Doesnt prove anything , are thier photos showing these light skin africans on slave ships? Nope, also there have been mixed and mulattos in Africa since the portugese where in the Kingdom of Kongo .
They have never nor will they ever be black . Only 3 pure races in this world thats Asian , White , and Black but we have to be the odd ones out and try to include every damn body in our race.
READ THE QUOTES BY ACTUAL SLAVERS. The pics are just there for emphasis. According you those fair skinned Igbos who the Europeans slevers met were already mixed with European??? That doesn't make sense! And who gives a shyt about the Kongo Kingdom, we're talking about Igbos. There is NO historical texts of the Portuguese setting up shop in Igboland or Nigeria. If so then fetch me a link.
The quotes that I posted is about slavers encountering fair skinned Igbos who other Africans saw no different than Europeans. But more importantly these other Africans KNEW about this fair skinned Igbos before they knew Europeans. So how the heck could Igbos have been mixed with Europeans????

Here are them AGAIN:
"He disengaged himself from other life experiences and went back to a particular spot in his memory to capture the racial distinctions he was able to make. He saw no distinction in skin color between the red men in Igboland and the white men he met on the slave ship. "
--Jacob Korieh. 2009. Olaudah Equiano and the Igbo world: history, society and Atlantic. 2009
" Oye-Eboe" may be a version of the Igbo word oyibo used in the nineteenth century to mean "white man," Equiano clearly uses it to refer to other Africans, perhaps the Aro slave traders. At this point in is life, he tells us, he had not yet seen or even heard of a European."
-- Vincent Carretta. 2005. Equiano, the African: biography of a self-made man. p15
"Badsen [GT Badsen, "Niger Ibos," Frank Cass and Co, London, 1938: 123-124],
in his early-twentieth century study of the physical appearance of the Igbo, had this to say:
'On the whole, the Ibos are of good physique and compare favorably with other African tribes..
Many Ibos are truly as black as the proverbial coal: others are almost as light-skinned as the
natives of Southern Europe, while a few are distinctly reddish. The folk who stand out obtrusively
are the albinos.'"
--Gloria Chuku (2013) The Igbo Intellectual Tradition. pp 48-49
I mean this shouldn't be surprising coming from your small mind, since you're the same one who made this dumbass thread.