Jonathan Major is dating Meagan Good


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
My advice is for BW not swirlers sir.

Never dated a BM who dated interracially that didn't secretly or overtly think those women were better than BW. I course you'll deny it but you can tell by reading your posts in this thread where your head is at.
Lol you underestimate my self awareness.

Im not intellectually juvenile enough to actually think an entire demographic of people is better than another in a dating sense. There are distinct cons to dating other races also, whereas I only observe some weird comments and brash assumptions from women of my own race SOMETIMES that I dont relate to. Like what you just posted is exclusively something I'd hear from my race lol no one else.

Whereas white people and other races sometimes are oblivious to shyt I think matters; unless they are very smart.

Like if you dated a white dude I'd just assume you were attracted to the guy at a point, but you'll probably still be attracted to me also because im an attractive dude lmao. It doesnt make me think that you'd be less into me, or that has anything to do with me at all. I think attractive people should just have the edge in general.

Thats healthy...this other shyt of assuming they'd be less into you is some insecure shyt.


Mar 11, 2022
Chile…that is literally insane, but some women think their puss alone gone magically change a man and it ain’t. I also wonder who “leaked” that these 2 were dating. It’s giving PR games.
She better deny this shyt within 24hrs because this is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad look.

Lack of foresight
Lack of self-esteem

And when he inevitably goes back to the non-black girls, any man coming after him is going to look at her like she’s damaged goods because she volunteered to date a man literally fighting a DV case.

(Side note: I should be discussing this is the Salon, but have you checked out Queen Charlotte on Netflix? lol)


Apr 30, 2012
Guess you aren't familiar with white tech billionaires, many of whom marry Asian women. Can we stop saying weirdo shyt about black people in order to single them out for criticisms that make no sense.
you know how many white billionaire there are?

not just in tech? or in america?

I didn't even criticize anybody. I just replied to breh that insinuated that all billionaires have with out their race

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Nah I dont really have a preference. Not based on race anyway. Neither should...anyone base it in race if we're being decent people, but I know thats too idealistic for this place. But saying a black woman 6 is a white woman 8 is just...too subjective for me. Like a better body is a better body, it doesnt change based on the race lol like if one has better titties and ass, and the others titties and ass are just okay to decent then thats what it is...

Its all attraction at the end of the day, making up reasons in your head as to why you wont mess with a specific race is just mental gymnastics avoiding whats natural. That goes for everyone.

Projecting is coming from the other way around. Most of these dudes are just getting in where they fit in. They are in that weird zone where the different race of women that will be into them are largely in it for a fetish, or they realllly gamed her up well. Or they are an athlete or have money to provide.

You completely disregarded features,and there are certain facial features that tie in to race. Ive seen alot of white women today,some asian women. And literally none of them stood out. Its not that I dont know those women are probably considered attractive among people who like white women/asians. But we are talking about sensual/sexual attraction which is another level. When your browsing,your eyes are scanning for women who make your heart or dikk jump.

It probably has something to do with upbringing I suppose. Some black men were groomed to find white women/asians attractive. But I think you underestimate how many of us truly dont look at them like that. When you said the body is what matters,I damn near said "white women have bodies:gucci:?"

Ill stare a black woman down with a regular slim body,but not look twice at a white woman with the same body. I cant explain it,maybe one of us has a birth defect,or bad programming:respect:


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
You completely disregarded features,and there are certain facial features that tie in to race. Ive seen alot of white women today,some asian women. And literally none of them stood out. Its not that I dont know those women are probably considered attractive among people who like white women/asians. But we are talking about sensual/sexual attraction which is another level. When your browsing,your eyes are scanning for women who make your heart or dikk jump.

It probably has something to do with upbringing I suppose. Some black men were groomed to find white women/asians attractive. But I think you underestimate how many of us truly dont look at them like that. When you said the body is what matters,I damn near said "white women have bodies:gucci:?"

