In all seriousness, what do you think the black community will look like in a 100 years? 500?

Jul 24, 2018
Nah, overall if you look at it there won't be a disappearance of the Black community but it will split regionally.

Black folks in the South, Maryland, and a few other places with a critical mass will largely marry and have kids with each other, especially in large metro areas. The mixed Black population will grow as a percentage but I don't think it will get past 1/5 of the total.

In other more 'liberal' areas like the West coast, much of the Midwest outside big cities like Detroit or Chicago and the far northeast, I expect the Black population will have a lot of mixing. The question though about the survival of the Black communities in these areas are how the mixed people identify and who they have kids with. Since mixed Black women are only having kids with Black men 50% of the time and mixed Black men are having kids with Black women only 30% or less of the time, I think a lot of those mixed people won't identify with the Black community overall so you will have aging legacy Black communities where the young people either swirl or emigrate down South.
I mostly agree with this stance. However, I'm going to add a little extra. I think you're missing a factor within mixing and that is Aframs mixing with Africans (SSA - West, Central, East and Southern), more specifically African men having Afram wives. Most immigrants tend to be men and as you know men are and get horny. I foresee a rise of some Africans (SSA - West, Central, East and Southern) assimilating into the Afram community. And with this, I think they'll be a rise of Afram men carrying SSA Y-DNA/Paternal Haplogroups and over time more Aframs having African surnames (then over time those African surnames being anglo-americanised). Plus with the rise mulattas born to Afram (and African diaspora) men and white yank (and non-black) women some of them will integrate into the Afram community. This in turn will raise the Non-SSA Mt-DNA/Maternal Haplogroups of the Afram community.
So in let's say 300 years' time, it would be reasonable for an Afram man named James Quashie who can trace his paternal line to a Ghanaian man named Kofi Kojo Quashie, to marry an Afram woman named Michelle Washington who can trace her maternal line to Spain via a Mexican mestiza called Magdalena Cortez.
Of course, this raises a couple of important questions:
1. Will the USA exist in 300 years' time?
2. If not, how will affect the populations?

The US Black population is too big and too segregated to completely mix like Brazil. On the other hand, absent immigration, the Black communities in the UK and Canada (esp. outside Ontario) are on their way to assimilation. Those communities largely never got best reppin' their parents' home countries and never formed a cohesive community. The Caribbean descent will go first and the African descent may hang on for an extra generation or two.
This is true. As a man of Jamaican descent born and living in the UK, I'm seeing it first hand. I don't mind, agreed upon assimilation is natural, moral and it has and will continue to happen. I'm just intrigued(and find it hilarious) when in say 100 years' time, white British and Irish kids are having African surnames like: Mensah, Tackie, Oppong, Gakpo, Lawal, Balogun, Okocha, Imafidon, Ngannou, Zambo-Nguissah, Eto'o, Mba Amoute, Lukaku, Mbemba, Matombo, Wanjiku, Wangechi, Origi, Juma, Chisora, Kashiri, Mbatha, Masakela and many more. LOL

Economically I think there could be a chasm though as a minority of educated and well-off Blacks (like 10-20%) are hanging on the middle class status while the rest are poor.

I actually put numbers behind this in another thread here
Economics is going to be a deciding factor for many communities across the world. Plus geography (both physical and political).

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
500yrs is too big of a time table to tell anything. Hell 100 years is too.. Lotta guesses predicated on the world staying exactly the way it is. But like breh @CopiousX said we got global forces with their foot on our necks. So if game changer doesn't happen, then it's pretty easy to see how things will go for us globally.. for the next 100yrs anyway.

But I think these next 50yrs are gonna give us the game changer we need. Because we're definitely in the lukewarm phase of ww3 right now.

So I definitely don't think the usa is gonna be around in 100yrs. If it's gone then I expect the AA community to have carved out a country from it's corpse. Since our main issue would have be dealt a fatal blow. Hell the usa goin bye bye finally ends the west as a global power. Which gives the Afribrehs the best chance they will get to do what they need to.


Jun 12, 2014
It's cute thinking humans will still exist on earth 100 years from now:mjlol:

We will be lucky if climate change or a massive asteroid doesn't wipe life forms out in 60 years time
Jul 24, 2018

Connor has a 100% FBA granddaddy and identifies as Black.

Yet, it is a possibility.

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
We ain't doing well now, but I'm not optimistic at all...the only real solution is networking with Black folk doing constructive things (and with the internet, it's never been easier especially if you're on a pan-Africanist tip) and this quote below:

Don't know and don't care. This community so broken, just look after yourself and loved ones.

I feel like a lot of us having these discussions want to find an instant cure that'll suddenly reverse all the dysfunction/corruption AA's, WI's, and CA's go through. What's the airplane safety rule, make sure your mask is on first before you help others? Fix YOUR neighborhoods first, because that's all that matters right now
Jul 24, 2018
I honestly think that's the end game. Part of the reason why the gender divide is being pushed as it is as well as the cultural balkanization of the black community. When it breaks apart culturally, it can break apart politically, with small factions fighting each other. It's how Africa fell as it did, unfortunately.
At the bolded part - Africa is a continent filled with thousands of diverse ethnic groups, biomes, cultures, etc. Africa has never or never will be united. Same for every other continent (except Australia, but who knows what will happen in 500 years time).


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I mostly agree with this stance. However, I'm going to add a little extra. I think you're missing a factor within mixing and that is Aframs mixing with Africans (SSA - West, Central, East and Southern), more specifically African men having Afram wives. Most immigrants tend to be men and as you know men are and get horny. I foresee a rise of some Africans (SSA - West, Central, East and Southern) assimilating into the Afram community. And with this, I think they'll be a rise of Afram men carrying SSA Y-DNA/Paternal Haplogroups and over time more Aframs having African surnames (then over time those African surnames being anglo-americanised). Plus with the rise mulattas born to Afram (and African diaspora) men and white yank (and non-black) women some of them will integrate into the Afram community. This in turn will raise the Non-SSA Mt-DNA/Maternal Haplogroups of the Afram community.

Probably true though the African immigrant population is too small to make a huge contribution right now I think though I know several people with African dads and AfrAm moms. On balance it would mean Aframs 100 years from now would show relatively equal ancestry contributions via Y chromosome or mtDNA haplotypes whereas right now it is heavily skewed towards Y-DNA from non SSA groups.

1. Will the USA exist in 300 years' time?

I would put it this way: the only countries I am almost sure that will exist in 300 years are China and India, though their geographic scope could change. Everyone else's political actuality is a toss up.

2. If not, how will affect the populations?

The US is regionally segregated. About 53% of Blacks live in the South. It was much higher until the Great Migration took a lot of people to northern, midwestern, and Western cities. If the US split, the South would be the closest thing to a Black homeland. Blacks elsewhere would either form tight ethnic enclaves or be assimilated/cleansed.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
This is true. As a man of Jamaican descent born and living in the UK, I'm seeing it first hand. I don't mind, agreed upon assimilation is natural, moral and it has and will continue to happen. I'm just intrigued(and find it hilarious) when in say 100 years' time, white British and Irish kids are having African surnames like: Mensah, Tackie, Oppong, Gakpo, Lawal, Balogun, Okocha, Imafidon, Ngannou, Zambo-Nguissah, Eto'o, Mba Amoute, Lukaku, Mbemba, Matombo, Wanjiku, Wangechi, Origi, Juma, Chisora, Kashiri, Mbatha, Masakela and many more. LOL

And over time as those white kids mix with other white people the future UK white population will have an almost universal, though probably small, signature of African ancestry, much like Afrikaners almost all have some Khoi ancestry.


Dec 15, 2019
At the bolded part - Africa is a continent filled with thousands of diverse ethnic groups, biomes, cultures, etc. Africa has never or never will be united. Same for every other continent (except Australia, but who knows what will happen in 500 years time).
Good point . People treat a continent 5 times the size of the continental US like a monolith .:snoop:

However, I'm not sure that unity is impossible. You could've said the same thing about Asia prior to Khan and his demonic offspring. They got literally everything from the Pacific ocean to the Indian subcontinent and all the way to fcking Armenia under one family flag. That's an area bigger than subshaharan Africa with everything from deserts to jungles to mountainsides included. At its height, khan's Asia had spies embedded as far as Venice Italy because of their need and ease of expansion.

I mean seriously look at this disgustingly large map of their empire. And they would've taken Laos/Cambodia too if Kublai Khan didn't die of diabetes and alcohol...:picard:


So I certainly can't discount an African equivalent. But my concern is that it definitely wouldn't be a peaceful process. People love to glaze over the human cost of "unity" . Rarely is it a peaceful process . Instead of noble leaders, "unity" normally involves thugs imposssing thier will on others. Everybody from the US, to the Russian federation , to the PRC, to India ,to the Soviet union, to the British isles had to basically massacre their populations to get that unity. So I think Africa would be better off without it for the sake of sparing black lives.
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High Art

đź‘‘King of The Salonđź‘‘
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
I disagree. They same could've been said for europe during all these centuries of fighting. Same with the middle east before colonization.

At the bolded part - Africa is a continent filled with thousands of diverse ethnic groups, biomes, cultures, etc. Africa has never or never will be united. Same for every other continent (except Australia, but who knows what will happen in 500 years time).
That's the point I was trying to get across in some ways. The colonization of Africa had little to do with euro superiority but rather taking advantage of the disagreements between tribes and kingdoms, similar to other groups.
Jul 24, 2018
Probably true though the African immigrant population is too small to make a huge contribution right now I think though I know several people with African dads and AfrAm moms. On balance it would mean Aframs 100 years from now would show relatively equal ancestry contributions via Y chromosome or mtDNA haplotypes whereas right now it is heavily skewed towards Y-DNA from non SSA groups.
IIRC As of today, ~65% of Afram men carry SSA Y-DNA/Paternal Haplogroups and the rest being non SSA (mostly Euro, obviously). Surprisingly ~7% of Afram women carry non-SSA Mt-DNA/Maternal Haplogroups (mostly Euro).

I would put it this way: the only countries I am almost sure that will exist in 300 years are China and India, though their geographic scope could change. Everyone else's political actuality is a toss up.
I mostly agree. I don't think India will be called India though. Remember the Indian Sub-continent has only been majority unified 6 times and the dynasties/politics were quite different from each other culturally. As for China, civilisationally and culturally it'll be the same (with some noticeable tweaks) but how big it'll be geographically and what the ruling dynasty will be is a mystery. Yet, because of their high populations, both 'China' and 'India' will always be relevant.

The US is regionally segregated. About 53% of Blacks live in the South. It was much higher until the Great Migration took a lot of people to northern, midwestern, and Western cities. If the US split, the South would be the closest thing to a Black homeland. Blacks elsewhere would either form tight ethnic enclaves or be assimilated/cleansed.