Breh you pulling out all the psychology books trying to shame trees to mate with shrubbery.
Op using shaming tactics to get women to date him smh.
I'm not a short bruh (6'3.5) but I think the reason a lot of women are leery about dating short men has a lot to do with that short man's genetics being passed down to their potential children.
For example, say a woman that's already between the height of 5'2-5'5 and the man she gets with is around 5'5-5'8, which means their child(ren) more likely than not will be short as the father or even shorter because of the mother already being short herself.
Two short individuals creating a child will make that boy or girl as short as them or even shorter. A lot of women want an adult aged son who's at least taller than her to an extent, doesn't have to be 6'1 and above but at least taller than her.
If you're honestly good looking and how you carry yourself is confident i promise you, outside the most extreme circumstances, it won't even matter man.
I'm 5⁷, 5⁹ in timbs and I've had both taller and shorter women want to be up under me.
The mindset revealed by the fixation does you more damage than your scarcity of inches ever did.
Preferences are based on social constructs that are long outdated. And insecurity.
Most women don’t like short men. And that’s based on peer pressure. This is by design.Most women want to feel protected. You can argue with me but it won't change. I have never been attracted to tall men but I understand that other women perceive tall men to be protectors. Personally I prefer men that are my height but they cannot be skinny or petite. I need to know that if someone targets me that he can defend me.
There are women out there that love short men. There are plenty of short men that have girlfriends and wives. So I don't understand the point of this thread.
May I ask you something concerning this statement, cause this isn't the first time I've seen this posted. But what is security and protection when your with 6'1 or above and your and your partner is caught in an unfortunate situation where the opposing party is carrying an weapon ? I don't mean to be dark but death doesn't discriminate against height, like almost everything.Most women seek security and to be protected.
Tall = More likely to winMay I ask you something concerning this statement, cause this isn't the first time I've seen this posted. But what is security and protection when your with 6'1 or above and your and your partner is caught in an unfortunate situation where the opposing party is carrying an weapon ? I don't mean to be dark but death doesn't discriminate against height, like almost everything.
Perception is a deception (If this ain’t a quote , I’m patenting thisTall = More likely to win
Now you and I both know that it takes more than being tall but I am simply telling you that tall people are perceived to win.