Its embarrassing that those third generation junkie babies will protest when most have acquiesced. Don't have shyt to lose when you are marginalized and dying anyway. Might as well spark a conversation,affect policy, andgo out with a bang. Buppies from two parent homes or the "up and comings" (wannabes) are more concerned with looking presentable, giving their children resume appropriate names and speaking proper English(everyone in American speaks shyt English anyway) as they are profiled/harrassed by law enforcement. After all if you are not doing anything police are not harmful, right?
I was on business in Europe recently and conversed with a Spaniard and a few other Europeans who were curious and proud of the protests; especially after the dude in SC was shot in the back/murdered while running away and the unarmed homeless man in LA who was killed after being restrained by 5 officers. The gentlemen even informed me about US police brutality news feeds that I was unaware of. Thank God for technology. Without TV or Internet, the undesirables would hang from trees or be beaten with nightsticks/billys with impunity like pre 1950s.
Yep the rioters are killing revenue and like another poster said would be smarter to take it downtown. Would affect business in the Inner Harbor. Would be awesome if this happened during football season. For those who claim that violence and destruction to your own property does not resolve anything, where is your solution? Most importantly, what action have you taken to protest? Study the history of the Irish in the States. They dont called them fighting Irish for nothing.
Aside: Those Bmore accents are whats piff. Man when they say the word "dog" or pronounce anything with the letter u, I holler. Now burning the CVS where granny gets her insulin is
