Imagine being married to a woman who admits that you’re physically not her ideal man

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
im sure that most men want to fukk a bria myles or meagan good or nia long and never end up getting anywhere close to that, as long as you find somebody youre content with and genuinely want to spend time with youre golden

marriage is more than physical, im assuming youre young because ive noticed you make threads like this often but if youre insecure about height or whatever you got no need to be
Marriage is physical and mental but society has put us in predicaments where it's financial as well which increases divorce and infidelity rates. You should never marry someone you're not attracted to.


May 1, 2012
These height Nazis and size queens typically cash out to their not ideal.

Most the time they were thots who threw themselves at top shelf men or were seen as easily attainable because of their basic looks and weren't ideal to their ideal.

They ended up where they belonged. Average with average.

And it hurts :mjcry:
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Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
I dont know you, but my inclination is to believe you are lying. If you’re not, I find that strange but whatever makes your marriage work.

It couldn’t be me tho. To me, it sounds like a recipe of resentment and indication of incompatibility. I would never be with someone that preferred for example tall light skin dudes because I know that I will resent her. I would not be “flattered” she made an exception for me. And I believe she’ll resent me unconsciously even if she likes me for other reasons. I see no reason for people not to go after what they prefer , within reason.

I also believe that deep down, all men want a woman that accepts them for them, that’s why we hate gold diggers and you see dudes here rant and rave about hypergamy and GMB

I also know for a fact that if I told my girl that I prefer thick light skin / mixed chicks or white chicks or something but I love her for other reasons, she would be extremely upset and our relationship would be ending soon :mjgrin:

After nearly two decades of being with this man, I feel no resentment. As I said before, prior to our engagement, I saw the types of ladies my husband had been with in the past. It's like night and day. It didn't piss me off I looked nothing like them; if anything, it roused my curiosity. If he could have these types of women, then why ask me to marry him? I asked him that as well because I wanted to know.

Is not the glaring answer because there was something else that drew him to me? I'm really trying to understand the logic with y'all here, truly. What should I be resenting?

I'm not ugly, but as ive said, I'm no Halle Berry or Ms. Conwell either, and I am satisfied with my looks. He found himself attracted to me, and why ought I not trust that?

What has intrigued me about this entire conversation on this board is everything has been relegated to height....seriously, the length of someone's legs and torso?

As if there are not 100 other reasons I was and still attracted to my husband, from other aspects of his looks and especially facets of his character, why is this entire conversation preoccupied with height? I know that was the original question in the OP on the other board, but it's like common sense is amiss, as if I'm seriously looking at my 5'7 husband in the eye and damning him because he is not if I "settled" for him because his legs are not longer than mine, in spite of me recognizing all the other ways he is if, above all, being tall is a prerequisite for being a good husband and father.

I keep hoping this logic will emerge eventually but it has not. Can someone please just make it make sense?


Dec 5, 2012
After nearly two decades of being with this man, I feel no resentment. As I said before, prior to our engagement, I saw the types of ladies my husband had been with in the past. It's like night and day. It didn't piss me off I looked nothing like them; if anything, it roused my curiosity. If he could have these types of women, then why ask me to marry him? I asked him that as well because I wanted to know.

Is not the glaring answer because there was something else that drew him to me? I'm really trying to understand the logic with y'all here, truly. What should I be resenting?

I'm not ugly, but as ive said, I'm no Halle Berry or Ms. Conwell either, and I am satisfied with my looks. He found himself attracted to me, and why ought I not trust that?

What has intrigued me about this entire conversation on this board is everything has been relegated to height....seriously, the length of someone's legs and torso?

As if there are not 100 other reasons I was and still attracted to my husband, from other aspects of his looks and especially facets of his character, why is this entire conversation preoccupied with height? I know that was the original question in the OP on the other board, but it's like common sense is amiss, as if I'm seriously looking at my 5'7 husband in the eye and damning him because he is not if I "settled" for him because his legs are not longer than mine, in spite of me recognizing all the other ways he is if, above all, being tall is a prerequisite for being a good husband and father.

I keep hoping this logic will emerge eventually but it has not. Can someone please just make it make sense?
Height is very important to people, especially women. Many of y’all openly detest short men / see short men as less of a man or unattractive hence why there’s a preoccupation with height.

So to me, and I assume a lot of people in this thread, you saying you’re ideal is someone much taller than your husband is a sign you settled or are unattractive to your husband

Unattraction can/will lead to resentment of your partner

To provide an analogy , I find it hard to believe if a color struck man married with a dark skin woman that his colorstruckness wouldn’t manifest itself negatively in the relationship
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Aug 15, 2014
When did I say I had a height "requirement"...and the requirement would be for what, exactly? To grab my attention, to give him a date, to have sex with him, to marry him....could you clarify?

As far as being disrespectful, I see this word thrown around a lot on here, especially with regards to ladies. I must be honest and say I don't know how it applies here.

Let's try this - if my husband had told me Halle Berry or Kelly Rowland types were his ideal, should I have felt disrespected by that? From what I've seen on here, many young men believe they warrant the same type of lady and will actually end up with you think they will?

My husband's physical ideal is actually this:


Guess what...I look nothing like not even close.

Now, based on your assertion, I should feel disrespected, as his wife, correct? Is it because I don't look like her or because he actually told me? I've been in this body for nearly 40 years, and he knew what he was getting.

All it tells me is he must have married me for a reason deeper than my looks. Do you think I walk around daily lamenting I don't have a body like Ms. Cowell and resenting my husband for it?

You said your ideal type is between 5'10 and 6'2, meaning your 5'7 husband doesn't even meet the minimum requirement (5'10) when it comes to your 'ideal' type of guy. You set the conditions on height not me :manny:

But hey if what you say about him is true then maybe you both deserve each other since you're both settling :mjlol:

You people really listen to your significant others tell you that physically, you're not their type and you spin it to 'he/she married me for a reason deeper than my looks :queen:' :mjlol::mjlol:

I need to see these successful, happy marriages where both people have come in marrying someone that isn't their type :ohhh::mjlol:


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
Isn't there a stat that says there are less father's than mothers in our community or something like that?
These broads all be fukking the same dude. You don’t even needs stats to prove this. Just look outside your window. We all know that one guy that has multiple baby mamas and plenty of men that can’t even get a whiff of p*ssy.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Height is very important to people, especially women. Many of y’all openly detest short men / see short men as less of a man or unattractive hence why there’s a preoccupation with height.

So to me, and I assume a lot of people in this thread, you saying you’re ideal is someone much taller than your husband is a sign you settled or are unattractive to your husband

Unattraction can/will lead to resentment of your partner

To provide an ability, I find it hard to believe if a color struck man married with a dark skin woman that his colorstruckness wouldn’t manifest itself negatively in the relationship

Fair enough.

Height isn't that big of a deal to me. In the grand scheme of life, being with a man for his height and height alone is something that never interested me. It doesn't even make sense.

I had no aspirations for marriage in my future, yet I became his wife fresh out of college because I saw value in our relationship.

Since we have talked it to death at this point, I'll say in many ways, my husband is the antithesis of the ideal I had. Perhaps this will clear this up.

I like "nerds". Always have. From the time I was old enough to notice the opposite sex, this always my preference. From all the guys I've liked over the years, only 2 were taller than 5'10. Most were my height, one was even shorter. What they all shared was they were extremely smart.

With regards to my spouse, he is my height, not taller. He is muscular, not thin and gangly; staying in shape is very important to him. He is not nerdy, bookish nor understated; actually, when he walks in a room, he grabs attention with ease. He laughs and smiles all the time; he is hardly ever stoic, if ever. He is very physically strong, but you might not think it to look at him. He has charming eyes and a bright smile that lights up a room. He has an array of life experience I myself lack, and with it, he has taught me, and uses it to protect myself and our children..

Does this sound like someone I settled for...because he wasn't 5'10 or 6'2?

Come on now:comeon:
Just like my name on here says, I am a square. Always have been. I found equally square guys attractive...yet, I married someone who is my complete opposite and has the style, swag and groundedness I lack. But I settled and he ought to be resentful...because he knew I liked guys taller than him?

Him being that height never stopped him from getting women before getting with me and it didn't stop me from finding him attractive either.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Isn't there a stat that says there are less father's than mothers in our community or something like that?
Yes, that is the real driver.

Hypergamy is a theory peddled by unwanted CACs who don't have those numerical disadvantages.

Most people who "cannot find a mate" just aren't willing to be honest about where they are in the dating pool. Barring situations where there literally aren't enough women for each man or vice versa there is literally somebody for everybody.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
You said your ideal type is between 5'10 and 6'2, meaning your 5'7 husband doesn't even meet the minimum requirement (5'10) when it comes to your 'ideal' type of guy. You set the conditions on height not me :manny:

But hey if what you say about him is true then maybe you both deserve each other since you're both settling :mjlol:

You people really listen to your significant others tell you that physically, you're not their type and you spin it to 'he/she married me for a reason deeper than my looks :queen:' :mjlol::mjlol:

I need to see these successful, happy marriages where both people have come in marrying someone that isn't their type :ohhh::mjlol:

Are you married?

ETA: I'll ask you this then, as I've asked already in this thread. We've established he was already used to being with a certain type of lady lookswise. He had no trouble pulling.

Thus, can you offer a reason he proposed to me then? I really want someone to answer this yet no one has. We had no shotgun wedding, neither of us married into what was his incentive to propose to me when he clearly could have gotten otherwise?

I genuinely want to know, as I am not a man and do not presume to understand how y'all's minds work. Explain it to me like I'm a five year old, as Denzel would say lol.
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