Kyrie Irving bout to go blow for blow wit them people EDIT: RD 1 Vs Cac Reporter

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
No it’s not. You can’t name a single black celebrity or organization that ever did anything antisemitic.

All of it. :what:The recent woman king movie was written by a white Jewish woman. All of the music promoting gangbanging, murder, drug use etc. Any negative depiction of black people in Hollywood and music, the Jewish community is behind it.
Yes the fukk it is. Don't even know why you are trying to lean into action as the only way to be a bigot/prejudice

I saw the Woman King and I didn't see any anti-black rhetoric.

So you are on that infantilizing black people kick. Jews aren't forcing the drill rappers to struggle rap about black death, and Jewish people aren't forcing us to listen to it.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Show the proof of the Jewish belief system and how there's more evidence than what Kyrie believes, dumb ass.

What proof of a religion do you want? Would you like God itself to.visit you in your living room and say hello or would you not believe it and say it was a demon masquerading as God /descartes

If you believe that a jewish related claim is that they are the chosen people and they happen to be disproportionately successful is that enough evidence for you? Or do you want the ARK of the covenant to be delivered for your doorstep to examine via scientific method?

Perhaps it's easier to listen to someone like Kyrie who babbles about insignificant criticisms levied by charlatans

It's a free country so do whatever

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
Yes the fukk it is. Don't even know why you are trying to lean into action as the only way to be a bigot/prejudice

I saw the Woman King and I didn't see any anti-black rhetoric

So you are on that infantilizing black people kick. Jews aren't forcing the drill rappers to struggle rap about black death, and Jewish people aren't forcing us to listen to it.
Wow lol If you think it’s not anti-black for a Jewish movie promoting gender confusion and African tribes that sold other Africans into slavery as a hero story then you are just an idiot. The movie is called “the woman king” and you are saying that’s not anti-black. :mjlol:

Jewish people are forcing us to listen to it because they control what music gets made, released and promoted dumbass. They own and control everything in the music industry. Even publications like the rolling stone in the post above.

And profiting off of the destruction and demise of someone else is not infantilizing it’s called lack of ethics and morals. That’s like a drug dealer selling crack and heroin but claiming to be a steadfast Christian.
Oct 22, 2017
Some of you are unable to see when the dominant class is marshaling its institutional weapons to cripple black thought.

Unless you’re dribbling a ball, rapping about money the black community lacks, twerking on the lap of zaddy, or reciting lines in a movie, they don’t want to hear anything you have to say.


2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Wow lol If you think it’s not anti-black for a Jewish movie promoting gender confusion and African tribes that sold other Africans into slavery as a hero story then you are just an idiot. The movie is called “the woman king” and you are saying that’s not anti-black. :mjlol:

Jewish people are forcing us to listen to it because they control what music gets made, released and promoted dumbass. They own and control everything in the music industry. Even publications like the rolling stone in the post above.

And profiting off of the destruction and demise of someone else is not infantilizing it’s called lack of ethics and morals. That’s like a drug dealer selling crack and heroin but claiming to be a steadfast Christian.
If anything, the movie made the Kingdom (not tribe) of Dahomey more pro-black than the actual history, and the abojie were more masculine in real-life. In the film, they were stopping the slave trading and that was the heroics of the film.

Again you are infantilizing us like we don't have in agency over our actions. You so damn brainwashed you can't tell you got a defeatist personality. What's the point of living if you think white folks control you?


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
I was trying to understand the connection to the quote and the belief black americans are the real jews.
My point was if you don't even believe in the scriptures and it's DuckTales then it's a waste of time for both of us. It's a waste of time for me to pull 100 scriptures on why blacks of the transatlantic are Jews and you not believe in one word. Proverbs 9:8 kjv. Sounds like you want me to entertain your disbelief.
The anger in which you responded lets me know I was right though and the quote is in the new testament.
Anger? About what exactly? So you were right about Matthew being a single chapter? Ok dude Let me help you. Matthew is an entire book inside of the bible. It isn't a single chapter. There's a story inside of Matthew where Christ came across a woman who was a Canaanite. It's in Matthew 15. Let's look at how he interacted with her and in this interaction, he mentions why he was sent. Two things I want you to pull from this story 1 is how christ dealt with the woman and two who he said he was sent to, ok. Both are relevant to our discussion.

Matthew 15:21-23kjv
21Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. 22And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil (She was demon possessed). 23But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us

So I want to pause right here before we continue with Matthew. It said Christ didn't answer the woman and his disciples wanted to send her away. Why do you think christ didn't originally answer this woman and his disciples wanted to send her away @gtj1982 ?
So lets continue with verse 24 same chapter.
24But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Jesus is telling you who he was sent to save and redeem.
25Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. Why do you think Christ said this @gtj1982 ? What does it mean when he says cast it to dogs? Make note of this I'll give you the answer shortly. Lets continue in the same chapter verse 27

27And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 28Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. So Christ makes this woman's daughter whole again after not initially answering her. And saying it's not just to cast bread from the children unto the dogs.

Lets go back a few chapters, In Matthew 7:6

6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

You know what I meant.

I honestly don't. You weren't very clear. You're sort of rambling incoherently. Then mentioned something about not going to church in a thread about Kyrie Irving referencing a isrealite book and movie series.
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Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
What proof of a religion do you want? Would you like God itself to.visit you in your living room and say hello or would you not believe it and say it was a demon masquerading as God /descartes

If you believe that a jewish related claim is that they are the chosen people and they happen to be disproportionately successful is that enough evidence for you? Or do you want the ARK of the covenant to be delivered for your doorstep to examine via scientific method?

Perhaps it's easier to listen to someone like Kyrie who babbles about insignificant criticisms levied by charlatans

It's a free country so do whatever
I need proof from the people calling Kyrie stupid that what he believes is anymore falsifiable than what other people believe. What is the claim anyway? That the original Jews were Black? Alright, I've heard that before, but I don't know what evidence exists. It should be easily falsified, but instead, we have a bunch insults and ad hominem, As far as Jewish people being the chosen people, man, come on. Power and prosperity goes through cycles. There was a time where Jewish people were down bad. There was a time where Black people ruled the world.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is exactly what I was talking about in regards to Kanye getting strung up. It is bigger than Kanye and you're seeing that now. They are stringing up anyone who goes against their rhetoric and they are starting with the black man because he is the easiest target.

Also, why are they so concerned with Hebrew Israelites, who have ZERO power in society? Most of them are poor guys with mortal kombat costumes on, screaming at the corner, so what collective power do they have? And yet here are these so called 'allies' worried about them. Strange is it not?


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Also, why are they so concerned with Hebrew Israelites, who have ZERO power in society? Most of them are poor guys with mortal kombat costumes on, screaming at the corner, so what collective power do they have? And yet here are these so called 'allies' worried about them. Strange is it not?
:mjlit: They know the meek will inherit the Earth.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If anything, the movie made the Kingdom (not tribe) of Dahomey more pro-black than the actual history, and the abojie were more masculine in real-life. In the film, they were stopping the slave trading and that was the heroics of the film.

Again you are infantilizing us like we don't have in agency over our actions. You so damn brainwashed you can't tell you got a defeatist personality. What's the point of living if you think white folks control you?

Oh ok, so it's ok to not only promote kill-a-nikka music, but it's also fine to fund it because 'we have agency', but Kyrie can't post a picture of a documentary and nothing else. They don't have agency to not go to his twitter? Why are they letting black folks control them?:

Why is half jew doja cat allowed to make two songs degrading black men, one where she names the song after racist terminology that mocks black men getting shot by police, aka 'dindu nuffin' and then another where she talks about how black men don't pay the rent and need to get a job. She dated white men for the vast majority of her life and was known to hang around in racist chatrooms and yet no blowback. hmmm