Imagine being married to a woman who admits that you’re physically not her ideal man

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
The only thing worse than superficial bytches obsessed with height are superficial bytches categorizing men according to the car that they drive. :hubie:

So if a man says he likes big boobs and I have big boobs I should cancel him since women have just as much control over her boobs as her height?


Oct 17, 2012
So if a man says he likes big boobs and I have big boobs I should cancel him since women have just as much control over her boobs as her height?

Nope your attracted to what your attracted too. Me personally I couldn't date a women that was small chested so I don't expect a woman to date a man that's 5"3 if she's into tall dudes.



Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Trust me, if a lot of you men knew your other half’s ideal type, most of you would jump in front of a train. The reality is brutal.

I appreciate Elle trying to alleviate what she said but let’s keep it real. There’s a reason why you see so many baby mamas. A lot of women would rather fukk the same guy who’s wanted by 100s than settle with a guy on their level. (Hypergamy).

They won’t admit it but you can see it all around you. Don’t just take my word for it. You see the baby daddy’s of most women, that was their type. Then you look at the guy they settled down with after getting knocked up.... it tells you all you need to know.

I know some women will come in here and dispute what I’m saying but the evidence is all around you.

And that’s why I’m single. I’ve only been in relationships with women I’m genuinely attracted to inside and out... but I guess the narcissist in me believes I can always do better. :yeshrug:
Isn't there a stat that says there are less father's than mothers in our community or something like that?

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Its not anything profound, its rather simple.
We do not live in complete and brutal honesty with our S/O. If we did, every marriage would end in divorce.

We have to placate, maneuver, pacify, and sometimes straight up lie to keep a relationship going. Its unnatural but its necessary.
You let him know this, he will factor it in on many occasions... even some occasions where you aren't considering it all.

and this is not about him being insecure, its about you not playing the game of relationships fairly :yeshrug:

Ahh. I see.

Here is the thing - I literally said this to my husband when I accepted his engagement. I said to him, "All I ever ask is that you are honest with me, no matter how much you think it may hurt." If I'm getting on his nerves, if he thinks I suck or even the sex gets bad, tell me, straight up. I told him if he ever felt like our marriage was suffering, if he ever felt he was with me out of obligation versus true want, tell me that.

And through out the years, he has told me things which weren't pleasant to hear. Im sure it probably was not as easy as it may sound but he did - and why, when that is what I asked of him? Because how can you improve something when you don't know a problem even exists?

@Gold, you are the young man who somewhat newly engaged, right? Do you relish the thought of having to lie to your future spouse in order to keep your spouse? I don't know you but I'd venture to say no. What can you build of worth on lies, after all? I'm not saying I haven't lied to my husband before (usually by omission) but it has not been to a degree where I corrupted our relationship.

If I died today, my family and friends would all be saying, "Elle gave tough love and was blunt, even when you didn't want to hear it...", so, as you can see, it's not just with my spouse.


Dec 5, 2012
When did I say I had a height "requirement"...and the requirement would be for what, exactly? To grab my attention, to give him a date, to have sex with him, to marry him....could you clarify?

As far as being disrespectful, I see this word thrown around a lot on here, especially with regards to ladies. I must be honest and say I don't know how it applies here.

Let's try this - if my husband had told me Halle Berry or Kelly Rowland types were his ideal, should I have felt disrespected by that? From what I've seen on here, many young men believe they warrant the same type of lady and will actually end up with you think they will?

My husband's physical ideal is actually this:


Guess what...I look nothing like not even close.

Now, based on your assertion, I should feel disrespected, as his wife, correct? Is it because I don't look like her or because he actually told me? I've been in this body for nearly 40 years, and he knew what he was getting.

All it tells me is he must have married me for a reason deeper than my looks. Do you think I walk around daily lamenting I don't have a body like Ms. Cowell and resenting my husband for it?
You feel no ways that your husband’s ideal doesn’t look anything like you:stopitslime:?

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
You feel no ways that your husband’s ideal doesn’t look anything like you:stopitslime:?

If I told you no, would you believe me?

