Ice Cube says The Black Community can't keep blindly supporting Democrats.. Is he a c00n?


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
how do all these illegals get shyt handed to them without voting, but black people are being told we gotta vote all the way down to HOA secretaries and shyt before and maybe someday we'll get some symbolic benefit?


also: how do asians always manage to get shyt done for them without voting?


Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man

Just excuses to do nothing while acting self righteous at the same time.


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
So, if there's two bad candidates on the ticket, what am I supposed to do? I would say vote for the lesser evil candidate, but I think that answer would get a lot of groans from the studio audience here. Yeah, I could write in vote, and while there is a chance the write in candidate may win, the odds are very short in their favor. And I'm not doing the "Don't Vote" option, because if I don't vote, I don't have a right to complain about how shytty things are.


May 28, 2012

Nonetheless, there have been initiatives and policy proposals that are more directly focused on issues specifically affecting the Black community, including:

1. **H.R. 40 - Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act**: This bill establishes a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, this bill had been introduced but not yet passed.

2. **The Lift Every Voice Plan**: Proposed by President Biden during his campaign, this plan is part of a larger initiative specifically intended to address racial inequities. Its components include policies and programs designed to advance economic mobility, close the racial wealth gap, expand affordable housing, and invest in Black communities across the country.

3. **Justice in Policing Act of 2020**: As previously mentioned, it was a response to the disproportionate impact of police violence on Black Americans, even though it was not exclusive to this group.

4. **Investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)**: Various Democratic politicians have proposed increased federal investment in HBCUs, which play a vital role in providing higher education opportunities to Black students.

5. **Voting Rights Advancement Act**: While voting rights affect all citizens, this proposed legislation aimed to address historical racial discrimination in voting.

However, it's also important to remember that effective policy often needs to address root causes and systemic issues, so broader policies like healthcare, education, and criminal justice reform can still be crucial for achieving racial equity. For example, the racial wealth gap is a multifaceted issue that requires addressing disparities in multiple areas, including education, employment, housing, and healthcare.

as you should. anyone agreeing 100% with a political is a fool and nearing nazi style allegiance. :huhldup:
None specific beides HR 40, and HR40 is toothless. Actually READ it. It could pass today and nothing will come of it. It's a meeting about a meeting. A smokescreen to fool us further. Even that bogus "Lift Every Voice":comeon::comeon:plan says Black on the surface util you read the ACTUAL plan, then it's "underserved comminuties", "minority", Black and Brown", etc. Same trickery. I've read the documents or have listened to them read aloud. All non-specific trickery.

People keep bringing up "3rd Party" candidates as alternatives not realizing that damn near 80% of all 3rd Party candidates that are available are White Libertarians who are MAGA-lite and would never support Black tangibles in a million years. This "abundance" of 3rd Party candidates that have our best interests at heart is non-existent. Maybe there's a handful of people that fit the profile but not enough and definitely not big enough to win elections.

I get it. Politics can be frustrating and stressful. But Black people not voting and letting non-Blacks control elections, voting for the openly fascist/racist GOP, or looking for a perfect 3rd Party candidate like Waldo are not realistic options. Those are options that only make sense on the Internet.

The best solution is to vet for better Democrat candidates or to hold Democrat politicians more accountable by taking the measures that I laid out. But people somehow think that this is taxing or requires too much effort even though the MAGA crowd does this all the time with their politicians. MAGA voters don't just vote people in then close their eyes hoping for change. They hold their people accountable all the time and show up to town board meetings, send emails, make phone calls, show up to school board meetings, etc. This belief that voting in itself will magically fix things is a myth. In reality, community and politics go hand in hand.
So, AGAIN, how do you hold Dems "accountable" when you refuse to not vote for them? You all sound like the battered wife who won't leave or call the police, but accept the meaningless apology, then catch another black eye 2 days later. There is no logic here.

Almost always, there is NO candidate with a serious Black agenda wthout the bullshyt, so voting for them anyway says it's okay, which is why we're still losing 50 years later.
Seriously no matter how you try to spin it you sound like a moron if you think not voting is an option.

There are other parties you can vote for in a national election if you don't want to vote for the two major ones. It's not like there isn't any historical precedent

If people don't want to do their research and would rather just stay home. It's better that they just say that instead of acting like their laziness is some form of protest. It's not.
It's about doing it in organized numbers as a group. Voting just because (especially Dem because Black people vote 90% Dem) is the battered wife analogy above. It's giving them permission to take us for granted. If just half the Black population said "do something for us or no vote", the Democrats would be under immense pressure. Anyone with excuses like they'll just go to the Latinos or move on is full of shyt, because if it were true, they wouldn't go so hard to court votes they pretty much already have in the bag at a 90% clip, nikkas are just too blind, scared or both to realize our worth and demand better.


May 28, 2012
So, if there's two bad candidates on the ticket, what am I supposed to do? I would say vote for the lesser evil candidate, but I think that answer would get a lot of groans from the studio audience here. Yeah, I could write in vote, and while there is a chance the write in candidate may win, the odds are very short in their favor. And I'm not doing the "Don't Vote" option, because if I don't vote, I don't have a right to complain about how shytty things are.

