New York Squatter Gets The Homeowner Arrested For Changing Locks 😭😭😭😭

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
shyt like this made me moved closer to the right. If the law changes in the favor of the property owner I can see the libs talking about "the rich is kicking out tenets when they have no where to go!". These are loopholes that needs to be patched up. My hispanic friend from high-school use to jump from living house to house every year. I asked him one day why that's the case and he straight up told me his fam pays the initial rent deposit then they would refuse to pay and ride it out as long as they can and move before the owner goes through the eviction process. He also said somthing about there being a law that they cant cant get kicked out during the winter months which extends their stay. That whole fam did a rinse and repate for years. I figured it was somthing seeing as his mom was a single parent and was only a housekeeper and survived with 4 kids.
fukking despicable.

Mike Ock

All Star
Jul 8, 2012
The World, but from BK
Man when I was single and had a 2 bedroom in Brooklyn, I sublease a room to this dude I met via a girl I used to mess with. He was paying the rent then after like a few months stopped paying his half then kept giving me excuses. I had a hookup on the place and was paying cheap rent, but he didn't know. So after 2 months of him not paying his half and he had more excuses, I had to let him know he had to leave. I wrote a letter and gave it to him regarding a 30 day notice to leave and thought that would be it. I thought I was all good and that I can just bring him to court and he would get kicked out. Nope, come to find out I had to fill out a package of paperwork from the court, have someone else aside of myself to serve him. And if he was found guilty to leave, I'd have to give him 60 days to find a place while living with me rent free. Dude started avoiding me in the apt and wouldn't open his bedroom door to get served. I had a friend hangout in the house to serve him when he came out his room. After a week of him not leaving his room, I said fuk it and just kicked his door open. Dude left sometime during that week without me knowing and left a radio and his fukin light on the whole time. I was thinking he was home that while time. I think he was trying to avoid the law. Anyway after that I vowed to never invest in a rental property in NYC. Ended buying a row house as rental property in Baltimore with my sis. We've had a good tenant for almost a year.


All Star
Jun 2, 2012
Saw this story of a guy who made a business of squatting on the squatters.

Home owners contact him when they have a squatter they can’t get rid of. They have a fake lease, utilities on etc. the cops will not do anything. It’s a civil matter

What he does is gets a legit lease from the actual
Homeowner. Waits until the squatters leave the house then he moves in :mjlol: Puts all of their shyt out on the street. They come back and are of course outraged. He dares them to call the cops. Most don’t. They take the L and move on. The ones that do then have to show the cops their lease. He shows them his and also has the homeowner come up there with the deed

WTF? :russ: Are you serious? Who is this?


Sep 12, 2015
Which is the exact attitude which is pushed to ensure that the racial wealth gap will never, ever go away. I think everyone deserves a birthright to a place to live. You think only the children of the rich are owed that.

We live in a country where White people used slavery, segregation, and a host of other bullshyt to accumulate virtually all of the assets. And now that 90% of the nation's assets are controlled by White people, they don't even have to use direct racism to ensure White control anymore. They can just create laws that make it easy for property owners to profit solely by owning land, while those without property are fukked over by high costs and find it impossible to build for their families because all their extra income goes to providing a profit for wealthy landowners. They can just create laws that ensure "their heirs have a birthright to their estate", so that people who did literally nothing to accumulate that capital get to be born on 3rd base, and carry on the legacy of fukking over the people who actually work hard but can't build because they didn't get the same birthright.

Of course, there are always exceptions, and both wealthy capitalists and bootlickers love pointing to those exceptions to try to deny that the system works the way it does. But exceptions don't disprove reality. The fact is, we now live in a system where the rich can profit solely by owning capital, and the poor lose money solely because they lack capital, and thus the rich get richer while the poor get poorer and the racial wealth gap grows. You wish to perpetuate that system and I wish to correct it.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
shyt like this made me moved closer to the right. If the law changes in the favor of the property owner I can see the libs talking about "the rich is kicking out tenets when they have no where to go!". These are loopholes that needs to be patched up. My hispanic friend from high-school use to jump from living house to house every year. I asked him one day why that's the case and he straight up told me his fam pays the initial rent deposit then they would refuse to pay and ride it out as long as they can and move before the owner goes through the eviction process. He also said somthing about there being a law that they cant cant get kicked out during the winter months which extends their stay. That whole fam did a rinse and repate for years. I figured it was somthing seeing as his mom was a single parent and was only a housekeeper and survived with 4 kids.
What does this have to do with left or right?

y’all find every reason to be c00ns

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The fact that @Jean Jacket won't even admit how many properties he owns shows that he knows it would disadvantage him in the conversation. He keeps bringing up hypotheticals of the "non-rich landlord" or the "hardworking person who buys a separate property", but that's not who he is or who he is trying to protect. He's trying to protect the 1%.

Why do assume all landlords gouge people

Every landlord who profits off of a poorer person's inability to own their own home is literally taking a poorer person's wages and using them to augment their own bank account, without doing the work themselves.

You admit to owning a great number of properties, meaning you do relatively little work for each one. But every one of those people needs to work all month just to pay you off for merely owning a place. They do all the work, but only you get to build wealth.

It's a transactional relationship. I provide a service/product that we both agree on.

