Marcus Garvey Wrote a Letter to White Supremacist Earnest Cox Calling Negros Lazy


Apr 15, 2013
"But by 1920, A. Philip Randolph and other black leaders, some of whom had supported Garvey after his arrival in the United States, came to believe that Garvey's program for black advancement was unsound, and that Garvey himself was a charlatan".

This the exact same shyt that happened to King and Malcolm X. :pachaha:

You do understand that you had people during those times, who believed we were this close ><, to having peace with the white race..

So any move that may disrupt that dream of harmony with the white man, they fight against that.. And this tactic was clear with Dr. King, because after the civil rights act was passed, the preachers was satisfied. But when King wanted to deal with black poverty and "getting our check", those same preachers turned against him..

And as far as him working with the Klan.. I don't know how true that is.. All I know is this woman who's promoting this narrative, gets real mad when the white establishment doesn't acknowledge her.. She says he works with the Klan, while she's dying to work with the Klan in different garments..

I mean you can throw Garvey in the bushes all you want.. But please believe that the same people who want to cancel Garvey, probably took some information from him and use it for themselves.

Fair enough


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Cant lie, I look at him totally different now , because of a lot of statements Just like this one that he made about AA. I’m super Pan African before anyone even thinks I’m on some bullshyt. Before anyone speaks about the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X era) amd they associations with the KKK. It was only only about the understanding that they both wanted black and white people separated and stood against integration, meaning they fostered the minor relationship with some white supremacist to get them to push for the same objective. These statements made by Garvey are really disparaging of AA regardless of his intent or goals to unify African people. This is coming from someone who first learned about Garvey renting a book containing his speeches in my middle school library. It almost hurts. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t 100 on a lot of other shyt and cared about his people. But he had some extremely alarming shyt that I blindly rode against WEB for, that I now realize he perhaps was the realest one all along. This is somewhat like how black folks look at Booker T a little more favorable than originally when he was just written off as a c00n. Just the reverse effect. Any black leader wanted and destroyed by the FBI is my hero and he still is one of mine no doubt . But the criticism is justified
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Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
I'm always conflicted with Booker T at times, but I feel like his heart was in the right place to a degree.

I don't think he'd get a fair shake from anybody in today's age tho, pan-africanist or not

Cant lie, I look at him totally different now , because of a lot of statements Just like this one that he made about AA. I’m super Pan African before anyone even thinks I’m on some bullshyt. Before anyone speaks about the Nation of Islam amd they associations with the KKK. It was only only about the understanding that they both wanted black and white people separated and stood against integration, meaning they fostered the minor relationship with some white supremacist to get them to push for the same objective. These statements made by Garvey are really disparaging of AS. This is coming from someone who first learned about Garvey renting a book containing his speeches in my middle school library. It almost hurts. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t 100 on a lot of other shyt and cared about his people. But he had some extremely alarming shyt that I blindly rode against WEB for, that I now realize he perhaps was the realest one all along. This is somewhat like how black folks look at Booker T a little more favorable than originally when he was just written off as a c00n. Just the reverse effect


Nov 18, 2016
Cant lie, I look at him totally different now , because of a lot of statements Just like this one that he made about AA. I’m super Pan African before anyone even thinks I’m on some bullshyt. Before anyone speaks about the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X era) amd they associations with the KKK. It was only only about the understanding that they both wanted black and white people separated and stood against integration, meaning they fostered the minor relationship with some white supremacist to get them to push for the same objective. These statements made by Garvey are really disparaging of AA regardless of his intent or goals to unify African people. This is coming from someone who first learned about Garvey renting a book containing his speeches in my middle school library. It almost hurts. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t 100 on a lot of other shyt and cared about his people. But he had some extremely alarming shyt that I blindly rode against WEB for, that I now realize he perhaps was the realest one all along. This is somewhat like how black folks look at Booker T a little more favorable than originally when he was just written off as a c00n. Just the reverse effect

Its probably time for us to begin learning from past generations mishaps, and build on the strong points..

I also think our oppressors know we get distracted real easy.. Its like we need to have a leader thats 100% pure in order to follow them. So they'll nit pick our leaders flaws, while they turn a blind eye to catholic priest molesting their children..


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Its probably time for us to begin learning from past generations mishaps, and build on the strong points..

