Lets keep it 100....does "Get Out" deserve any Oscars?


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
Dark knight
Social network
John wick
Inglorious basterds
Star Trek
District 9
Get out
Fantastic mr Fox
Any Harry Potter movie released from 2008 till the end of the series
The strangers
It follows
The babadook
John wick 2
Baby driver
True grit
Wolf of Wall Street
Toy story 3
Kick ass
A team
The town
Easy A
Mission impossible ghost protocol
Mission impossible rogue nation
Winter soldier
Guardians of the galaxy 1 or 2. Pick one
Girl with the dragon tattoo
Any planet of the apes movie released since 2011

That’s just odd the top of my head

Wow. That's a terrible list.

Moonlight? Really? John Wick? Really? Kick Ass? Baby Driver? Zombieland? Planet of the Apes?! :laff:

Cmon B. I'm a screenwriter. I does this. There are levels to this writing shyt and I spot them. You can't just list films and expect me to buy that shyt.

Mask of Zorro will be around a lot longer than all these films. It has higher replay value than anything on that list. I recognize that a lot of this is subjective but I also know the industry. Writing has really gone downhill for a lot of business reasons. The charm and the insight is just not there.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Wow. That's a terrible list.

Moonlight? Really? John Wick? Really? Kick Ass? Baby Driver? Zombieland? Planet of the Apes?! :laff:

Cmon B. I'm a screenwriter. I does this. There are levels to this writing shyt and I spot them. You can't just list films and expect me to buy that shyt.

Mask of Zorro will be around a lot longer than all these films. It has higher replay value than anything on that list. I recognize that a lot of this is subjective but I also know the industry. Writing has really gone downhill for a lot of business reasons. The charm's just not there.

You’re a screenwriter? Mask of zorro will be around longer than all of those movies? News to me screenwriter. You go ahead and cook thinking mask of zorro and the Great Wall are cinematic benchmarks while the rest of us peons roll over the virtues of something like the dark knight or zootopia or the apes movie, which work on a dialogue and thematic level zorro isn’t even trying to hit. Did they ban you from the booth?

Also, props on bolding stuff for emphasis. I never would’ve known where to look in those sentences without that editorial flourish


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
You’re a screenwriter? Mask of zorro will be around longer than all of those movies? News to me screenwriter. You go ahead and cook thinking mask of zorro and the Great Wall are cinematic benchmarks while the rest of us peons roll over the virtues of something like the dark knight or zootopia or the apes movie, which work on a dialogue and thematic level zorro isn’t even trying to hit. Did they ban you from the booth?

Nice one. Are you in your feelings already? You probably are. Which is why you're rambling about The Booth, even though it has nothing to do with the topic. Why even throw The Great Wall in here? Find the place where I said The Great Wall was a cinematic benchmark. Let me save you the trouble: you can't because it never happened. It was in your head. Triggered by insecurity :laugh:

The Dark Knight is easily one of the most overrated movies ever. It's so Nolan. That sprawling, cold, fake-deep shyt. People like you will tell me "it's so deep" but you can't tell me specifically and concisely what makes it so deep. I bet you can't even tell me why you love the movie in a unique, meaningful way that makes me go "this movie clearly touched you." People like you, if they don't go mute, will regurgitate some vague talking point the studio/some paid critic has been circulating.

It's funny - on your list, you didn't mention a movie that actually moved culture. And that is "Taken". I don't think the writing is up there with Zorro (been a while since I saw Taken, I could be wrong) but it's a great movie. The father of all this John Wick shyt. Of course it didn't cross your mind because it came out of nowhere. The press didn't suck its dikk and there wasn't really any forced blogging/marketing to tell you it was a great film. Essentially, no easily digestible talking points.
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Nice one. Are you in your feelings already? You probably are. Which is why you're rambling about The Booth, even though it has nothing to do with the topic. Why even throw The Great Wall in here? Find the place where I said The Great Wall was a cinematic benchmark. Let me save you the trouble: you can't because it never happened. It was in your head. Triggered by insecurity :laugh:

The Dark Knight is easily one of the most overrated movies ever. It's so Nolan. That sprawling, cold, fake-deep shyt. People like you will tell me "it's so deep" but you can't tell me specifically and concisely what makes it so deep. I bet you can't even tell me why you love the movie in a unique, meaningful way that makes me go "this movie clearly touched you." People like you, if they don't go mute, will regurgitate some vague talking point the studio/some paid critic has been circulating.

