Not trolling. Dead ass serious. Has Trump explicitly shytted on black people during his campaign?

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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
- op says dudes are in their feeling but makes this thread

-op as for proof of trump being racist, get shown facts and moves goal post
-expect logic from napoleon brehs...the same idiot who said blacks need to be more patriotic
I guess African Americans do not know how to use politicians for their own political gain irregardless if their racist or not. Deporting undocumented aliens in America will dramatically help the African American community in particular, the poor class ,however, there are simple minded black people who will continue to undermine their own progress by Champion 4 illegal Mexicans who would have no problem reporting your black ass if the roles were reversed.

Misguided African Americans who either support keeping undocumented aliens here or fail to comprehend the benefits that come with them being deported,need to be tarred and feathered then beat into submission.

Why are you undermining your own progression? Donald Trump has a plan to open the workforce for American citizens who belong here. I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain logical reason to colonized African Americans who will put other people's interests before their own.


May 17, 2014
trump is just another example of blacks fighting someone else's battles.

Rather continuing to put pressure on hillary or bernie to suit their agenda, they're off protesting someone that isnt even thinking of them.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
trump is just another example of blacks fighting someone else's battles.

Rather continuing to put pressure on hillary or bernie to suit their agenda, they're off protesting someone that isnt even thinking of them.

Other people's battle?

Fukk you.

Hillary had over 30 years to help black people instead she decided to support mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent offenses like selling weed.

Which has caused the incarceration of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of black men. The battle of illegal immigration is a fight for the entire country so for you to ask why are black people fighting other people's battle,doesn't make sense. Illegal immigration affects black people more so than any other group in this country ,therefore,the battle is for black people to fight. But since you're a good little colonized former slave, giving Hillary Clinton or democrats- who mislead black people for 30 years- a pass is embedded in your genetic code.

Edit:Fukk outta here.
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Nov 3, 2015
no, he hasnt

white people who hated blacks before, during, and after his campaign, have populated his rallies. trump didnt change that one way or the other. they would be racists if donald trump was never born

he hasnt said anything worse than calling blacks "super predators", and if he has, im all ears :ehh: what was it?

idk if anyone is watching whillary clinton debate right now, but im trying not to fukkin puke

edit: that retweet^^^ i remember that. that was some bullshyt. i doubt he runs his own twitter but that still represented him

  • He spent money and time trying to reinstate the death penalty specifcally for the central 5 case, 5 black males he wanted put to death and they were exonerated and all innocent.

  • Actions speak louder than words, he wanted NYC to reinstate the death penalty in 1989 imagine the effect if he was successful. How many people young black males would be dead?

  • He was sued by the Justice dept for refusing to rent to black people.

  • One of his campaign promises is mandatory death penalty for anyone involved in the killing of a Cop. Mandatory meaning that no matter the circumstances around the crime if accused of killing a cop (not even if you did it or not but accused) can get you a lethal injection.

  • “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that... I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.’’A quote from Mr Trump

  • He's proposing Tax Cuts on the wealthiest Americans. Literally wants to bring back Reaganomics.

  • He wants to repeal Obamacare, 23 million people which obv includes black are now insured because the Prexisting cdtns mandate. A lot of genetic diseases are found in black people like sickle cell. You think they dont deserve insurance? They have it now because of Obamacare but you feel that voting for a person that wants to repeal it is better for black people than voting for Hilary who is in favor of expanding it and working on solutions to the costs???

  • and 30% of Muslims are black, a large portion of African countries are Muslim. So his ban on Muslim immigration will prevent them from entering the US to meet their family etc.

Trying to compare Hilary to Trump and acting like a Hilary presidency will ever be close to as disastrous as a Trump presidency, is such a great example of White privilege. Like bruh you have blinders on to the shyt trump says because it will not harm you.

All the trump supporters in this thread need to understand beyond what politicans say, but what they propose and the outcomes

@ThreeLetterAgency @LuckyLibra619
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
He spent money and time trying to reinstate the death penalty specifcally for the central 5 case, 5 black males he wanted put to death and they were exonerated and all innocent.

Actions speak louder than words, he wanted NYC to reinstate the death penalty in 1989 imagine the effect if he was successful. How many people young black males would be dead?

He was sued by the Justice dept for refusing to rent to black people.

One of his campaign promises is mandatory death penalty for anyone involved in the killing of a Cop. Mandatory meaning that no matter the circumstances around the crime if accused of killing a cop (not even if you did it or not but accused) can get you a lethal injection.

“A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that... I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.’’

A quote from Mr Trump

He's proposing Tax Cuts on the wealthiest Americans. Literally wants to bring back Reaganomics.

He wants to repeal Obamacare, 23 million people which obv includes black are now insured because the Prexisting cdtns mandate. A lot of genetic diseases are found in black people like sickle cell. You think they dont deserve insurance? They have it now because of Obamacare but you feel that voting for a person that wants to repeal it is better for black people than voting for Hilary who is in favor of expanding it and working on solutions to the costs???

and 30% of Muslims are black, a large portion of African countries are Muslim. So his ban on Muslim immigration will prevent them from entering the US to meet their family etc.

