency considering the mass shootings we've had in the past 2-3 years. They owe it to those families at least. Background checks man at least that!

this shyt could backfire on them. they're rejecting fairly reasonable ideas, when plenty of people just want to see something done


All Star
May 30, 2012
Bay Area
Looking at the results, the outcome seams pretty predictable. Republicans altogether stayed along party lines and voted no. Democrats from hillbilly states like Alaska, Nevada had to vote no to remain in favor of their voting states.