Lets keep it 100....does "Get Out" deserve any Oscars?


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
The line has to be drawn somewhere breh :francis:

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
I forreals googled Mask of Zorro to see if maybe there was another MoZ that dropped in my lifetime and I missed out, but @SirBiatch you really talking bout that Antonio Banderas movie :ohhh:

I'm not hating I love that flick, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone riding for it, not even when discussing Banderas/Hopkins flicks that came out after:russ:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I forreals googled Mask of Zorro to see if maybe there was another MoZ that dropped in my lifetime and I missed out, but @SirBiatch you really talking bout that Antonio Banderas movie :ohhh:

I'm not hating I love that flick, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone riding for it, not even when discussing Banderas/Hopkins flicks :russ:

I’m sorry but I’m still laughing about @Zero right now and trying to police the film room


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I forreals googled Mask of Zorro to see if maybe there was another MoZ that dropped in my lifetime and I missed out, but @SirBiatch you really talking bout that Antonio Banderas movie :ohhh:

I'm not hating I love that flick, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone riding for it, not even when discussing Banderas/Hopkins flicks that came out after:russ:

It turns 20 this year breh. I look forward to the special blu ray and the essays


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
Son I’m not in my feelings. I just don’t believe what I’m reading. But hey man if you say you got it like that, you cook.

It's hard to tell the way y'all respond. It's old at this point.

Here's the cycle: I give my opinion on something, because it's a forum and that's the whole point. Someone like you will quote me out the blue, implying that I'm trolling. I ask for receipts. They usually go mute or get angrier, but in some cases they provide them. The receipts are usually not good enough. Then they get really angry and start rambling about The Booth/forum dumb shyt :laugh: When I was just minding my own business in the first place, and if you really thought my comments were consistently dumb/outlandish, why bother quoting? There are lots of shytposters who will never hear from me. If I know a poster says dumb shyt routinely, I just skip him/her. It's not that deep..

Okay I’ll play along with this fukk it why not?

This is what I'm talking about. You're pretending like this is some sorta game. You initiated the convo, I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, and it's "I guess I'll play SirBiatch's game for now." Like what? :laugh:

Dark knight is deep because of what it has to say about terrorism, the nature of fighting a war and how far you’re willing to go in said war. While also dealing with issues like privacy, homeland security, freedom and the toll that takes on a nation or a person fighting said war.

Don't run down a list of topics, breh. What does it actually say about any of that? Its specific viewpoint, please

I appreciated its approach to heady stuff and social stuff while not firmly coming down on the side of anyone.

aka not saying shyt. Being too shook to have a viewpoint or not giving enough of a fukk about the topic to give one.

Clearly Batman overstoped his boundaries and it doesn’t paint him as this squeaky clean hero. It questions his methods but also says maybe those methods were necessary to get the job done. How dirty are we willing to get to defeat the bad guy? How many rules are we willing to break? Is torture ok? Is killing the line? Is surveillance acceptable? I was and still am enameled with all that shyt especially through the eyes of Bruce Wayne

Now if that didn’t work for you, that’s fine, but to act like the movie had nothing going for it or said nothing larger about the world in 2008 or that those themes aren’t still relevant in 2018? I gotta question that for real. :manny:

All of this is vague and quite cookie-cutter to be honest with you. You gotta hit me with specifics, breh.

Let me give you an example. People frequently refer to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as being a brilliant film. Because it is. It's not 'forced' brilliant. It's not marketing brilliant. It's actually brilliant.

The movie sheds light on the nature of romantic loss, trauma in general and how our memories are tied to them. But at the end of the day, that entire movie makes one strong, powerful statement: It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Relationships can be traumatic but we should learn from them so we don't repeat the same mistakes. And all things considered, be brave and don't be afraid to love someone.

This shyt is very clear. It's beautiful and it helps humanity. I'm not regurgitating some critic. All of this stuff is in the movie and it's done in a way that's entertaining and charming as fukk.

Now tell me about Dark Knight :salute:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
It's hard to tell the way y'all respond. It's old at this point.