Trying to compare Hilary to Trump and acting like a Hilary presidency will ever be close to as disastrous as a Trump presidency, is such a great example of White privilege. Like bruh you have blinders on to the shyt trump says because it will not harm you.

If this is the only evidence you have, its pathetic at the very least. The central 5 case is one situation that you're conveniently pointing out, however, I can point out a three-decade history of the Democrat Party breaking the black family, mass incarcerating nonviolent black men who we're selling weed, reducing the black population by half through abortion,and taking the black vote for granted for the past 30 years.

Within the past 30 years, the black condition has not changed in America especially when you look at the unemployment rate, incarceration rate, as well as the academic achievement rate. Nonetheless, it's like black Americans don't make these logical assessments instead we ignore the three-decade track record the Democrats have shown us then talk about how racist Republicans are.

Republicans along with other non-democratic whites are laughing at black people because for the past 30 years you've supported Democrats at a 90% rate but have nothing but broken families dysfunctional neighborhoods,and a fukked-up system of priorities.

I will continue to point out how dumb and stupid idiotic black people like you are because you are the problem who keeps black folks in the same predicament decade after decade.
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May 17, 2014
Other people's battle?

Fukk you.

Hillary had over 30 years to help black people instead she decided to support mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent offenses like selling weed.

Which has caused the incarceration of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of black men. The battle of illegal immigration is a fight for the entire country so for you to ask why are black people fighting other people's battle,doesn't make sense. Illegal immigration affects black people more so than any other group in this country ,therefore,the battle is for black people to fight. But since you're a good little colonized former slave, giving Hillary Clinton or democrats- who mislead black people for 30 years- a pass is embedded in your genetic code.

Edit:Fukk outta here.
are you fukking dumb?

1. Blacks protesting Trump's battle against illegal immigration helps them, how? Like you said, blacks are hurt by illegals, so explain how fighting Trump isnt an example of fighting someone else's battle?

2. Blacks are voting Dem no matter what. All the energy fighting Trump should be spent on pressuring the only two candidates they're going to vote for.

3. Bernie voted for the bill


Nov 3, 2015
If this is the only evidence you have, its pathetic at the very least. The central 5 case is one situation that you're conveniently pointing out, however, I can point out a three-decade history of the Democrat Party breaking the black family, Mass incarcerating nonviolent black men who we're selling weed, reducing the black population by half abortion through abortion in taking the black vote for granted for the past 30 years.

Within the past 30 years the black condition has not changed America especially when you look at the unemployment rate incarceration rate as well as the academic achievement rate. None the less, it it's like you don't make these types of Assessments instead you ignore the three-decade track record the Democrats have shown then talk about how racist Republicans are. Republicans along with other non-democratic whites are laughing at black people because for the past 30 years you've supported Democrats at a 90% rate but have nothing but broken families dysfunctional neighborhoods in a fukked-up system of priorities.

I will continue to point out how dumb and stupid idiotic black people like you are because you are the problem who keeps black folks in the same predicament decade after decade.
When did I say the democratic party is great, or perfect?

Strategic voting is not only about what you can gain, but minimizing losses.

The democratic party needs to improve but you are a fool if you vote for the party that is renowned for the Southern Strategy, the party that tricks black voters to make sure they dont vote, the party that demonizes every single protest black ppl do. The party that supported Zimmerman and Wilson, the party that flies the Confederate Flag, the party that wants to repeal laws that protect black ppl from discrimination when it comes to mortgages and loans. The party that is blatantly hypocritical and values white supremacy above everything.(You'd think Republicans were pro gun until you see them enacting Gun Laws to prevent the black panthers from carrying), the party responsible for the war on drugs and the devastation that lead after. The party that wants to cut funding to education (which schools do you think will be effected by cuts to Public education, obv the ones in Black areas.) And above all else, economically disastrous for people in poverty who rely on social benefits and assistance to get by.

Minimizing losses. I'd vote for Hilary even if it meant stagnation for 4 years because its better than voting Trump and being devastated and set back decades.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
are you fukking dumb?

1. Blacks protesting Trump's battle against illegal immigration helps them, how? Like you said, blacks are hurt by illegals, so explain how fighting Trump isnt an example of fighting someone else's battle?

2. Blacks are voting Dem no matter what. All the energy fighting Trump should be spent on pressuring the only two candidates they're going to vote for.

3. Bernie voted for the bill
1. As long as undocumented aliens stay in America, black Americans will be placed on the back burner while both political parties pander for their Hispanic votes. How is it hard for you to see this? No other country allows millions of undocumented aliens into their country to take the positions of native-born citizens?But since you don't have a clear understanding of nation-building you will allow anybody to come across your border and before you know it,an idiot like you will not have a country.

2. Democrats don't truly respect the black vote, in fact, they rather be more aligned with the Hispanic vote since black Americans have been cast aside which explains why you see the conditions within the black community remained the same for the past 30 years. Do you understand how voting works? Why continue to vote for a political party that has not delivered any type of sustainable Improvement among the lives of the people?

