Is it better to meet women before success or after?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
which is basically what I'm saying.

During school for me it was like this.

Bagging hoes around campus? Easy as hell to kick it with them. Studying with them, or just kicking it watching love and hip hop was enough to bond.

Let me go out of town to a non-student area like Downtown Toronto ...especially to a club with predominantly black? These hoes are looking to be chose by nikkas with money/status. A regular dude who is just looking to go out, have fun and meet some girls and dance is going to strike out a lot. Why do you think party promoters eat so much? It's been said here a lot that if you go to a club and you ain't VIP or have bottle service don't expect to eat. This is why...that booth/bottle service gives the impression that you have money, status and thus can show these females a good time.

Let a nikka go to a white party though...he's gonna witness nothing but regular ass white dudes simply having fun by fist pumping to some edm music, and bagging chicks by the bar. Man. I have never ever bought a chick a drink but I have had white hoes offer to BUY ME drinks :laff:. I've never had a black girl do that before. These girls will stand in a group of 4, look cute and reject any nikka who's trying to holla at them...REGARDLESS of the approach.

When I said undergrad I didnt mean on campus (my fault) but i meant the age group of undergraduates.

In my city there are plenty of men who aint got any prospects in life but they still eating because they work that 15 an hour factory job, sell weed, do some check scams...anything to get bread and attract women. How do they attract women? They spend it all on the latest kicks, fly clothes, a gold chain or two, a 2007 BMW or Jag...and they :feast: because women are attracted to the material wealth. I can't speak on whether or not this works on white girls because I dont deal with them too tough. But the ones that I do know would be alarmed knowing that the dude theyre messing with has all this shyt yet doesnt even go to school or aim to be some sort of scholar/professional in life. Black girls however....plenty of the ones even I've finagled with on campus dont give a shyt though. They see the glamour as an opportunity for fun and engage. Don't even matter if the dude is 8 years older than them and married with kids or some shyt (true story)...these girls will get caught up in the rapture and flock to them while the engineer, accountant or med school student that's making an honest living has to feast off leftovers. Overall...girls just want to have fun. That's the moral of the story

I am just calling it how I see it. I aint bitter from rejection because I peep this and instead of going for those types of girls I get in where I fit in and :eat:. I may not be rolling with dimes, but I get my 7s and 8s and I'm fine with that. the last month alone I've been accused by black girls of being a player numerous to @Kid McNamara, @bdizzle and whomever else...believe what you must.



Why am I being mentioned in this long ass post :patrice:


May 29, 2014
Look I don't know how many times this has to be said. If a Black Woman is not with you from the bottom and Women of other Races are then you already have your answer as to where your "loyalty" should be. Now due to changing demographics that was not the case for your Father or Grandfather's generation. Black Women stopped being there for Black Men after the 70's, so if you were born during that era or after and looking for a Black Woman you're fukked.

With all the negative attributes African American Women have racked up in the past 40 years why would you want to chance it on her? Women are crazy as it is - So why would you choose the craziest out of the whole bunch if you have other options?

I have hundreds of case studies observed by me personally in the NY/NJ/PHI area. Maybe your experience will be different in Atlanta or elsewhere. But tell me why is it that you have White Women with their shyt together who are attracted to my Father and Black Women far beneath him with multiple problems in their life, weed addiction, times they disappear and re-appear mysteriously and "relatives" acting a fool causing drama on the scene. The White Women who approach him have none of this but unfortunately he is not attracted to Women who don't have enough melanin - So I said fine you need to buy a plane ticket to Brazil but he is too lazy to put the effort in and learn Portuguese. You can't say "He attracts the wrong type of Woman" if that were the case he would attract fukked up White Women as well.

