Ice Cube says The Black Community can't keep blindly supporting Democrats.. Is he a c00n?

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
1) Dems have done shyt for us.
2) The other party is trying to take away what my elders and ancestors worked hard and died for.
It's pointless to argue with the "don't vote/bothsides" people as they never act in good faith. If you point out something positive Democrats have done for black folk, it isn't enough. If you point out something bad Republicans have done against black folk, its the Democrats fault for not stopping it.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
None specific beides HR 40, and HR40 is toothless. Actually READ it. It could pass today and nothing will come of it. It's a meeting about a meeting. A smokescreen to fool us further. Even that bogus "Lift Every Voice":comeon::comeon:plan says Black on the surface util you read the ACTUAL plan, then it's "underserved comminuties", "minority", Black and Brown", etc. Same trickery. I've read the documents or have listened to them read aloud. All non-specific trickery.

So, AGAIN, how do you hold Dems "accountable" when you refuse to not vote for them? You all sound like the battered wife who won't leave or call the police, but accept the meaningless apology, then catch another black eye 2 days later. There is no logic here.

Almost always, there is NO candidate with a serious Black agenda wthout the bullshyt, so voting for them anyway says it's okay, which is why we're still losing 50 years later.

It's about doing it in organized numbers as a group. Voting just because (especially Dem because Black people vote 90% Dem) is the battered wife analogy above. It's giving them permission to take us for granted. If just half the Black population said "do something for us or no vote", the Democrats would be under immense pressure. Anyone with excuses like they'll just go to the Latinos or move on is full of shyt, because if it were true, they wouldn't go so hard to court votes they pretty much already have in the bag at a 90% clip, nikkas are just too blind, scared or both to realize our worth and demand better.
I genuinely can't understand whether you're purposefully ignoring the existence of write in options or alternative parties or if you actually just don't get it.

What you are saying is if enough of us DISENFRANCHISE OURSELVES as a form of protest they'll have to do something different.

That is an INSANE and STUPID idea that only makes sense if you completely ignore the fact that for hundreds of years the country functioned without the black vote, and the republican party is ACTIVELY trying to take things BACK to how they where when voting if you were black was not even an option available to you. It's an idea that also only makes sense if you pretend third party candidates or write in candidates are not an option. If you want to prove a point to the democrats, vote for a candidate no matter how fringe who actually represents your interests. If they see that candidate getting millions of votes, they'll see that the candidate's platform is popular enough to have stolen votes from them.

What the fukk are we doing here:why:
Jul 26, 2012
To the #BothSiders who want to solely blame Blue States and Democrats for Black poverty and crime in inner cities, explain to me why Republicans have done such a horrible job at resolving those issues in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana where the stats for Black people are the most bleak compared to the rest of the country.

What issues are you speaking of? Alabama particularly. I’m referring to the “bleakness “ in the blue black cities.

I'm Blackman

Prep time > Everything
Jan 26, 2018
Southside of Gotham (Montgomery, AL)
Ice Cube was one of the main folks pushing for Gavin Newsome to sign the bill allowing for reparations studies and is credited by grassroots democrat organizations as being key to getting the bill signed. Here's a video breaking down his role in pushing the reparations conversation forward as well as him denouncing Trump and revealing his working relationship with democrat Gavin Newsome and using that positive working relationship to help getting that bill signed.

What have you done but be a loud and wrong sissy online?



May 28, 2012
In my haste, I didn't realize you are a troll/gimmick poster. Nevermind.
I don't have a real answer, so I'll just repackage my disagreement 'cause I said so
You got it champ:hubie:
It's pointless to argue with the "don't vote/bothsides" people as they never act in good faith. If you point out something positive Democrats have done for black folk, it isn't enough. If you point out something bad Republicans have done against black folk, its the Democrats fault for not stopping it.

Not talking about Republicans, we're no their base, we don't vote for them. Again, what have the Democrats done for us in exchange for 50+ years of almost monolithic voting their way? Blacks are steady at the bottom and the poorest and most abused people in America. The current POTUS and VPOTUS have spit in Black Americas face, but you want to keep them there out of fear, so you ask nothing of them? THAT'S bad faith.
1) Dems have done shyt for us.
2) The other party is trying to take away what my elders and ancestors worked hard and died for.

It's not rocket science.

It's always been a lesser of two evils with our political structure and one side is blatantly more :mjpls: than the other. So even sitting out an election hurts as they get more power to continue pulling the fukkboi moves they are doing.

I voted 3rd party in 2016. Worst mistake ever.
More "but Republicans" excuses. Don't have children. If you do, you're basically cool letting them inherit povery and problems. Jusst say you're scared.

