Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Raping Former Student


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
A whole lot of men have raped and molested a whole lot of women.
It’s not “new” most women have been quite aware of this, men act shocked and surprised that sexual assault is this incredibly common.
There’s an entire thread where posters were talking about how they used to essentially molest their classmates and would be “in trouble” if they were “apart of this generation” implying “PC culture” that calls out shytty men wouldn’t tolerate their behavior.
Only thing I'll say about that is I was genuinely shocked (then pissed,then ashamed) when I found out how prevalent the problem was..


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
How does one go about proving you're not guilty of rape 3 decades later? Especially with that kind of generic story.

Extremely difficult. Now compound that with the Internet era (Everyone and their mother can see all this transpire) and even IF you clear your name in court, you will still be guilty in too many folk's eyes.

That is why I don't assume anything about cases like these, people don't want to admit how easy it is to lie about something like this. I hate that it makes it hard for the real victims to speak up, but I rarely hear anyone calling out the liars.

Rape is such a loaded word, it makes doing anything about it difficult. Emotions start flying, folks take sides, and it always get ugly. So I dunno.

I feel like if anyone lies about Rape, they should get serious jail time. Once there is some accountability on that front, I think we can tackle the real cases. Instead of a public witch hunt.

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
Okay at this point I gotta call bullshyt. There seems to be a calculated effort goin on behind the scenes.. Three times a week on average there's another "accusation" headline specifically targeting men of high stature; as if a janitor or store manager never did something to get put in this position. That's not the point though. There's some real twisted shyt goin on in this country now that they dont want us focusing on or something.

I dont really care how this makes me look at this point but I dont and will not believe this bullshyt. Something's up, and I think we all can see the pattern forming right before our eyes. This might be the next big way for women to come up in America once it is normalized into our psyche. With divorce rates skyrocketing and marriage on the decline that ole alimony/child support hustle is gonna dry up. Now women will be able to just make unsubstantiated claims and ruin your whole life unless you pay up or decide to ruin it anyway and parlay the rape survivor routine into a "brand". While actual rape victims continue to have their cries fall on deaf ears because too many people cried wolf in an attempt to pimp their pain.

stranger things have already happened. If this is indeed where we're headed as a country and more toxic women catch on to this, men and women relationships will erode like a muhfukker.

Dont read my shyt as some rape apologist BS either, I dont stand for that shyt AT ALL; But we gotta stop shooting down talks that maybe...Just maybe some of these accusations are straight bullshyt fueled by an agenda. I dont claim to know what the end game of all this shyt is but cotdamn people are eating this shyt up without a second thought.

The internet has become the modern coliseum of Rome where we dont give a damn about facts, circumstances or conspiracy as long as we can stay entertained by other people's pain.

It's possible that the accused actually did that shyt, but half of this shyt seems suspect. Whenever there's a strong trend in the media news cycle i get suspicious particularly in regards hot button topics that can be easily politicized.

The Main stream media's morality is dubious at best; Am I suposed to believe the MSM really cares about the injustice of rape when last year, all I saw was the MSM doing mental gymnastics to justify why cops were droppin brothas left and right with impunity. nah fukk that. I'm sorry to any real victims in advance but its half a grain of salt from here on out regarding anything coming from the MSM.

Lemme stop before I go full super ascended tinfoil.....
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All Star
Nov 18, 2016
^^^ and this is part of the reason I feel people who claim false rape should face hard time:yeshrug:

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
If this is true, nothing will happen because the case is decades old, but credibility damage may be sustained.
If this isn’t true, he needs to drop a bomb team of lawyers into this case.
NDT is definitely one of the people who proved to me as a child that a career in astrophysics and astronomy was possible. I hope this isn’t true.

why are you defendin NDT?


Nov 12, 2014
Extremely difficult. Now compound that with the Internet era (Everyone and their mother can see all this transpire) and even IF you clear your name in court, you will still be guilty in too many folk's eyes.

That's the snap-back at work. Men (as a group) have no one else to blame. It's just like 'playing the race card' complaints. Even if the 'race card' is being used advantageously so what?? Who created the card in the first place? Likewise if men hadn't been 'accosting' women for centuries the current 'witch hunt' would not exist. Now it is true that the current generation are not to blame for 'centuries' but had this been aired and stopped 20/30/40 years ago there would be little to no case to answer today.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Raping a Former Student


Samsung Soundbar: Don’t Sell Your TV Short

I am only reporting allegations, and not encouraging anyone to presume Tyson’s guilt. In fact, I firmly believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, and this is no exception. I am only delivering the relevant information from the perspectives of the parties involved.
Since the downfall of Harvey Weinstein, the movie producer who has been accused of sexual harassment or assault by more than 40 women, people all around the world have come forward to call out abuse by men in power. The most recent name on that list is popular astrophysicist and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Last week, a journalist writing for Medium listed Tyson as a “screen celebrity” who had been accused of “rape.” As a fan of Tyson’s activism and writing, and someone who has met him in person (I also quote him several times in my new book, No Sacred Cows), I decided to delve deeper into the allegation and tell the whole story (as it has been reported from both sides).

Who is she?
The accuser is Tchiya Amet, a “musician, healer, and teacher” who says she studied Galactic Astronomy in the graduate program at the University of Texas in Austin and she wanted to become the first black female astronaut. In a blog post in October 2014, she claimed she was a grad student at the same time Tyson was there, and that he drugged and raped her.



Left, a photo of Amet from her public Facebook page. Right, a picture she says is Tyson in 1984 in his apartment, where the alleged assault took place.
Amet said the alleged assault started when she went to his apartment to visit, like she did almost every day.

He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today.

I know this will be difficult for many of you to believe, understand or to know. However, know that this is the truth. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I lived with undiagnosed PTSD of [at] least 25 years.

She also said Tyson was the reason she didn’t further pursue her dream of reaching the stars and becoming a full-fledged astrophysicist, and accused him of telling students they could pass Astronomy 101 if they gave him a blow job.

He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson…

How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less [black] female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?

This isn’t the first time this particular allegation has been reported. Hontas Farmer of Science 2.0 posted about Amet’s story last year, saying the original story was “met with over a year of solid deafening silence.” She added that the “overall story is very plausible.”

This sounds just like what Bill Cosby was accused of and his accusers are more or less uniformly believed in the popular press and by the general public…

That was something young men did way too often. My mother still reminds me to watch my drink when I go out with anyone…

Tchiya Amet accepted a seemingly innocuous cup of water from her host, a man she respected and trusted. Then, he violated that trust and her body in the most invasive way possible.

I have absolutely no idea if any of this is true, and neither Amet nor Tyson responded to my requests for comment, but it is a formal accusation and as such it deserves to be investigated. If you have any more information on this alleged incident, or you have a similar story involving Tyson, please feel free to leave it in the comments or email me at

Read more at Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Raping a Former Student

Her Blog - End the Silence, End the Violence Chapter 6: Austin, Texas 1983-1984: I Survived RAPE by Neil de Grasse Tyson; The Blue Lotus Speaks!
Writer starts of like
I am only reporting allegations, and not encouraging anyone to presume Tyson’s guilt.

Minutes later
How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less [black] female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU.‘


That is just odd. Could this writer have a personal issue (grudge) and use the Weinstein scandal as a way to get negative attention on someone he hates?

Not saying this could not have happened obviously, but that is very off. So far all I see is hearsay, a vague photo and an account that has me confused ‘I drank a liquid and temporarily regained consciousness..’ you.. were unconscious, drank and regained consciousnes?

It’s all pretty odd..

That said: meny man in power abuse their positions we should take allegations serious