It's funny - on your list, you didn't mention a movie that actually moved culture. And that is "Taken". I don't think the writing is up there with Zorro (been a while since I saw Taken, I could be wrong) but it's a great movie. The father of all this John Wick shyt.

Son I’m not in my feelings. I just don’t believe what I’m reading. But hey man if you say you got it like that, you cook.

Okay I’ll play along with this fukk it why not?

Dark knight is deep because of what it has to say about terrorism, the nature of fighting a war and how far you’re willing to go in said war. While also dealing with issues like privacy, homeland security, freedom and the toll that takes on a nation or a person fighting said war. I appreciated its approach to heady stuff and social stuff while not firmly coming down on the side of anyone. Clearly Batman overstoped his boundaries and it doesn’t paint him as this squeaky clean hero. It questions his methods but also says maybe those methods were necessary to get the job done. How dirty are we willing to get to defeat the bad guy? How many rules are we willing to break? Is torture ok? Is killing the line? Is surveillance acceptable? I was and still am enameled with all that shyt especially through the eyes of Bruce Wayne

Now if that didn’t work for you, that’s fine, but to act like the movie had nothing going for it or said nothing larger about the world in 2008 or that those themes aren’t still relevant in 2018? I gotta question that for real. :manny:

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Wow. That's a terrible list.

Moonlight? Really? John Wick? Really? Kick Ass? Baby Driver? Zombieland? Planet of the Apes?! :laff:

Cmon B. I'm a screenwriter. I does this. There are levels to this writing shyt and I spot them. You can't just list films and expect me to buy that shyt.

Mask of Zorro will be around a lot longer than all these films. It has higher replay value than anything on that list. I recognize that a lot of this is subjective but I also know the industry. Writing has really gone downhill for a lot of business reasons. The charm and the insight is just not there.

I seriously doubt you're a screenwriter.

And if you are, you're a terrible one.

Explain to me in detail, for example, how the Mask of Zorro (a film I actually really like) is better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Or Logan.

Or Star Trek: Into Darkness.

Or even Zootopia.


All Star
May 25, 2012
The irony here is that this movie is about people like you. You're in the sunken place. I'm so sorry I can't help you get out, but maybe I can throw you a rope so you can begin the slow climb back to the light.

Ask yourself why of all of the nominees, you assume that the movie written and directed by a black man is undeserving? Ask yourself why it's beyond plausibility for you that white people really did enjoy this movie? Ask yourself why you think the other nominees are so much more worthy. Even if you do think Logan was a Oscar worthy film, why would you replace "Get Out" out of all of the other nominees on the list for your precious 'Logan'? Have you seen the other films? I have. And 3 Billboards is definitely the overhyped film in this category, yet, you chose 'Get Out' and then blame it on tokenism and racial politics. Let me clue you into something - the Oscars are political. People have to campaign and studios funnel big money into these campaigns. Don't try to distill this award into some type of pure meritocracy where only the best of the best are nominated and win, and somehow the black guy weaseled his way in out of sympathy or white guilt. Because that's dishonest. You sound like those white girls who get mad when they don't get into Harvard and blame that one black guy in their class who got in for why they didn't make it. There's a hundred different reasons why certain people and films get chosen for slots, but whenever black folks get some shine, people like to discredit their achievement and say they slid in by using the race card. Cut it out, or at least, acknowledge there are other, and equally shady reasons the OTHER nominees were chosen as well.


Pos rep

So let me get this straight....a movie where a white girl meets black men and "dates" them....even with the men's friends knowing the white girl. She is able to bring them to her home where cacs have an auction on the front yawn with a posterboard of said black man.....just to perform some ridiculous operation that has no basis in known medicine or science.....this is Oscar worthy????


Neg rep