Here's the point my Pops is from the old school and that generation is now 50 years old. So if you want a Black Man that will be loyal to Black Women no matter what they do and however much they shyt on Black Men then that's your only reliable option is to go with an older Black Man. The young Men are not tolerating this disrespect and horse shyt from Black Women any longer. He is loyal to Black Women because Black Women his age were with him when he wasn't making money or didn't have a secure job but rising up. Such is not the case for 80's babies and beyond.
If your dad is so great, why is he still not with your mom? Sounds like ghetto black women to me


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Real shyt
Nah its not real shyt because most of the guys ain't even aiming for chicks period. I know everybody on here though got hella dudes they know that get rejected by a shyt load of avg chicks they aiming for though. If that's the case them nikkas need to figure out why that's the case. Everybody can't use the I'm not a thug and or rich excuse either.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
If u sharing your success but not your struggle you a fool :francis:
Why life doesn't always or mostly even work like that. If your doing good what you supposed to not date? Hell if you doing good that means you have the potential to get a chick you might not could've got if you were struggling.


Jun 23, 2012
Before or maybe while you're in the process. You really need to see if someone will ride for you before you get to where you want to be. Waiting until after opens the door so something more superficial, imo

El negrito de tejas

Fukk the govt I got my own Deficit
Jun 12, 2014
The country of myself
I don't even know where to begin after reading some of the responses. I think @houston911 is right.the average black man should have no issue attracting the average black woman.

In my own experience as long as your in shape, a conversationalist, decent job, ambitious, can dress(doesn't even have to be serious name brands), and have a car you can eat off any race of women.

nikka I didn't even have my own place when I moved out here to Houston. And yet I talk to mainly women who have their education just like I do and they don't even trip about me staying with family.

I think it's time for dudes to start facing the facts and look in the mirror.
Maybe you a lame? maybe your out of shape or just not athletic looking?
Can you even hold a conversation with these women without sounding socially awkward?

You have to ask yourself these things and think am I the best me that I can be?

Getting with women(of any race) isn't rocket science. They all easy to talk to


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Don't disclose what you have, easy. Get to know her first and golddiggers/users expose themselves early on by asking for gifts, money, trips, expensive dinners....personally I think it's best to meet the spouse after you're established because you're actually bringing something to the table and can look for a similar partner or whatever type you want.
Teuthfully the advice you mentioning about disclosing what yo have is na for the majority of dudes on here. Not because they don't have anything but they aren't at a level where girls can even get them for anything. How a dude with a new maxima going to be gold dug on unless its by some chick working at a fast food joint and even the. Dude might not be that much better than her money wise. Goldiggers usually going for real ballers not JV dudes. I mean come on trips, expensive dinners, lol. Man any regular dude getting asked for that of shyt of top is just paying a sucker tax cause ole girl looking for a reason to dismiss his ass. Now the question becomes how many of y'all are on sucker tax status? Lol

That's a scary sight.
You actually believe that shyt? How many cats you know worth that or anything close to it?
QUOTE="bdizzle, post: 15208232, member: 791"]Why am I being mentioned in this long ass post :patrice:[/QUOTE]Dude is saying how its easier to get white girls on some they have beer pong parties and black people don't romanticizing other races as nikkas like to do here quite fukking often. Dude act like they don't have white people that are that different partying flow that ain't playing beer pong and shyt. Its like some people's only interaction with other races are in college and then in party settings with the shyt they say.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I don't even know where to begin after reading some of the responses. I think @houston911 is right.the average black man should have no issue attracting the average black woman.

In my own experience as long as your in shape, a conversationalist, decent job, ambitious, can dress(doesn't even have to be serious name brands), and have a car you can eat off any race of women.

nikka I didn't even have my own place when I moved out here to Houston. And yet I talk to mainly women who have their education just like I do and they don't even trip about me staying with family.

I think it's time for dudes to start facing the facts and look in the mirror.
Maybe you a lame? maybe your out of shape or just not athletic looking?
Can you even hold a conversation with these women without sounding socially awkward?

You have to ask yourself these things and think am I the best me that I can be?

