Is it better to meet women before success or after?


May 20, 2015
she has a point though. A lot of brehs write off black women bc they didn't want them when they were struggling. when they are finally making it, they use that as leverage to get with non-black women which doesn't make a lick of sense bc these non black women wouldn't want your broke ass either. Only in the black community, is a woman shunned for wanting financial stability and non black women who happen to be moralless and trashy used as a barometer. *hint-hint*: a woman of quality regardless of race isn't going to deal with a broke man and by broke I mean no stable income and no motivation to become better.
All woman are shunned for not being capable of loving a man beyond his wallets. Just be honest, Its not about being stable woman are not capable of loving a man beyond what he provides...

Black woman date outside thr race for financial gains all the time...



May 20, 2015
If you can find that person that's down to struggle with you, by all means snag that
Dating for men is like a poker game trying to acquire the best hand
As you go through life you acquire a better and better hand
Women on the other hand are born with a full deck

personally I would always encourage dudes to get their shyt together for various reasons; confidence, leverage, a greater pool of quality women etc.
And if for some reason it doesn't work out, she can :camby: and not take half your shyt
To make this simple men are born with a gym membership and woman are born with a ticket to an amusement park..


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Undergrad shouldn't even count, it's like a cheat code. From smashing on the bunk beds in the freshmen dorms to having chicks reserve time slots when I moved off campus. Most of the time they even supply their own liquor and tell em grab a swisher on the way.
Seems like black chicks in college are more receptive to my "game" than the general black female population so I dunno what dude is talking about.
That may be true ON campus....but leave campus or talk to other black girls from different cities /schools and what I'm saying applies.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Please.... :rudy:

I get sub-par Women out of pocket hollering at me daily on public transportation in NYC. And a guy on their level will try to holla at them and they ain't paying them no mind.

How many times must we have this discussion on the Coli. The majority of Men are NOT aiming for 9s and 10s. Enough of the lies.:aicmon:
Real shyt

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
nikka get the entire fukk out of here. You acting like black dudes in college were balling or something. I was living off my student loan money and still bagging bytches just like every other nikka on campus. Black chicks in college weren't materialistic breh. shyt all you needed was Netflix and bottle of liquor and you was fukking. Get a car and an apartment and you bill gates out that bytch.


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
:ehh:A couple of engineering brehs I know share the same sentiment that this will happen to them. One thing we can't deny is that people are very receptive of what goes on in their environment. Like I mentioned in my previous post, Black women aren't making themselves to Black men like these i.e men who lack the confidence, or whatever you want to call it, that other Black men have. These guys are somewhat bitter about it now and it will get worse over time. I'm sure once they get good jobs and everything else that comes with that, they'll be even more bitter and you can guess which race of women they'll be most bitter against (because they didn't get any play while having to endure those late nights). :francis:

In just reading this
The notion that bm feel ignored by bw and then sought out after success
And them being bitter leads to them choosing others

Sounds alot like bm feel owed/entitled to bw in the beginning prior to success.:manny:
or they prioritized non black women to begin with but still felt entitled to bw being there for convenience.

All blah blah blah "bw didn't want me when I was struggling so fukk them imma get me this WW-AW-HW who also didn't want me when I was struggling.:mjpls:

If it weren't for a feeling of entitlement why would that hypothetical man be mad or bitter at black women at all?
Why wouldn't he be mad and bitter at all women?

This foolishness. So glad I'm a old married lady :whew:


Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
Look I don't know how many times this has to be said. If a Black Woman is not with you from the bottom and Women of other Races are then you already have your answer as to where your "loyalty" should be. Now due to changing demographics that was not the case for your Father or Grandfather's generation. Black Women stopped being there for Black Men after the 70's, so if you were born during that era or after and looking for a Black Woman you're fukked.

With all the negative attributes African American Women have racked up in the past 40 years why would you want to chance it on her? Women are crazy as it is - So why would you choose the craziest out of the whole bunch if you have other options?

I have hundreds of case studies observed by me personally in the NY/NJ/PHI area. Maybe your experience will be different in Atlanta or elsewhere. But tell me why is it that you have White Women with their shyt together who are attracted to my Father and Black Women far beneath him with multiple problems in their life, weed addiction, times they disappear and re-appear mysteriously and "relatives" acting a fool causing drama on the scene. The White Women who approach him have none of this but unfortunately he is not attracted to Women who don't have enough melanin - So I said fine you need to buy a plane ticket to Brazil but he is too lazy to put the effort in and learn Portuguese. You can't say "He attracts the wrong type of Woman" if that were the case he would attract fukked up White Women as well.

Here's the point my Pops is from the old school and that generation is now 50 years old. So if you want a Black Man that will be loyal to Black Women no matter what they do and however much they shyt on Black Men then that's your only reliable option is to go with an older Black Man. The young Men are not tolerating this disrespect and horse shyt from Black Women any longer. He is loyal to Black Women because Black Women his age were with him when he wasn't making money or didn't have a secure job but rising up. Such is not the case for 80's babies and beyond.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
Look I don't know how many times this has to be said. If a Black Woman is not with you from the bottom and Women of other Races are then you already have your answer as to where your "loyalty" should be. Now due to changing demographics that was not the case for your Father or Grandfather's generation. Black Women stopped being there for Black Men after the 70's, so if you were born during that era or after and looking for a Black Woman you're fukked.

With all the negative attributes African American Women have racked up in the past 40 years why would you want to chance it on her? Women are crazy as it is - So why would you choose the craziest out of the whole bunch if you have other options?

I have hundreds of case studies observed by me personally in the NY/NJ/PHI area. Maybe your experience will be different in Atlanta or elsewhere. But tell me why is it that you have White Women with their shyt together who are attracted to my Father and Black Women far beneath him with multiple problems in their life, weed addiction, times they disappear and re-appear mysteriously and "relatives" acting a fool causing drama on the scene. The White Women who approach him have none of this but unfortunately he is not attracted to Women who don't have enough melanin - So I said fine you need to buy a plane ticket to Brazil but he is too lazy to put the effort in and learn Portuguese. You can't say "He attracts the wrong type of Woman" if that were the case he would attract fukked up White Women as well.

Here's the point my Pops is from the old school and that generation is now 50 years old. So if you want a Black Man that will be loyal to Black Women no matter what they do and however much they shyt on Black Men then that's your only reliable option is to go with an older Black Man. The young Men are not tolerating this disrespect and horse shyt from Black Women any longer. He is loyal to Black Women because Black Women his age were with him when he wasn't making money or didn't have a secure job but rising up. Such is not the case for 80's babies and beyond.
white women aint better b