Its called "power tripping". It is about those who have some type of authority, abusing it, and they mostly do it to the poor. Both black, and white do this. You should know this by now. Many times its been said its not just about race, even though that plays a major part.Breh you live in a city with a 63% black population and most high offices are held by black folks. The city has been held by democrats longer than anyone on this board has been alive. When is it time as a man to stop saying another man is keeping you down? Mostly black population, the government is black, and republicans have zero power. Who is oppressing you and why are you allowing it?
Also schools not getting enough funding like they should. Baltimore isn't that bad as other places but, I think education should be any community's highest priority. Give young people skills, and that will help prevent the poverty we see in areas like west Baltimore. Everyone isn't gonna want to sit behind a desk all day. Training in mechanical skills can help a lot of people eat. And new inventions can be created to help make major money. Education of manual skills needs to come back into our schools.
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