Here's the cycle: I give my opinion on something, because it's a forum and that's the whole point. Someone like you will quote me out the blue, implying that I'm trolling. I ask for receipts. They usually go mute or get angrier, but in some cases they provide them. The receipts are usually not good enough. Then they get really angry and start rambling about The Booth/forum dumb shyt :laugh: When I was just minding my own business in the first place, and if you really thought my comments were consistently dumb/outlandish, why bother quoting? There are lots of shytposters who will never hear from me. If I know a poster says dumb shyt routinely, I just skip him/her. It's not that deep..

This is what I'm talking about. You're pretending like this is some sorta game. You initiated the convo, I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, and it's "I guess I'll play SirBiatch's game for now." Like what? :laugh:

Don't run down a list of topics, breh. What does it actually say about any of that? Its specific viewpoint, please

aka not saying shyt. Being too shook to have a viewpoint or not giving enough of a fukk about the topic to give one.

All of this is vague and quite cookie-cutter to be honest with you. You gotta hit me with specifics, breh.

Let me give you an example. People frequently refer to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as being a brilliant film. Because it is. It's not 'forced' brilliant. It's not marketing brilliant. It's actually brilliant.

The movie sheds light on the nature of romantic loss, trauma in general and how our memories are tied to them. But at the end of the day, that entire movie makes one strong, powerful statement: It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Relationships can be traumatic but we should learn from them so we don't repeat the same mistakes. And all things considered, be brave and don't be afraid to love someone.

This shyt is very clear. It's beautiful and it helps humanity. I'm not regurgitating some critic. All of this stuff is in the movie and it's done in a way that's entertaining and charming as fukk.

Now tell me about Dark Knight :salute:

Nah. I’m good.


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
I seriously doubt you're a screenwriter.

And if you are, you're a terrible one.

Explain to me in detail, for example, how the Mask of Zorro (a film I actually really like) is better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Or Logan.

Or Star Trek: Into Darkness.

Or even Zootopia.

How about this.... you get off my dikk. And you don't ever quote me unless you're ready to have a real film discussion. When you're ready, your new post will say something interesting/insightful about the topic at hand. Which lets me know you're serious, you're not a time-waster and I can respond. How's that? :salute:

Remember. Don't quote me unless you're ready :umad:


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
I forreals googled Mask of Zorro to see if maybe there was another MoZ that dropped in my lifetime and I missed out, but @SirBiatch you really talking bout that Antonio Banderas movie :ohhh:

I'm not hating I love that flick, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone riding for it, not even when discussing Banderas/Hopkins flicks that came out after:russ:

When have you ever e-known me to care about who rides for what? I'm not sheep. So many people are fukking sheep. And that's how they miss stuff that's obvious. Just like hip hop, there are a lot of shyt critics who dikkride consensus and have a hard time understanding stuff that's controversial and forward-thinking. Which is why you'l see critics dikkride Scorcese (as they should, he's brilliant) but totally miss Brian De Palma (who is influential as fukk, and low-key influenced The Matrix in terms of directing style). And if you're of a certain age, you know that most people can't handle the raw, brilliant shyt on its own. If the marketing packaging isn't there, people disregard it and then discover it later.

Of course you love that movie. It's a brilliant popcorn film. Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio are geniuses.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
I am glad someone said it. Oscars are a white made up award so its whatever. But the inclusion of this, greta gerwig in the best director category and mudbound anything are clearly byproducts of Oscar so white controversy.

There is no one on earth that can convince me mary j deserves to be nominated for what she did in mudbound that is just ridiculous. With all these make up calls it does not make the show seem as prestigious as made out


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Y'all gotta be a little more cognizant of when you're being trolled. The dude who made the thread posted a smilie then vanished for a few pages before coming back to pretend a movie with the premise of Get Out being Oscar worthy was absurd, even though a movie about a deaf women falling in love with a fish monster is leading all nominees. While he was gone, y'all argued for pages with a nikka whose sole argument was that Logan was better and instead of critiquing Get Out, critiqued why the movie earned the nominations it has. Somehow Mask of Zorro became a talking point in all this.

Y'all gotta do better:francis: