Jade Cargill On Trick Daddy's Cooking Show, Says She Wants To See More Black Fans In The AEW Audience


said what he said
May 2, 2012
As Black fans, we want more than table scraps, and if you refuse to understand that, then you're a part of the problem.

You also mentioned slurs against the mentally challenged by @KateFabersBoyfriend, and against Pakistani people, but you conveniently sidestepped the part where @Rollie Forbes mentioned the Pakistanis well documented history of anti Black racism. Very telling.

Instead of trying to admonish Black people for how we feel about our representation
The crux of your argument is that, in my virulent anti-racism, I "sidestepped" a fukking stereotype that you also use to justify your own busted logic.

The whataboutisms in this thread are truly warped. Just more juvenile attempts to twist reality and make mean-spirited jokes, because you're unable to actually contribute in a way that isn't myopic.

I'd be glad to lament about the main event scene, and I'd much rather have had Powerhouse Hobbs and Swerve with a reign already, but I don't think Jade's reign and the tag title scene thriving are just "scraps."

@Mook is a dumbass and I get on him, but he had the best comment in the thread:
She’s booked awfully. She just doesn’t lose.
It was actually relevant, not this AEW brigade, concern trolling bullshyt you all have derailed the thread with.

I'm telling a couple of bigots the fukking reality of the situation, not "admonishing black people for how they feel," you fukking goof.
May 24, 2022
The crux of your argument is that, in my virulent anti-racism, I "sidestepped" a fukking stereotype that you also use to justify your own busted logic.

The whataboutisms in this thread are truly warped. Just more juvenile attempts to twist reality and make mean-spirited jokes, because you're unable to actually contribute in a way that isn't myopic.

I'd be glad to lament about the main event scene, and I'd much rather have had Powerhouse Hobbs and Swerve with a reign already, but I don't think Jade's reign and the tag title scene thriving are just "scraps."

@Mook is a dumbass and I get on him, but he had the best comment in the thread:

It was actually relevant, not this AEW brigade, concern trolling bullshyt you all have derailed the thread with.

I'm telling a couple of bigots the fukking reality of the situation, not "admonishing black people for how they feel," you fukking goof.
No, idiot, the crux of my argument is everything that you failed to quote from my previous statement. I'll type it again since you tried to spin my words: in AEW, the ceiling for Black wrestlers is the tag division or a midcard singles title.
Black wrestlers are barred from the world title scene.
If you're not going to refute that with facts, then don't bother replying to me with another word salad.


said what he said
May 2, 2012
No, idiot, the crux of my argument is everything that you failed to quote from my previous statement. I'll type it again since you tried to spin my words: in AEW, the ceiling for Black wrestlers is the tag division or a midcard singles title.
Black wrestlers are barred from the world title scene.
If you're not going to refute that with facts, then don't bother replying to me with another word salad.
That's all subjective. Your opinion is subjective. You know that, right?

The difference here, and where I've voice my disgust, is the volunteered bigotry. It's right there. It's fact.

You can continue justifying racism and ableism, and minimizing the accomplishments of the black wrestlers that are the world tag title champs, just don't be surprised to be called out on your hypocrisy.

Feel free to continue to twist the narrative to fuel your misguided sense of righteous anger, you have a few children on here that will cheer you on.

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
That's all subjective. Your opinion is subjective. You know that, right?

The difference here, and where I've voice my disgust, is the volunteered bigotry. It's right there. It's fact.

You can continue justifying racism and ableism, and minimizing the accomplishments of the black wrestlers that are the world tag title champs, just don't be surprised to be called out on your hypocrisy.

Feel free to continue to twist the narrative to fuel your misguided sense of righteous anger, you have a few children on here that will cheer you on.

You still scamming disabled kids?

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
That's all subjective. Your opinion is subjective. You know that, right?

The difference here, and where I've voice my disgust, is the volunteered bigotry. It's right there. It's fact.

You can continue justifying racism and ableism, and minimizing the accomplishments of the black wrestlers that are the world tag title champs, just don't be surprised to be called out on your hypocrisy.

Feel free to continue to twist the narrative to fuel your misguided sense of righteous anger, you have a few children on here that will cheer you on.
Oh fukk off, you sanctimonious little dikk. I can't stand self-righteous white people like you. Go lecture those racist motherfukkers on reddit that you believe are so much better.

Cattle Mutilation

Dec 7, 2016
So your assumption is that Black wrestlers would bring even lower ratings, or wouldn't help AEW's declining ratings rebound.
Here's some more rope. Please, keep talking.
Neither. You're just making yourself look like an ass by making a bunch of assumptions.

The earlier in the show a wrestler is, the more viewers they typically get. Applies to everyone on the roster. People don't stick around for the main event. I'm just reporting the facts. If you want to make assumptions about people you don't know shyt about on a message board then have at it. I'm not going to waste my energy with that.
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May 24, 2022
That's all subjective. Your opinion is subjective. You know that, right?

The difference here, and where I've voice my disgust, is the volunteered bigotry. It's right there. It's fact.

You can continue justifying racism and ableism, and minimizing the accomplishments of the black wrestlers that are the world tag title champs, just don't be surprised to be called out on your hypocrisy.

Feel free to continue to twist the narrative to fuel your misguided sense of righteous anger, you have a few children on here that will cheer you on.
I told you to respond with facts to refute what I wrote, and all I got was opinion and babble. You colonized your way into a conversation about race, but you don't have the aptitude or honesty to prove your case.
Typical Karen behavior.
Unless you can factually disprove what I said, then there's no point in continuing this conversation.
May 24, 2022
Neither. You're just making yourself look like an ass by making a bunch of assumptions.

The earlier in the show a wrestler is, the more viewers they typically get. Applies to everyone on the roster. People don't stick around for the main event.
Nice try.
One answer, just a yes or no. Do you think that putting Black wrestlers in the mens and/or women's world title scene will increase AEW's viewership?

Instant Classic

All Star
May 31, 2022
Honestly, I been to a couple of wrestling shows, and I don't think they attract many black fans tbh. I think some of the issues is wrestling is kinda niche among the mainstream tbh. However, wrestling is something that is slept on like people somewhat know what's going on, but it's not seen as cool tbh. Anyways, I think for black audience it's tough to check out at times when you've been programmed that black talent won't get to shine, and in AEW case kinda ruined their goodwill on that part when you have many posters with no black talent or aren't billed as contenders.

Cattle Mutilation

Dec 7, 2016
Nice try.
One answer, just a yes or no. Do you think that putting Black wrestlers in the mens and/or women's world title scene will increase AEW's viewership?
I do not know if they will do better in the ratings for the world title, but I do think that at least one of Hobbs, Starks, Keith Lee, and Swerve should be booked for a strong singles run pronto to build momentum for a feud with MJF sometime after he wins the the world title, which presumably would be at Full Gear. Swerve or Starks would probably be the best bet between those four. I mean if you want to give them a world title shot with no momentum, then have at it, but AEW needs to get back to building programs and feuds for the AEW title and not just the weekly random challenger.

There is a very select few wrestlers I would say could presently be a consistent ratings draw for the main event: MJF and the Acclaimed. They are amongst the very few that have been booked well and haven't seen their momentum completely stalled. But they can't be in every main event becuase they'll get overexposed. TK has dropped the ball with several people that looked poised to become bigger stars like Wardlow, Starks, Hobbs, FTR, and Miro to name a few off the top of my head.

A women's match currently will 100% not improve the main event ratings no matter who you put in it. Only time I could ever see that happening presently is if they made Saraya's first AEW match the main event of Dynamite. Simple fact of the matter is that the women's division doesn't draw ratings. It's consistently either the lowest or one of the lowest rated quarters every week regardless of which women are in the match.
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