The writing was probably the biggest downfall of the movie. Homie that said it was overly ambitious is correct.
Listening to scarlet jo, explain how she is becoming this all powerful being (pretty much god), instead of SHOWING IT, was probably my biggest complaint. Obvious crutch for lack of time/budget/creativity (maybe). Along with the flashcard presentation of her "growth" (20%, 30% etc)
And to think, the all powerful being turns into a fukking USB drive at the end of the movie, and doesnt even have a final show down with the boss's henchman is just
Why did she purposely cause a GTA like chase when she can control her environment, you telling me, you can cause car crashes, make ppl float, create invisible walls, etc but your most creative way to beat traffic is to drive down the wrong side of the street. and the chase wasnt even dope!
Justthe whole damn movie.
Holy shyt, I couldn't believe how bad this movie got in the third act...I was stunned. Transformers is horrendous and I'd rather watch that on loop for a week than suffer through Lucy again.
I did not love Lucy. Whoever greenlit this turd of a movie got some explaining to do.
DO NOT pay for this. a fair copy is already available on bootlegg, trust me you dont wanna spend ur money on this
movie was pure dogshyt one of the worst I have ever seen scust
Justthe whole damn movie.
movie was pure dogshyt one of the worst I have ever seen scust at her taking a bullet out her chest but then going to the hospital to get something out her stomach while the whole time she telling her mom how she remember drinking her titty milk and her mom no selling likeok love you goodnight
and the last act
fuk my life
Just see "under the skin"i don't give a f*ck n*gga, this hoe is the hottest b*tch on google erf gnauze. i'll gladly pay 30-40 bucks to watch this b*tch on the big screen for a couple of hours.
My girl wants to see this. Maybe if my expectations for it are so low I'll enjoy it some what. I'll probably make her pay for it if we go
I feel the same wayI'm not sure we saw the same movie...I saw Lucy last night n dat shyt was nice...it veered a little of track sometimes though...I felt like they did a lot of editing to make the movie only a hour and a half long...there's no way she can access 100% of her brain power in just 24 hours...You can tell the movie was rushed but it wasn't trash...