Ill stare a black woman down with a regular slim body,but not look twice at a white woman with the same body. I cant explain it,maybe one of us has a birth defect,or bad programming:respect:
I think your being a bit ridiculous to sit here and act like almost every race of women dont have a chicks with nice ass bodies bruh lol. Especially with the thirst trap days of instagram theres tons of examples I could show you.

"Not even looking at" an entire race of women is deliberate, not natural lol or a projection of zoning in on the girls you KNOW will go for you.

Theres girls of every race with a good face, t*ts, and ass.

Maybe you're just racist? This is like talking to the white dudes who try and say "Im not into black women" and then yoi show them a meagan good or something and they say "shes not full black though" mental gymnastics are crazy


Mrs. Boss Lady
Mar 11, 2022
(Side note: I should be discussing this is the Salon, but have you checked out Queen Charlotte on Netflix? lol)

Sis I cannot do Shondaland shows but everybody has been talking about it. My grandma even asked me about it the other day :skip:But yes we should try to get the salon up and again.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Its true, if you got it like that attractive women of all races approach YOU. You aint gonna be like "nah i only date/fukk black women"

Problem is 99% of coli members and men in general dont have that luxury. Black men that arent universally appealing enough to have all chicks checkin for em usually are with black women only. Pretending to be militant.

They usually would have to game up an attractive girl of a different race...

And ither women actually approach these dudes also, so you're asking them to reject a bad latina or a bad asian or white chick when it presents itself for militancy sake.

You're projecting and using the word 'militant" a lot. Might I submit that you're the racist here? Bc I know several bm, one of whom is my own brother, who can't beat the white and latina bytches off them, but still mostly date/ definitely marry black.

There's a dynamic here you're missing though, in your effort to shyt on other bm. It's a dynamic I'm very familiar with as I've dated a few of these 'only deal with others' ass negroes. Thing is, a guy like Jonathon Majors would never even get near a bad brownskin like Megan Goode irl. In those cases, the ww/ latina is simply a placeholder until he gets clouted up enough to get what he really wanted in the first place.

Why u going at my lil nikka @Dave24 so hard :picard:
Because she has contempt for ALL bm. even the non problematic ones.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
It is amazing how so many men on this forum are concerned about the relationship choices of other men.

I also find it amusing that the statements about the dating proclivities of some Black men by a woman who admitted in the past right on this website to stripping for White men is being taken seriously.

As for the couple, all I have to say is good luck to them. The bitterness and hatred will make their attempt to be together harder than what it needs to be. Unless there is any actual evidence that he is an abuser, besides hearsay, I see no reason to talk down about their relationship.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
You completely disregarded features,and there are certain facial features that tie in to race. Ive seen alot of white women today,some asian women. And literally none of them stood out. Its not that I dont know those women are probably considered attractive among people who like white women/asians. But we are talking about sensual/sexual attraction which is another level. When your browsing,your eyes are scanning for women who make your heart or dikk jump.

It probably has something to do with upbringing I suppose. Some black men were groomed to find white women/asians attractive. But I think you underestimate how many of us truly dont look at them like that. When you said the body is what matters,I damn near said "white women have bodies:gucci:?"

Ill stare a black woman down with a regular slim body,but not look twice at a white woman with the same body. I cant explain it,maybe one of us has a birth defect,or bad programming:respect:
Or maybe you're just lying on the internet pretending to be a militant lmao. Straight men may have preferences for the women of their race, that's normal. But the idea that a 10/10 white woman isn't going to stand out to you is laughable. Normal men appreciate dimes of any race. No one is questioning your blackness for thinking [insert cute white chick] is hot fam, chill.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
I also find it amusing that the statements about the dating proclivities of some Black men by a woman who admitted in the past right on this website to stripping for White men is being taken seriously.

For example, black American men give sex workers too much respect to foster masses of decent women. That's why y'all have to go overseas to find sneaky hoes, bc the ones over here have become too bold under your tutelage. Those men 'over there'/ wherever foster an environment where they keep they hoes in check