I also think our oppressors know we get distracted real easy.. Its like we need to have a leader thats 100% pure in order to follow them. So they'll nit pick our leaders flaws, while they turn a blind eye to catholic priest molesting their children..
Great point as well

Family Man

May 5, 2012
Aww...nikkas feelings hurt. :mjcry:

Every single black leader has made the same observation and statements. fukk your feelings. Truth is truth. A good portion of nikkas have that learned helplessness bred into them. You see the shyt day in and day out with how those nikkas would ride for the lowest denominator in the community, support fukkery, and take no accountability.
All y'all nikkas talking down on Garvey or any of our heros that have actually put their lives on the line are cut from the same do-nothing, lazy, slothful, pocket watching, dependent on the state to eat cloth that they've all railed against.
How the fukk can a typing ass, effeminate, GEN Z coli-nikka talk shyt about any of our black heros? fukk outta here. What kinda parallel universe y'all nikkas living in?


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Meanwhile Garvey was the same clown that accused DuBois of being against Garvey, because Garvey was a dark skinned Caribbean. All that DuBois was actually saying was that a call for complete separation was a surrender to White supremacy.

It was amazing that Dubois vision of African Americans survived the shortsightedness of Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey. At the end of the day Dubois showed himself to be the true Pan Africanist.
I’ve always saw BTW as more of a capitalist and someone who bought into the bootstraps theory, which is why he was able to navigate the world of the Rockefeller’s and Carnegies.

When Garvey first came to the USA, he was at Tuskegee first but that didn’t last long.

DuBois was the only pure scholar/sociologist of this group we’re talking about. DuBois said a lot of similar things in The Philadelphia Negro (1896 I believe), but the difference is 1. His intended audience was not klan members and 2. He offered solutions to the problems he addressed.

why do you think the great migration really kicked off in the 1910’s? When the Great War started, European immigration sharply declined. The factories up north still needed a flow of cheap labor so they started recruiting folks in the south.

I say that to say that I think Garvey appealed to a lot of folks up north because they had already moved once and once you move once it’s easier to move again.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Cant lie, I look at him totally different now , because of a lot of statements Just like this one that he made about AA. I’m super Pan African before anyone even thinks I’m on some bullshyt. Before anyone speaks about the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X era) amd they associations with the KKK. It was only only about the understanding that they both wanted black and white people separated and stood against integration, meaning they fostered the minor relationship with some white supremacist to get them to push for the same objective. These statements made by Garvey are really disparaging of AA regardless of his intent or goals to unify African people. This is coming from someone who first learned about Garvey renting a book containing his speeches in my middle school library. It almost hurts. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t 100 on a lot of other shyt and cared about his people. But he had some extremely alarming shyt that I blindly rode against WEB for, that I now realize he perhaps was the realest one all along. This is somewhat like how black folks look at Booker T a little more favorable than originally when he was just written off as a c00n. Just the reverse effect
That is Garvey's intention as well. Read the entire letter. Of course, that doesn't excuse the disparaging statement(s) he made. Garvey was a Black separatist who advocated for Black racial purity and segregation of the races. He hated inter-marriage/mixing and regularly referred to them as mongrels. Reading the letter, it's obvious his point is that if he can't convince Black people to see from his perspective and make the necessary moves towards self-segregation, then maybe the ws can get it done (with white people) to force it on them. He saw any Black person not working towards that goal as a liability. Those comments are not surprising when you view them under that lens. They're still horrible though.


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Every single black leader has made the same observation and statements
But I don’t recall them writing glowing letters to white supremacists. That would be like X and King exchanging letters with George Wallace and then he dedicates a book to them.

that’s what fukks it up for me.


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
Thing that’s most annoying about the comments is he wasn’t even in the south when he made these comments, and from what I read, he didn’t go down there at all. He was saying all this up north in a state that didn’t have to deal with all the terrorism that was present in the south. So, to call my ancestors lazy...

Most Black Americans were down south at the time, and he made these comments without really knowing the Black American. I can understand talking to the enemy in a quid pro quo situation, but calling black Americans out there name and you don’t know really know their struggle or situation?

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
and this is why a lot of black folk hit the :hubie: on people like you, and overall any attempt of black liberation or theology

ain't nobody in the wrong for speaking out if THAT is how somebody perceives you

don't matter if it's Garvey, the Isrealites on the corner, or some rando professor on twitter

when your contempt is obvious, folk will respond in kind. This is what Cosby had to find out the hard way.
Aww...nikkas feelings hurt. :mjcry:

Every single black leader has made the same observation and statements. fukk your feelings. Truth is truth. A good portion of nikkas have that learned helplessness bred into them. You see the shyt day in and day out with how those nikkas would ride for the lowest denominator in the community, support fukkery, and take no accountability.
All y'all nikkas talking down on Garvey or any of our heros that have actually put their lives on the line are cut from the same do-nothing, lazy, slothful, pocket watching, dependent on the state to eat cloth that they've all railed against.
How the fukk can a typing ass, effeminate, GEN Z coli-nikka talk shyt about any of our black heros? fukk outta here. What kinda parallel universe y'all nikkas living in?