Why do nintendo stans say this. Everything they release is graded on a curve no matter how good or bad it is. I'm not sure where this talking point where having a actual narrative along with your gameplay became a bad thing
If you put TLOU or HZD on the switch and called them Eternal Darkness: The Happening and Breath of the Sun and they were 1:1 graphics notwithstanding nintendo stans would be saying them shyts were 95/100 games. ya'll so see through. nikkas line up to play half finished broken ass pokemon games you not going to sit here and tell me if most of sony fp games were made by nintendo they wouldn't be foaming at the mouth to defend them. Nintendo is the same as OG goat rapper that still makes music. sure some of they songs may capture the feeling but why not just go back and listen to/play their infinitely better catalog from the past?
You do realize Sony is also a japanese developer as well
so I'm not sure what you are getting at in that last sentence.