I don't like to assume...but does the smiley indicate you think I'm bullshytting? If you ask me to be honest, I will be honest.

No, I don't.

I'm literally built nothing like her. I never said I was ugly, but I certainly don't have the typical hourglass shape that seems to make tongues wag on here. As I said before, it just tells me he saw something else in me.

Let me ask you, though, @Dip, do you think I should be upset, and, if so, why?


Aug 25, 2015
Ahh. I see.

Here is the thing - I literally said this to my husband when I accepted his engagement. I said to him, "All I ever ask is that you are honest with me, no matter how much you think it may hurt." If I'm getting on his nerves, if he thinks I suck or even the sex gets bad, tell me, straight up. I told him if he ever felt like our marriage was suffering, if he ever felt he was with me out of obligation versus true want, tell me that.

And through out the years, he has told me things which weren't pleasant to hear. Im sure it probably was not as easy as it may sound but he did - and why, when that is what I asked of him? Because how can you improve something when you don't know a problem even exists?

@Gold, you are the young man who somewhat newly engaged, right? Do you relish the thought of having to lie to your future spouse in order to keep your spouse? I don't know you but I'd venture to say no. What can you build of worth on lies, after all? I'm not saying I haven't lied to my husband before (usually by omission) but it has not been to a degree where I corrupted our relationship.

If I died today, my family and friends would all be saying, "Elle gave tough love and was blunt, even when you didn't want to hear it...", so, as you can see, it's not just with my spouse.

I dont value fleeting emotional "truths" like others do. This is not meant to be an insult, this is just how i choose to live my life.

I can feel like i want to punch someone one moment but feel completely different the next. Should i go to my S/O and say "hey lasy night i wanted to hit you"

I dont believe fleeting human emotions are always trustworthy. Hell i dont believe they are always worth anything at all. I believe that we use discernment in deciding what is worthy and what isnt. I don't value bluntness in a vaccuum. Anyone can be blunt. Anyone can be a sieve of emotional responses with no filter.

I value discernment, compassion, and most of all words of worth. Not every thought i have has value. Not every feeling i has is worth sharing.This is how i live my life and im proud of it


Dec 5, 2012
If I told you no, would you believe me?

I don't like to assume...but does the smiley indicate you think I'm bullshytting? If you ask me to be honest, I will be honest.

No, I don't.

I'm literally built nothing like her. I never said I was ugly, but I certainly don't have the typical hourglass shape that seems to make tongues wag on here. As I said before, it just tells me he saw something else in me.

Let me ask you, though, @Dip, do you think I should be upset, and, if so, why?
I dont know you, but my inclination is to believe you are lying. If you’re not, I find that strange but whatever makes your marriage work.

It couldn’t be me tho. To me, it sounds like a recipe of resentment and indication of incompatibility. I would never be with someone that preferred for example tall light skin dudes because I know that I will resent her. I would not be “flattered” she made an exception for me. And I believe she’ll resent me unconsciously even if she likes me for other reasons. I see no reason for people not to go after what they prefer , within reason.

I also believe that deep down, all men want a woman that accepts them for them, that’s why we hate gold diggers and you see dudes here rant and rave about hypergamy and GMB

I also know for a fact that if I told my girl that I prefer thick light skin / mixed chicks or white chicks or something but I love her for other reasons, she would be extremely upset and our relationship would be ending soon :mjgrin:

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
I dont value fleeting emotional "truths" like others do. This is not meant to be an insult, this is just how i choose to live my life.

I can feel like i want to punch someone one moment but feel completely different the next. Should i go to my S/O and say "hey lasy night i wanted to hit you"

I dont believe fleeting human emotions are always trustworthy. Hell i dont believe they are always worth anything at all. I believe that we use discernment in deciding what is worthy and what isnt. I don't value bluntness in a vaccuum. Anyone can be blunt. Anyone can be a sieve of emotional responses with no filter.

I value discernment, compassion, and most of all words of worth. Not every thought i have has value. Not every feeling i has is worth sharing.This is how i live my life and im proud of it

I respect that. Your last paragraph in particular rings with a lot of truth.