Fast Money & Foreign Objects
Name calling already?
it's not like a I could quote, a quote. apparently copy paste, and emoticons are all you're good for?

Name calling already?
it's not like a I could quote, a quote. apparently copy paste, and emoticons are all you're good for?
no one is trying to take away guns from law abiding american citizens.
you've uttered a falsehood.
there is, by my count, no senator or congressional representative arguing that gun owners be disarmed.
this particular expansion of background checks would have made it more difficult for guns to be bought at trade shows and funneled into the hood, where most gun violence is taking place.
Bottom line is that like for all of the last 4 years Blue Dog Democrats bytched out and went against what the majority of the country wanted.
If the US govt wanted to round people up right now they could do it effortlessly even with all the assault rifles we have. NO ONE is taking on the U.S national guards. NOBODY.
this aint the movies.
the only hope of preventing said round ups, is that our military is civil (not private) compared to alot of nations. so the people can have them stand down and they can, optionally. lot of people dont know about that.
Thats not how it goes down when a corrupt government takes over. They disarm the people before they takeover. They dont want to be shooting out it out door to door with civilians all over. Thats a war they a organized military can never win. IE - see vietnam, iraq, afghanistan.
You see, once they disarm a people, they rule with pens and legislation. They dont need to shoot it out with you, cuz they can just come and take you away if you dont fall in line
Im not even a conspiracry guy, im just talking based on how it has gone down in history.
Was a dumb law, glad it got shot down .
You dudes who want to give up everything so you can feel safe at night make me sick.
You cant be 100% safe and i dont care what the goverment says, they cannot keep you safe. But go ahead and keep giving up your freedoms so you can FEEL safe,
I just watched the video with Obama talking about it and he is clearly mad, but it will only force some to keep backing themselves in a corner and continue to vote NO. You are going to live miserably thinking anything will get done in this country before Obama is out. He has angered and clearly helped put out the information that the other party is full of morons who have to lie and talk slick in order to get their ways. The Republicans convince the other idiots who continuously vote for them because most are not even fully educated enough to understand that their mom and pops republican party is vastly different to the republican party that is in there now.sad saw one of the fathers of one of the sandy hook victims speak
this congress is worthless and the Republicans are complete scumbags
Thats not how it goes down when a corrupt government takes over. They disarm the people before they takeover. They dont want to be shooting out it out door to door with civilians all over. Thats a war they a organized military can never win. IE - see vietnam, iraq, afghanistan.
You see, once they disarm a people, they rule with pens and legislation. They dont need to shoot it out with you, cuz they can just come and take you away if you dont fall in line
Im not even a conspiracry guy, im just talking based on how it has gone down in history.
Was a dumb law, glad it got shot down .
You dudes who want to give up everything so you can feel safe at night make me sick.
You cant be 100% safe and i dont care what the goverment says, they cannot keep you safe. But go ahead and keep giving up your freedoms so you can FEEL safe,
@ the idiot talking about people rounded up after they take their guns this wasn't about taking away peoples guns first all.
firearms are illegal in a lot of countries where they haven't rounded up and exterminated their citizenry(not that I would be opposed to that happening in America). Furthermore countries with guns laws are much more strict on background checks and licensing. I'd love to hear a serious argument against background checks.
Off the top of my head
Australia more or less
None of them killed their people!