It's an uneven power dynamic they only agree to because they're too poor to resist the landowners. They would never agree to build your wealth and fund your legacy at their own expense if they weren't desperate to live somewhere.

There is literally no way I can "prevent others from owning assets"...

When you charge them significantly more than it costs you, you prevent them from building wealth, so they can never own their own assets. With as many properties as you now own, you clearly have been charging a LOT more than your costs in order to be able to build to this point.

And when you push for laws that favor landowners over tenants, you make it easier for other landowners to prevent renters from building assets too.

Forget individual exceptions. In a system where every economic transaction (landowners/rents, loaners/debtors , owners/employees) is designed to favor the profits of the wealthy non-worker over the poorer worker, how can the wealth gap do anything BUT increase?


Dec 25, 2014
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
The fact that @Jean Jacket won't even admit how many properties he owns shows that he knows it would disadvantage him in the conversation. He keeps bringing up hypotheticals of the "non-rich landlord" or the "hardworking person who buys a separate property", but that's not who he is or who he is trying to protect. He's trying to protect the 1%.

Every landlord who profits off of a poorer person's inability to own their own home is literally taking a poorer person's wages and using them to augment their own bank account, without doing the work themselves.

You admit to owning a great number of properties, meaning you do relatively little work for each one. But every one of those people needs to work all month just to pay you off for merely owning a place. They do all the work, but only you get to build wealth.

It's an uneven power dynamic they only agree to because they're too poor to resist the landowners. They would never agree to build your wealth and fund your legacy at their own expense if they weren't desperate to live somewhere.

When you charge them significantly more than it costs you, you prevent them from building wealth, so they can never own their own assets. With as many properties as you now own, you clearly have been charging a LOT more than your costs in order to be able to build to this point.

And when you push for laws that favor landowners over tenants, you make it easier for other landowners to prevent renters from building assets too.

Forget individual exceptions. In a system where every economic transaction (landowners/rents, loaners/debtors , owners/employees) is designed to favor the profits of the wealthy non-worker over the poorer worker, how can the wealth gap do anything BUT increase?

Let's try it this way...

1. I don't have a portfolio of properties. Every house I rent...I've lived in as a primary residence. (I don't feel the need to share my personal assets with you). I have the resources to either do the maintenance myself or pay for repairs. I'm not a slumlord and would be offended if I actually knew you.

2. Not every renter is poor. Why why why are you holding on to that mindset? I have no power over anyone.

3. I don't price gouge. I keep the rent where people can actually afford to pay for it... I screen people and check their work history and background. I don't set unrealistic rent or want squatters or to evict anybody. I don't charge people extra to break their lease. If it's not working....give me 30 days.

4. Squatting and intruding is illegal. That's what most people want to rectify.

5. Unethical housing practices are illegal. Most people want to rectify.

It appears to me that you believe every landlord is unethical for some reason.

Home ownership is a key element of generating wealth and equity and stability for your family.

If you have a problem with that, then conversation over.

Real estate speculation and corporate monopoly is wrong and does create artificial inflation and price gouging. I agree.

Go after those people and leave the little guys like me alone.


All Star
Jun 2, 2012

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
You admit to owning a great number of properties, meaning you do relatively little work for each one. But every one of those people needs to work all month just to pay you off for merely owning a place. They do all the work, but only you get to build wealth.
listen to this communist :mjlol:

what the fukk do you know about the work he did to acquire those properties?
Last edited:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
It is extremely difficult to get a man to understand something when his wealth depends on him not understanding it.

You keep trying to deflect to "your renters", while ignoring that earlier in the conversation you were advocating for the rights of all landlords. As I keep pointing out, you're willing to fight to maintain a system that enriches all landlords at the expense of all non-landlords, solely so your personal situation remains advantageous.

1. I don't have a portfolio of properties. Every house I rent...I've lived in as a primary residence. (I don't feel the need to share my personal assets with you).

It's a well-known tax dodge by flippers to claim a place as a primary residence for a set period of time before moving on to a new "primary residence", which often enables them to avoid certain taxes in the purchase and sales of such properties. I have no way of knowing whether you've done this or not, and obviously am not going to take your word for it.

There's a clear reason that you refuse over and over to answer the question of how many properties you actually own. You seem to consider it the most important piece of information in this entire conversation, because you keep offering up everything except that number and purposely created fake hypotheticals where you only own 2 properties, though we know that's not the case.

2. Not every renter is poor.

Not every renter, but the large majority of people would own rather than rent if they had a choice.

Why why why are you holding on to that mindset? I have no power over anyone.

Total bullshyt.

3. I don't price gouge. I keep the rent where people can actually afford to pay for it...

How could you have built up such a large portfolio if you weren't charging them significantly more than it costs you?

All you're saying is that you charge them everything they can afford to spare, so that they can't build because all their extra income is going to you. With the rents you charge, can they "afford" to build a nest egg large enough for a down payment so they no longer need to enrich you with rents? Can they "afford" to send their kids to the same school as yours?

Go after those people and leave the little guys like me alone.

How many properties do you own? Answer that question before you exempt yourself from criticism.

Regardless, I have done NOTHING to go after your properties. I can't go after your properties. I am advocating for a new system, one that stops the wealthy from exploiting the poor. You've made clear, unsurprisingly, that you will not be part of the Revolution.