Getting with women(of any race) isn't rocket science. They all easy to talk to

The bolded times a million. nikkas gotta stop lying to themselves and admit they're the problem.

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
Sounds like ghetto black women to me

This is all yall can do is deflect and say "Well he must have been picking the wrong Woman". See my comment regarding the White women. Why isn't he attracting trailer trash or ghetto White Women?

This is purely a numbers issue. There are simply not enough sane Black Women to go around in America. Face the facts. On the whole, White Women are no better in aggregate but ratio wise again I will state:

If there are only 1 in 10 White Women compatible with a Black Man

There's probably only 1 in 25 Black Women compatible with the same Black Man. Purely speaking USA here.


May 29, 2014
This is all yall can do is deflect and say "Well he must have been picking the wrong Woman". See my comment regarding the White women. Why isn't he attracting trailer trash or ghetto White Women?

This is purely a numbers issue. There are simply not enough sane Black Women to go around in America. Face the facts. On the whole, White Women are no better in aggregate but ratio wise again I will state:

If there are only 1 in 10 White Women compatible with a Black Man

There's probably only 1 in 25 Black Women compatible with the same Black Man. Purely speaking USA here.
If what you say is true, then why if I say the same thing, it's bashing black men? How is it deflection to point out that the women who are addicted to weed , have family drama, can get you involved in trouble are ghetto women? Is your dad meeting professional black women that are acting like this, is this what you are insinuating? You guys can't make up your mind one minute it's BW pick better there are so many BM and the next minute it's BM are not picking low tier women, it's BW are mostly crap. Let me flip the script and it I am bashing BM. When it is statistical fact that there are less BM than BW, BM are incarcerated at the highest rate for offences such; drug dealing, domestic violence, petty theft, murder, etc...

I ask you the question again, why is your father looking for another woman, where is your mom?
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All Star
Jul 8, 2015
Teuthfully the advice you mentioning about disclosing what yo have is na for the majority of dudes on here. Not because they don't have anything but they aren't at a level where girls can even get them for anything. How a dude with a new maxima going to be gold dug on unless its by some chick working at a fast food joint and even the. Dude might not be that much better than her money wise. Goldiggers usually going for real ballers not JV dudes. I mean come on trips, expensive dinners, lol. Man any regular dude getting asked for that of shyt of top is just paying a sucker tax cause ole girl looking for a reason to dismiss his ass. Now the question becomes how many of y'all are on sucker tax status? Lol

You actually believe that shyt? How many cats you know worth that or anything close to it?
It's not about being on actual baller status it's about some users out here perceiving what they can get from you. Yes a regular guy with a maxima can be liable to be used by too. Don't question who I know please let's stick to the topic but if you want to go there then I'll assume you only know broke people because you refuse to believe happens what I said in the previous post. It's not only rich guys being used. I've seen this crap with my own eyes and heard the stories.

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
How many times we gonna have these :cape: taking the Woman's side and accusing all these nikkas of being Kent TV. At what point do we question the unrealistic standards that American Women have?

I ask you the question, why is your father looking for another woman, where is your mom?

Don't worry about that my Mom is doing fine, they are divorced since I was 10. And she agrees with everything I say about today's young Black Women under the age of 40:heh:.

We been through this already. Yes my Momma Black that has nothing to do with how Black Women my own age treat me or my brethren. So you can swerve down that lane with some other dude that accepts the shaming tactics.:camby:


May 15, 2014
Better to always meet your mate (man or woman) before you are successful. When you are so called successful it is more difficult to date and spend time with folks.

Also when you are broke you know the person is there to be with you not the stuff you have.

Trust I know some single older rich (millionaires) black men and women who say it was easy dating when they didn't have shyt. But now that they have money they have to always be cautious that the person isn't with them because of what they have.

Oh and don't think it is only folks who don't have what they have trying to take advantage of them. Even other rich folks who they have dated....have tried to us them or be with them because of connections and money they can provide.