So, AGAIN, how do you hold Dems "accountable" when you refuse to not vote for them? You all sound like the battered wife who won't leave or call the police, but accept the meaningless apology, then catch another black eye 2 days later. There is no logic here.

Almost always, there is NO candidate with a serious Black agenda wthout the bullshyt, so voting for them anyway says it's okay, which is why we're still losing 50 years later.

It's about doing it (NOT VOTING) in organized numbers as a group. Voting just because (especially Dem because Black people vote 90% Dem) is the battered wife analogy above. It's giving them permission to take us for granted. If just half the Black population said "do something for us or no vote", the Democrats would be under immense pressure. Anyone with excuses like they'll just go to the Latinos or move on is full of shyt, because if it were true, they wouldn't go so hard to court votes they pretty much already have in the bag at a 90% clip, nikkas are just too blind, scared or both to realize our worth and demand better.

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
None specific beides HR 40, and HR40 is toothless. Actually READ it. It could pass today and nothing will come of it. It's a meeting about a meeting. A smokescreen to fool us further. Even that bogus "Lift Every Voice":comeon::comeon:plan says Black on the surface util you read the ACTUAL plan, then it's "underserved comminuties", "minority", Black and Brown", etc. Same trickery. I've read the documents or have listened to them read aloud. All non-specific trickery.

So, AGAIN, how do you hold Dems "accountable" when you refuse to not vote for them? You all sound like the battered wife who won't leave or call the police, but accept the meaningless apology, then catch another black eye 2 days later. There is no logic here.

Almost always, there is NO candidate with a serious Black agenda wthout the bullshyt, so voting for them anyway says it's okay, which is why we're still losing 50 years later.

It's about doing it in organized numbers as a group. Voting just because (especially Dem because Black people vote 90% Dem) is the battered wife analogy above. It's giving them permission to take us for granted. If just half the Black population said "do something for us or no vote", the Democrats would be under immense pressure. Anyone with excuses like they'll just go to the Latinos or move on is full of shyt, because if it were true, they wouldn't go so hard to court votes they pretty much already have in the bag at a 90% clip, nikkas are just too blind, scared or both to realize our worth and demand better.

Just excuses to do nothing while acting self righteous at the same time.


May 28, 2012
@ChatGPT-4 Also, I asked for things they attempted WHILE THEY WERE IN CONTROL, AND WHY THEY DIDN'T HAPPEN DURING THEIR CONTROL. You jjust ran off the usual list of bullshyt. You skipped the second half of the request. If they had control all these times in the last 50 years, why have none of these initiatives passed?

@Rekkapryde since you have jokes and are cosigning, you can answer, too, but answer the whole thing, not just an easily debunked list, or hit they floated up in the midst of Republican opposition they knew would get shot down.

Or, in short, how come your beloved Democrats haven't done shyt for us when they had the POTUS and Congress?


May 17, 2013
None specific beides HR 40, and HR40 is toothless. Actually READ it. It could pass today and nothing will come of it. It's a meeting about a meeting. A smokescreen to fool us further. Even that bogus "Lift Every Voice":comeon::comeon:plan says Black on the surface util you read the ACTUAL plan, then it's "underserved comminuties", "minority", Black and Brown", etc. Same trickery. I've read the documents or have listened to them read aloud. All non-specific trickery.

So, AGAIN, how do you hold Dems "accountable" when you refuse to not vote for them? You all sound like the battered wife who won't leave or call the police, but accept the meaningless apology, then catch another black eye 2 days later. There is no logic here.

Almost always, there is NO candidate with a serious Black agenda wthout the bullshyt, so voting for them anyway says it's okay, which is why we're still losing 50 years later.
You're raising an important question about political accountability. No matter which party or politicians someone supports, holding them accountable is a fundamental part of a healthy democracy. Here are a few general strategies that people can use to hold politicians and political parties accountable:

1. **Engage in the political process beyond voting**: Voting is crucial, but there are many other ways to be politically active. You can contact your representatives to express your views on specific issues or policies, participate in protests or demonstrations, and engage in community organizing to raise awareness of the issues that matter to you.

2. **Support primary challenges**: If you feel that an incumbent politician isn't serving your interests, you can support a challenger in the primary election. This can push the party to be more responsive to the issues you care about.

3. **Use your voice**: Speak out about your concerns, whether that's through social media, in local community meetings, or by writing op-eds for your local newspaper. The more people are talking about an issue, the more likely it is to get the attention of politicians.

4. **Get involved with local politics**: Many important decisions are made at the local and state level. By getting involved locally, you can help to shape the political landscape and hold local officials accountable.

5. **Support or join third parties**: While the U.S. has a two-party system, third parties can influence the political conversation and push major parties to address certain issues.

6. **Encourage others**: Encourage friends, family, and members of your community to get involved and make their voices heard too.

In the end, accountability is about more than just which box you check on election day. It's a continuous process that requires ongoing engagement and activism. If a significant number of people feel that a party isn't addressing their concerns, that can potentially lead to shifts in that party's policies and priorities.

