"In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the Word was GOD."


Dec 31, 2012
My focus was less on religion and more about spirituality.

Me personally, I can count on one hand how many times I read the bible but still...I think people mis-interpret the bible (or mis translated the original transcripts).

I think the bible may have been more of a teaching tool about math/science through stories and metaphors...not a biography or record of events. Like you said different societies have different number scales so maybe that was considered when the bible was written. So the same way music can be seen as a universal language, metaphors and adages were used to give pieces of the puzzle that we need to put together.

That is why I started this thread by saying...by "word" did the bible really mean "frequency". :thinking:

I showed video clips of frequencies creating patterns, which illustrates how frequencies are used when atoms form into matter.

If that is the case, then what other information are we overlooking. :thinking:

I dont think people interpret the bible "incorrectly" perse, I just think that they interpret it the way they see fit. Which is fine since scripture isnt a once size fits all in terms of interpretation.

To me the bible is a tool used to navigate through life in the spirit.

I like the way you think because you have added tons to this thread that i would have never thought of. I am sure there is tons that is still over looked, but the great thing about everything is that you can never be 100% certain of anything with topics like these.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
My focus was less on religion and more about spirituality.

Me personally, I can count on one hand how many times I read the bible but still...I think people mis-interpret the bible (or mis translated the original transcripts).

I think the bible may have been more of a teaching tool about math/science through stories and metaphors...not a biography or record of events. Like you said different societies have different number scales so maybe that was considered when the bible was written. So the same way music can be seen as a universal language, metaphors and adages were used to give pieces of the puzzle that we need to put together.

That is why I started this thread by saying...by "word" did the bible really mean "frequency". :thinking:

I showed video clips of frequencies creating patterns, which illustrates how frequencies are used when atoms form into matter.

If that is the case, then what other information are we overlooking. :thinking:

Spirituality? Oh so because you're embarassed of the word "religion" (because you know its bullshyt :beli: ) you opt for the less controversial term?

Just say you have some magic feelings and want them to mean more than what they really do.

What the fukk does frequencies and sound waves have to do with the existence of a supernatural entity?

And YES you're being religious when you start quoting and defending the bible.

The bible is SUCH a teaching tool that it tells us that Bats are the Same as Birds and that Pi equals EXACTLY Three. Not to mention the whole creation story says 4 days passed before there was even an earth to revolve around a sun. :heh: :mjpls:

Religious people try SO HARD to move the goal posts into "well you haven't proven THIS yet so there!"...knowing damn well modern science with actual respect for evidence and experimentation/testing has shown more to be true than the bible or any religious book has ever gotten right.

To be honest, if your religious book was right, it would never change... At least physics books get updated.

Let me know how the parts about angels and dragons are going. :troll:

Science has the humility that religion never had and never will. Religion asserts what it wants to be true. Science doesn't care what it wants, it shows what IS..and its also open to being wrong and encourages the pursuit of failure so much as to eventually arrive at the truth.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
always the atheists with simple, elementary school-like responses

Ah yes...nothing like interpreting a book that says pretty clearly what it means just so you can continually move the goal-posts in a society that doesn't need your book anymore.

Ya'll stay talking about "look for more meaning" when the book EXPLICITLY can't even be taken at face value.

Christians don't even believe in the bible. They just have to keep trying to find new ways to evade keeping anything in the book relevant as society progresses.

After slavery, they tried to play that shyt off like "oh well you have to read it in context"

Beating women? Oh well that was their time...

Killing kids? Well you just don't understand...

Segregation? ...nah...well you see... :whoa:

Lets not even talk about the stuff it gets SCIENTIFICALLY wrong. :pachaha:

EVEN IF there are random numerical relationships out there...what does that have to do with the existence of a god, especially in the christian (or even abrahamic) form?


All Star
Dec 9, 2012
That is why I started this thread by saying...by "word" did the bible really mean "frequency". :thinking:

The “Word” describing Jesus in the "The Gospel of John" is a translation of the Greek word "Logos".