Your elders and ancestors could have had the same scared attitude and we'd still be drinking from separate water fountains and there would be postcards of us getting lynched on sale at the gas station.
I genuinely can't understand whether you're purposefully ignoring the existence of write in options or alternative parties or if you actually just don't get it
What you are saying is if enough of us DISENFRANCHISE OURSELVES as a form of protest they'll have to do something different.
That is an INSANE and STUPID idea that only makes sense if you completely ignore the fact that for hundreds of years the country functioned without the black vote, and the republican party is ACTIVELY trying to take things BACK to how they where when voting if you were black was not even an option available to you. It's an idea that also only makes sense if you pretend third party candidates or write in candidates are not an option. If you want to prove a point to the democrats, vote for a candidate no matter how fringe who actually represents your interests. If they see that candidate getting millions of votes, they'll see that the candidate's platform is popular enough to have stolen votes from them.

What the fukk are we doing here:why:
Okay, half of Black America writes in NoTangibleNoVote or something similar. COOL. Same difference, though. ORGANIZED withholding is more of a statement, IMO. Write ins are taken and treated as jokes. Even one election where we said "We're tired of the bullshyt, we're good" and we stay home TOGETHER is irrefutable.

AGAIN, if they don't need the Black vote, why is there a full court press every 4 years to get us to vote for them when we vote 90% Dem by default?

There's plenty mre, but I thik this will suffice.

The rest of your post is "but Republicans" fearmongering.

I have things to do that require me away from my computer. If anyone wantes to have a real discussion, I'll be back later.

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
Not talking about Republicans, we're no their base, we don't vote for them. Again, what have the Democrats done for us in exchange for 50+ years of almost monolithic voting their way? Blacks are steady at the bottom and the poorest and most abused people in America. The current POTUS and VPOTUS have spit in Black Americas face, but you want to keep them there out of fear, so you ask nothing of them? THAT'S bad faith.
:heh: Multiple posters have posted decades worth of various legislation and proposals Dems were behind in this thread that benefit black folk. You just dismiss them as "not enough", while advocating inaction that will inevitably lead to more Republicans in office leading to less black legislation. As I said before, self righteous laziness. The political equivalent of a toddler holding their breath.


May 28, 2012
:heh: Multiple posters have posted decades worth of various legislation and proposals Dems were behind in this thread that benefit black folk. You just dismiss them as "not enough", while advocating inaction that will inevitably lead to more Republicans in office leading to less black legislation. As I said before, self righteous laziness.
None of them are specific, or passed, or are/were enforced. All talk. If they were real, or meant anything, why are Black people still this fukked up?

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
None of them are specific, or passed, or are/were enforced. All talk. If they were real, or meant anything, why are Black people still this fukked up?
"Not good enough!"
The mindset of a toddler. Why don't you run for office? Oh yeah, that requires actual work! Aren't you millitants the ones out here talking about, "don't expect to be saved by politicians!"

If reparations checks are the only thing that will satisfy you, just say it.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Here are a few reasons why policies aimed at addressing racial disparities may not have been passed or fully implemented even when Democrats had control:

1. **Filibuster Rules**: In the U.S. Senate, most legislation needs not just a simple majority to pass, but 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. So even if the Democrats have control of the Senate, they often need the support of some Republicans to pass legislation. This makes it more difficult to pass legislation that doesn't have bipartisan support.

2. **Internal Party Disagreements**: Just because a party is in power doesn't mean all members of the party agree on every issue. There can be significant ideological differences within a party, which can make it difficult to pass more ambitious or controversial legislation.

3. **Political Calculations**: Politicians often have to make strategic decisions about what issues to prioritize. They might decide to focus on issues where they think they have the best chance of making progress, which can mean that other important issues get less attention.

4. **Judicial Challenges**: Even when legislation is passed, it can be challenged in the courts. The Supreme Court, for example, significantly limited the scope of the Voting Rights Act in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

5. **Influence of Lobbying and Money in Politics**: Legislators are often influenced by a variety of interests, including corporate interests, powerful lobby groups, and wealthy donors. These influences can sometimes shape policy in ways that don't necessarily align with the preferences of the majority of voters.

6. **Policy Implementation**: Even when laws are passed, there can be challenges with how they're implemented. Bureaucratic hurdles, lack of funding, or resistance from state and local governments can limit the impact of federal laws.

These factors combined can often lead to a gap between the policies that politicians propose and what they're able to achieve in office. It's a common frustration for many voters, and it's one of the reasons why ongoing political engagement is so important.

watching this thing destroy you, and you incapable of any kind of resolve while it tells you, is highly entertaining btw. it did it in less than a min. :dead:

#4 is the huge rub to mass non voting.

If you want policies to be passed that are specific to black people then you will need to set up an infrastructure of left leaning federal judges that won't strike them down.


May 28, 2012
"Not good enough!"
The mindset of a toddler. Why don't you run for office? Oh yeah, that requires actual work! Aren't you millitants the ones out here talking about, "don't expect to be saved by politicians!"

If reparations checks are the only thing that will satisfy you, just say it.
Says a person who votes blue no matter who and gets rammed repeatedly like a hoe.

If you're too scared to fight and demand better, just say that.


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
Why didnt OP make a poll so we can vote on it???:beli:
We ain't voting til we get tangibles