Your sentiments echo the frustrations of many citizens who feel their specific needs are not being met by the current political discourse. This underlines the importance of continued dialogue, civic engagement, and advocacy for change.


May 17, 2013
@ChatGPT-4 Also, I asked for things they attempted WHILE THEY WERE IN CONTROL, AND WHY THEY DIDN'T HAPPEN DURING THEIR CONTROL. You jjust ran off the usual list of bullshyt. You skipped the second half of the request. If they had control all these times in the last 50 years, why have none of these initiatives passed?

Here are a few reasons why policies aimed at addressing racial disparities may not have been passed or fully implemented even when Democrats had control:

1. **Filibuster Rules**: In the U.S. Senate, most legislation needs not just a simple majority to pass, but 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. So even if the Democrats have control of the Senate, they often need the support of some Republicans to pass legislation. This makes it more difficult to pass legislation that doesn't have bipartisan support.

2. **Internal Party Disagreements**: Just because a party is in power doesn't mean all members of the party agree on every issue. There can be significant ideological differences within a party, which can make it difficult to pass more ambitious or controversial legislation.

3. **Political Calculations**: Politicians often have to make strategic decisions about what issues to prioritize. They might decide to focus on issues where they think they have the best chance of making progress, which can mean that other important issues get less attention.

4. **Judicial Challenges**: Even when legislation is passed, it can be challenged in the courts. The Supreme Court, for example, significantly limited the scope of the Voting Rights Act in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

5. **Influence of Lobbying and Money in Politics**: Legislators are often influenced by a variety of interests, including corporate interests, powerful lobby groups, and wealthy donors. These influences can sometimes shape policy in ways that don't necessarily align with the preferences of the majority of voters.

6. **Policy Implementation**: Even when laws are passed, there can be challenges with how they're implemented. Bureaucratic hurdles, lack of funding, or resistance from state and local governments can limit the impact of federal laws.

These factors combined can often lead to a gap between the policies that politicians propose and what they're able to achieve in office. It's a common frustration for many voters, and it's one of the reasons why ongoing political engagement is so important.

watching this thing destroy you, and you incapable of any kind of resolve while it tells you, is highly entertaining btw. it did it in less than a min. :dead:


May 1, 2012
@ChatGPT-4 Also, I asked for things they attempted WHILE THEY WERE IN CONTROL, AND WHY THEY DIDN'T HAPPEN DURING THEIR CONTROL. You jjust ran off the usual list of bullshyt. You skipped the second half of the request. If they had control all these times in the last 50 years, why have none of these initiatives passed?

@Rekkapryde since you have jokes and are cosigning, you can answer, too, but answer the whole thing, not just an easily debunked list, or hit they floated up in the midst of Republican opposition they knew would get shot down.

Or, in short, how come your beloved Democrats haven't done shyt for us when they had the POTUS and Congress?

1) Dems have done shyt for us.
2) The other party is trying to take away what my elders and ancestors worked hard and died for.

It's not rocket science.

It's always been a lesser of two evils with our political structure and one side is blatantly more :mjpls: than the other. So even sitting out an election hurts as they get more power to continue pulling the fukkboi moves they are doing.

I voted 3rd party in 2016. Worst mistake ever.
Feb 7, 2015
Here are a few reasons why policies aimed at addressing racial disparities may not have been passed or fully implemented even when Democrats had control:

1. **Filibuster Rules**: In the U.S. Senate, most legislation needs not just a simple majority to pass, but 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. So even if the Democrats have control of the Senate, they often need the support of some Republicans to pass legislation. This makes it more difficult to pass legislation that doesn't have bipartisan support.

2. **Internal Party Disagreements**: Just because a party is in power doesn't mean all members of the party agree on every issue. There can be significant ideological differences within a party, which can make it difficult to pass more ambitious or controversial legislation.

3. **Political Calculations**: Politicians often have to make strategic decisions about what issues to prioritize. They might decide to focus on issues where they think they have the best chance of making progress, which can mean that other important issues get less attention.

4. **Judicial Challenges**: Even when legislation is passed, it can be challenged in the courts. The Supreme Court, for example, significantly limited the scope of the Voting Rights Act in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

5. **Influence of Lobbying and Money in Politics**: Legislators are often influenced by a variety of interests, including corporate interests, powerful lobby groups, and wealthy donors. These influences can sometimes shape policy in ways that don't necessarily align with the preferences of the majority of voters.

6. **Policy Implementation**: Even when laws are passed, there can be challenges with how they're implemented. Bureaucratic hurdles, lack of funding, or resistance from state and local governments can limit the impact of federal laws.

These factors combined can often lead to a gap between the policies that politicians propose and what they're able to achieve in office. It's a common frustration for many voters, and it's one of the reasons why ongoing political engagement is so important.

watching this thing destroy you, and you incapable of any kind of resolve while it tells you, is highly entertaining btw. it did it in less than a min. :dead:
You’re talking to a bootlicking right winger. I wouldn’t waste my time if I were you