Most of yall really don't know we don't die...just like Lucy in the movie

that's why she kept disintegrating....the more knowledge she gained, the more she didn't need her physical form....we are all energy...when we leave this body, we will still be in the Lucy

......I wouldn't say we don't use all of our brain, but there are brain circuits untapped.....most of yall know the bio-survival and emotional circuits of the brain...then u got the logical circuit, a lot of people in the world aren't even fully developed in this yet...then u got the socio-sexual circuit........then after that are the 4 "futuristic" circuits....they touched on all these circuits in the movie....the whole kidnapping shyt was GOLD....I swear they read some of the same books I've read.....but ima stop there , yall aint ready for that
and yeah like homie said the flashdrive was just the passing of knowledge from generation to generation......yall gotta read a holistic psychology book to understand the movie....I would recommend Prometheus Rising and you might watch the film with a different mind
Eight-circuit model of consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia