Imagine being married to a woman who admits that you’re physically not her ideal man


Dec 23, 2016
Marriage is physical and mental but society has put us in predicaments where it's financial as well which increases divorce and infidelity rates. You should never marry someone you're not attracted to.
Settling is different because usually someone has only a few things you don't find ideal but if the rest of the package is good then that's not a big problem - most people settle. The problem is when you have zero attraction to personality or looks. You just cannot force it. You will end up miserable and resentful.

I have no doubt that a woman can be attracted to a man that may not be her physical type.... but that’s my point, once you start losing traits that your woman is attracted too outside of the physical (status, money, resources etc), that attraction will fade and she’ll be looking elsewhere.

Relationships like this are completely transactional. Once the money is gone they jump ship like you said because there is nothing else they are attracted to.


Jan 4, 2017
I disagree, I have a different opinion of the word "Settle".

You guys are weighing a real life option vs the prospect and potential of a fictional one and saying that choosing the real life option is settling because... maybe... just maybe.. .something better may come along. This is not real life... this is not realistic at all. If you only have 1 real option, and you choose said option, that's not settling.

If you wanted to be an astronaut but you never had a chance at it, then did you settle becoming a teacher? :ohhh:
If you want to marry Rihanna, did you settle if you didn't wife her? :ohhh:
Did I settle by not playing in both the NFL and NBA? :ohhh:

If your ideal was never even a possibility for you, its not settling. We have to live in reality, not in hypothetical situations where you can pull every chick you want and you have infinite resources... that's not real life.

Following your logic, every single human being has settled because no single human being got every thing they ever wanted, when they wanted it, and how they wanted it. And you see how that doesn't work because its a zero-sum game. You cant have everybody in the world settle... no there has to be at least half who overachieved. But when your weighing your results vs fictional options, then no one has ever overachieved, not Jeff Bezos, Jay-Z, Bill Gates, no one.

Yes... that is settling brother...
And that's a settlers mentality lol

"I didnt have the chance"... smh
No... u gave the fukk up.
Who says you couldn't have been an astronaut....
Who says you couldn't have made it to the nfl.
Who says you couldn't have got beyonce...
If u got a winners mentality, you'll keep trying, til u find away.
I said everybody (maybe 98%) in this life settle. theres a very small percentage of ppl that dnt think to settle.
I've always called myself a bad gambler... cause in life I've always thought to get exactly what I wanted, foregoing anything else that others would consider reasonable..
Good and bad results...
Settling isnt a bad thing tho.
Even when u have a winners mentality... u might not get the exact thing u wanted... but u pushed so hard that u damn near got a replica.
U settled but the difference is minimal.

Ur not an astronaut but ur just a pilot.
Not in the nfl but Canadian league
Not beyonce, but Solange or some shyt lol
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All Star
May 19, 2012
:yeshrug: I prefer my woman to be coke bottled shaped, flat stomach with a fat ass,,

I'm sure I will settle also
You can attain that. Women with that physical shape are everywhere. The thing that comes into play will be what are you willing to sacrifice behind having those particular physical attributes so important. Because reality is no one is perfect.


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
I think a lot of brehs know deep down when they’re not their lady’s first choice. You can tell by the way she looks at you and looks at other guys she’d rather genuinely be with.

The difference is (from my observation) men are happy to settle and fukk side bytches. Women are willing to be another man’s side piece, hoping she’ll eventually be upgraded to wifey status so she can leave her current man.

I’ve been that ain’t shyt nikka that has fukked married women or women in relationships. The way they talk shyt about their “provider” and how he doesn’t get them off would make most men hate women.

I’m talking absolute vitriol. The contempt a lot of women have for their significant half simply because he can’t dikk em down right or are just physically unattractive to them is sad.

At least from the guys I know who cheat, they don’t have anywhere near the same contempt for their other half, even if they have stopped fukking them or sucking their dikk. It’s just them indulging in their carnal desires. With women... for them, it’s usually a lot more emotional.

I wouldn’t mess with another man’s woman again simply because I don’t want bad karma following me around.

Lol I've seen this dynamic with women in my family. They get older and seems like they don't want to be alone so they give dudes a chance they wouldn't have when they were younger. But it's obvious they're not really into dude based on body language and slick comments they occasionally make when he's not around. I think women are also more vitriolic b/c when they get older they reflect and realize that they passed on men who ended up better off than their available options now that they're older and/or they realize they wasted time on the wrong dudes for superficial reasons. Men don't seem to carry the regrets of lost opportunities and/or wasted time when they decide to settle down. Just from observing that dynamic I don't believe what some brehettes were saying on here about brehs struggling with loneliness when they get older to the same extent as brehettes. I haven't seen older brehs get into relationships with women they don't like to avoid loneliness.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
That's literally most people. If people only linked up with 10s there would be no such thing as a man under 5'10.

The dental industry would collapse because everyone would have inherited great teeth from both parents.

Cosmetic surgery would be reserved for people who had serious accidents because nearly every woman would have a minimum bra size of D and 37 inch hips. Men would be born athletes with insane metabolism that prevents them from gaining weight or losing muscle.

Competitive sports would be insane because it would be gigantic men who are all built like LeBron James with the explosive speed of Usain bolt.

But in reality most people care about whether they can stand being around someone enough that they invite them to live in their personal space and share their precious time with rather than if they'll show them a good time in bed and be photogenic. Adults move past caring just about how a person looks.

However adults also have terrible emotional intelligence. Telling a man his meat is "the perfect size" or saying "I'm glad i gave a nice guy a chance I'm tired of dating jerks" is stupid because a man will hear the first as you telling him in the nicest way you can that his pipe is small. The second implying that he's something you settled for(even though the intent is to show character growth and maturity. Men hear that as "you can't get the same kind of men you used to/they burned you now you've run to someone you don't want because being alone scares you")

She could literally just say "you make me happy and I'm relieved we are together" it's very easy to keep things simple.

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
Theres no such thing as "settling". You get what you can have. If you want a certain kind of person and you cant get them, you didnt settle. You just werent good enough to have them. :flydaffy:


Aug 16, 2017
Theres no such thing as "settling". You get what you can have. If you want a certain kind of person and you cant get them, you didnt settle. You just werent good enough to have them. :flydaffy:
There are more attractive women than attractive men. Ther female population is bigger than the male population, and you have to factor in gay men, and men who aren’t interested in settling down, or don’t want to settle down until past 40, or who can’t afford to settle down. Men let go of good women for various reason all the time, and men will switch up after the women caught feelings. And relationships can end for various reasons. It’s not always about not being good enough. However, just like men, there are average women who don’t want average men. Most people date within their level of attractiveness, unless they have money.
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Mar 11, 2022
Theres no such thing as "settling". You get what you can have. If you want a certain kind of person and you cant get them, you didnt settle. You just werent good enough to have them. :flydaffy:

Scrooge mcduck, and nobody truly settles. If you were presented with 2 options, A and B, and A is what your ideal is, then you would choose A.

People say they settle because they "settled" for option B... but they never had a shot at A so is that really settling? If option A only exists in your mental, you didnt settle, you were introduced to your reality

I disagree, I have a different opinion of the word "Settle".

You guys are weighing a real life option vs the prospect and potential of a fictional one and saying that choosing the real life option is settling because... maybe... just maybe.. .something better may come along. This is not real life... this is not realistic at all. If you only have 1 real option, and you choose said option, that's not settling.

If you wanted to be an astronaut but you never had a chance at it, then did you settle becoming a teacher? :ohhh:
If you want to marry Rihanna, did you settle if you didn't wife her? :ohhh:
Did I settle by not playing in both the NFL and NBA? :ohhh:

If your ideal was never even a possibility for you, its not settling. We have to live in reality, not in hypothetical situations where you can pull every chick you want and you have infinite resources... that's not real life.

Following your logic, every single human being has settled because no single human being got every thing they ever wanted, when they wanted it, and how they wanted it. And you see how that doesn't work because its a zero-sum game. You cant have everybody in the world settle... no there has to be at least half who overachieved. But when your weighing your results vs fictional options, then no one has ever overachieved, not Jeff Bezos, Jay-Z, Bill Gates, no one.


May 19, 2013
We repeat this all the time. IT's because the diet and lifestyle has ruined people's bodies in alot of North America

Your parents, grandparents, great grand parents never had this problem as majority of them were fit by pure graft and lifestyle.

As I said before, even if some ones face was ugly, almost EVERYBODY had sex appeal. All your old uncles had some type of athleticism about them.

ONce you leave America you see everybody's in shape, from Africa to Europe to India, and Latin America

My boy who's a pawger went to a dance festival in eastern Europe and EVERY woman in that country was built like a ballet dancer or cheerleader. When everyone is built like that there is competition to see who can be the nicest or friendliest to get a man.


May 19, 2013
Where do people get the idea that a majority of folks are married or in a relationship with their physical ideal?

Please get off the internet and live in the real world

Depending on how you look at it this was the case in the old days as I mentioned. Everybody was built like an athlete or retired athlete still in shape.

King Poetic

Black Coast Island
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
Where do people get the idea that a majority of folks are married or in a relationship with their physical ideal?

Please get off the internet and live in the real world


Many of the men and women who are married, would have been married at 18,29,20,21 years old when they was really in athletic shape

Social Media have people living in this fantasy world