Don Makaveli.
I guess African Americans do not know how to use politicians for their own political gain irregardless if their racist or not. Deporting undocumented aliens in America will dramatically help the African American community in particular, the poor class ,however, there are simple minded black people who will continue to undermine their own progress by Champion 4 illegal Mexicans who would have no problem reporting your black ass if the roles were reversed.- op says dudes are in their feeling but makes this thread
-op as for proof of trump being racist, get shown facts and moves goal post
-expect logic from napoleon brehs...the same idiot who said blacks need to be more patriotic
Misguided African Americans who either support keeping undocumented aliens here or fail to comprehend the benefits that come with them being deported,need to be tarred and feathered then beat into submission.
Why are you undermining your own progression? Donald Trump has a plan to open the workforce for American citizens who belong here. I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain logical reason to colonized African Americans who will put other people's interests before their own.