The dysfunction you see within the black community today is directly tied to the policies of the Democratic Party.

Indeed, I know black Americans will continue to blindly support Hillary Clinton and that is why I am going to continue to explain how stupid and dumb black Americans are and why the poor deserve everything that they get. When you fail to realize reality which is that the Democrat Party has done nothing to help the black condition,you live in a fantasy world.

3.Fukk Bernie,he does no support deporting undocumented aliens who should not be here.
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May 17, 2014
1. As long as undocumented aliens stay in America, black Americans will be placed on the back burner while both political parties pander for their Hispanic votes. How is it hard for you to see this? No other country allows millions of undocumented aliens into their country to take the positions of native-born citizens?But since you don't have a clear understanding of nation-building you will allow anybody to come across your border and before you know it,an idiot like you will not have a country.

2. Democrats don't truly respect the black vote, in fact, they rather be more aligned with the Hispanic vote since black Americans have been cast aside which explains why you see the conditions within the black community remained the same for the past 30 years. Do you understand how voting works? Why continue to vote for a political party that has not delivered any type of sustainable Improvement among the lives of the people?

The dysfunction you see within the black community today is directly tied to the policies of the Democratic Party.

Indeed, I know black Americans will continue to blindly support Hillary Clinton and that is why I am going to continue to explain how stupid and dumb black Americans are and why the poor deserve everything that they get. When you fail to realize reality which is that the Democrat Party has the nothing to help the black social deserve the condition,you live in

3.Fukk Bernie,he does no support deporting undocumented aliens who should not be here.
you're a fukking idiot. I'm done with you becuase you cant read.

I never argued that blacks shouldnt fight against illegals - IT WAS MY WHOLE POINT that fighting Trump isnt their battle, and it's the Hispanics job to do that.


Nov 3, 2015
yall nikkas asking what has Obama or the democrats done for Black ppl need to research Dodd Frank which was all Obama.

Part of the Dodd Frank act is making predatory lending illegal by creating a regulatory bureau.

"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is supposed to prevent predatory mortgage lending and make it easier for consumers to understand the terms of a mortgage before finalizing the paperwork. It prevents mortgage brokers from earning higher commissions for closing loans with higher fees and/or higher interest rates, and says that mortgage originators cannot steer potential borrowers to the loan that will result in the highest payment for the originator."

This is so major cuz of what happened during the recession.

"The study points to predatory loans that put owners into homes with high-interest mortgages and unaffordable balloon payment structures—where they then defaulted as home values collapsed—a practice that was disproportionately perpetrated against the poor and communities of color. Even for upper-income black households, subprime financing was still much more common than it was among low-income white households"

"The ACLU points to a report from the Department of Treasury which found that black families living in upper-income neighborhoods were two times more likely than white households in lower-income neighborhoods to have refinanced their homes with subprime loans. The report also notes that black and Latino households were nearly 50 percent more likely to face foreclosure than their white counterparts."

The devastation from the Recession will take much longer than 8 yrs to fix. Yall talkinn about Obama didnt do shyt because there's been no improvement but thats for everyone. For all families — white, black and Hispanic — median wealth is still less than its pre-recession level. Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession

The Dodd Frank act is crucial because it prevents anything like the 2008 recession from happening again and limits the potential for banks to fukk over everyone

The entire republican party supports repealing it. Including Trump.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
When did I say the democratic party is great, or perfect?

Strategic voting is not only about what you can gain, but minimizing losses.

The democratic party needs to improve but you are a fool if you vote for the party that is renowned for the Southern Strategy, the party that tricks black voters to make sure they dont vote, the party that demonizes every single protest black ppl do. The party that supported Zimmerman and Wilson, the party that flies the Confederate Flag, the party that wants to repeal laws that protect black ppl from discrimination when it comes to mortgages and loans. The party that is blatantly hypocritical and values white supremacy above everything.(You'd think Republicans were pro gun until you see them enacting Gun Laws to prevent the black panthers from carrying), the party responsible for the war on drugs and the devastation that lead after. The party that wants to cut funding to education (which schools do you think will be effected by cuts to Public education, obv the ones in Black areas.) And above all else, economically disastrous for people in poverty who rely on social benefits and assistance to get by.

Minimizing losses. I'd vote for Hilary even if it meant stagnation for 4 years because its better than voting Trump and being devastated and set back decades.
The Democrat Party had 30 years to improve and they haven't, you dumbass.Has the black condition improved in the past 30 years?

Fukk outta here.

Even though black Americans have faithfully voted for Democrat for the past 30 years,you still see the social dysfunction, dependency and, victimhood mentality that prevents African Americans from being successful in this country.

Why do logical people change or make adjustments to their political philosophy if their social, economic and personal condition,haven't changed in the past 30 years? Most logical people, make assessments after every 5 to 10 years of their condition then ask themselves have I been given the right advice or as my condition improved ?If not, they make changes. Black Americans should have made those changes years ago after we realized the political philosophy we've been following for the past 30 years has not improved living conditions.

Nonetheless, I have misguided black people like you who would like to hold out hope for the Democrats for another 30 years hoping they change or improve, fukk you.
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