Five hundred years before Christ came into the world, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus used the word to describe what he envisioned as a universal force of reason which governed the universe.
He felt that “all things happen according to this Logos” (Fr. 50, from Hippolytus, Refutation of all Heresies, IX, 9, 1).

Later, the philosophical school known as the Stoics expanded and popularized this idea in the ancient world.

The apostle John does the same thing in His reference to Jesus as the Logos of God.
Unlike the Greek notion of the Logos as an impersonal ordering force, John declares that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

Throughout his gospel he goes on to explain that this One who is the Logos of God was a personal entity who lived and taught among His creation. While the Jews perhaps were closer in their concepts of the Logos, John also clarifies their misconceptions.

The Word of God was not simply a personified manifestation of God, John tells us that the Logos was the creative force of God, which was with God but was God Himself (John 1:1).

"In The Beginning Was the Word" : A Study of the Logos Doctrine
May 15, 2012
To the [disputer of the natural world] this is nothing but foolishness. But to the spiritual he obtains a higher understanding of what is.

Im not talking about a disciple of religion, im talking about spirituality.

The natural man who taunts others acting as if his complete belief in intellectualism is the end all, power over all things, will sit there and say that the bible/spirituality/the name of the Christ is all bunk.

On the other hand we have those who see through the spirit can and does begin to draw parallels in all creation.

As a natural man all you see is as a beast. You see division. Its either mathematics, or history, law or is it jesus. A spiritual man does not see division but begins to see the spirit/energies that really are parallel to each other and sees that there is a common force linking all things.

Call it what you may:ld:..


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
To the [disputer of the natural world] this is nothing but foolishness. But to the spiritual he obtains a higher understanding of what is.

Im not talking about a disciple of religion, im talking about spirituality.

The natural man who taunts others acting as if his complete belief in intellectualism is the end all, power over all things, will sit there and say that the bible/spirituality/the name of the Christ is all bunk.

On the other hand we have those who see through the spirit can and does begin to draw parallels in all creation.

As a natural man all you see is as a beast. You see division. Its either mathematics, or history, law or is it jesus. A spiritual man does not see division but begins to see the spirit/energies that really are parallel to each other and sees that there is a common force linking all things.

Call it what you may:ld:..

1. What is spirituality. Define that before we go forward. Mind you, if you assert something you have to back it up or substantiate your claims.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The Greek word which is translated “Word” in the "The Gospel of John" is the word "Logos".

Five hundred years before Christ came into the world, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus used the word to describe what he envisioned as a universal force of reason which governed the universe.
He felt that “all things happen according to this Logos” (Fr. 50, from Hippolytus, Refutation of all Heresies, IX, 9, 1).

Later, the philosophical school known as the Stoics expanded and popularized this idea in the ancient world.

The apostle John does the same thing in His reference to Jesus as the Logos of God.
Unlike the Greek notion of the Logos as an impersonal ordering force, John declares that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

Throughout his gospel he goes on to explain that this One who is the Logos of God was a personal entity who lived and taught among His creation. While the Jews perhaps were closer in their concepts of the Logos, John also clarifies their misconceptions.

The Word of God was not simply a personified manifestation of God, John tells us that the Logos was the creative force of God, which was with God but was God Himself (John 1:1).

"In The Beginning Was the Word" : A Study of the Logos Doctrine

Wow...its like christianity is the only religion in the world. :rudy:
May 15, 2012

Ah yes...nothing like interpreting a book that says pretty clearly what it means just so you can continually move the goal-posts in a society that doesn't need your book anymore.

Ya'll stay talking about "look for more meaning" when the book EXPLICITLY can't even be taken at face value.

Christians don't even believe in the bible. They just have to keep trying to find new ways to evade keeping anything in the book relevant as society progresses.

After slavery, they tried to play that shyt off like "oh well you have to read it in context"

Beating women? Oh well that was their time...

Killing kids? Well you just don't understand...

Segregation? ...nah...well you see... :whoa:

Lets not even talk about the stuff it gets SCIENTIFICALLY wrong. :pachaha:

EVEN IF there are random numerical relationships out there...what does that have to do with the existence of a god, especially in the christian (or even abrahamic) form?

Bottom line is nobody came in this thread to argue with a bitter scorned woman with your hate for all things God. We get it..

...we get it... you are

We came in this thread to discuss and share the thought-provoking things @Fredrick Thuglas posted. Not to argue with your bitter tormented mind:scusthov:

We get it breh. We'd prefer it if you leave:ld:
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Bottom line is nobody came in this thread to argue with a bitter scorned woman with your hate for all things God. We get it..

...we get it... you are

We came in this thread to discuss and share the thought-provoking things @Fredrick Thuglas posted. Not to argue with your bitter tormented mind:scusthov:

We get it breh. We'd prefer it if you leave:ld:

Funny. Religious person gets called out for talking out of their ass and not making ANY sense and therefore he/she must be emasculated into a "scorned woman"

Those are the insults you resort to because you've been misinformed that your religious bullshyt is on the same epistemological level as any other level of complex rationale.

Too bad. You met your match today. I'm putting an end to it and I'll follow you around Coli if I have to. You'll just learn that you don't always get your way when it comes to talking crazy.

Don't cry foul because you got called out.

I don't "hate" your god. I just don't believe in it.

This thread started out interesting until you turned it into a way to prosetlyze bullshyt.

Theists/religious people are so used to getting their way that they can't handle backlash or being put in their intellectually inferior place. Yes. I meant that too.

Its 2013 and religion isn't getting the social pass and exemptions from critical analysis that it used to get.

If you come into here with bullshyt, we're going to research what you're saying and test/evaluate if its true.

If you don't like it, you can either make better arguments or learn more...but I won't defend your nonsense for you.

Stop apologizing for peddling bullshyt masquerading as actual knowledge.

Get Mad. :win:

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Goat ™
May 2, 2012
:ohlawd: 5 star thread!!

i love talking about universal geometry from marco to micro it's ALL THE SAME. cells... atoms..nature...solar systems.. galaxies etc. the Fibonacci Sequence... Ithacus Golden Spiral etc. so beautiful how almost everything follows the same guidelines. if that doesn't convince people of INTELLIGENT DESIGN then i don't know what to tell them... lost causes.

speaking of beautiful repetition in nature:

Flower Bluecrystaldude.png




now try and tell me everything we see wasn't intelligently designed.. :stopitslime:


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
:ohlawd: 5 star thread!!

i love talking about universal geometry from marco to micro it's ALL THE SAME. cells... atoms..nature...solar systems.. galaxies etc. the Fibonacci Sequence... Ithacus Golden Spiral etc. so beautiful how almost everything follows the same guidelines. if that doesn't convince people of INTELLIGENT DESIGN then i don't know what to tell them... lost causes.

speaking of beautiful repetition in nature:

Flower Bluecrystaldude.png




now try and tell me everything we see wasn't intelligently designed.. :stopitslime:

isnt it weird that the shyt you posted looks like vaginas.
Mother Nature is real. :win:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
:ohlawd: 5 star thread!!

i love talking about universal geometry from marco to micro it's ALL THE SAME. cells... atoms..nature...solar systems.. galaxies etc. the Fibonacci Sequence... Ithacus Golden Spiral etc. so beautiful how almost everything follows the same guidelines. if that doesn't convince people of INTELLIGENT DESIGN then i don't know what to tell them... lost causes.

speaking of beautiful repetition in nature:

Flower Bluecrystaldude.png




now try and tell me everything we see wasn't intelligently designed.. :stopitslime:

Intelligent design argument is bullshyt.

You mean like breathing and eating down the same tube?

Congenital birth defects?

Some flowers LOOK like vaginas? Thats intelligent design? How many animal vaginas look like that?

So because something looks SIMILARLY to something else then its intelligent design? ITs not even the same anatomically functional part of the species. :childplease:

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