Ice Cube says The Black Community can't keep blindly supporting Democrats.. Is he a c00n?


May 17, 2013

Nonetheless, there have been initiatives and policy proposals that are more directly focused on issues specifically affecting the Black community, including:

1. **H.R. 40 - Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act**: This bill establishes a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, this bill had been introduced but not yet passed.

2. **The Lift Every Voice Plan**: Proposed by President Biden during his campaign, this plan is part of a larger initiative specifically intended to address racial inequities. Its components include policies and programs designed to advance economic mobility, close the racial wealth gap, expand affordable housing, and invest in Black communities across the country.

3. **Justice in Policing Act of 2020**: As previously mentioned, it was a response to the disproportionate impact of police violence on Black Americans, even though it was not exclusive to this group.

4. **Investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)**: Various Democratic politicians have proposed increased federal investment in HBCUs, which play a vital role in providing higher education opportunities to Black students.

5. **Voting Rights Advancement Act**: While voting rights affect all citizens, this proposed legislation aimed to address historical racial discrimination in voting.

However, it's also important to remember that effective policy often needs to address root causes and systemic issues, so broader policies like healthcare, education, and criminal justice reform can still be crucial for achieving racial equity. For example, the racial wealth gap is a multifaceted issue that requires addressing disparities in multiple areas, including education, employment, housing, and healthcare.
I have plenty of smoke for Democrats.

as you should. anyone agreeing 100% with a political is a fool and nearing nazi style allegiance. :huhldup:


Jul 24, 2015
the options are super evil and corrupt or corrupt but not evil

Only someone out of touch would equivocate this binary into both sides are bad


Jul 25, 2018
Its too late…. America is ruled my Talmudic law now, folks….

Y’all know the Talmud is the only holy book that recognized more than one gender? Yes according to the Talmud, a sacred Jewish text, there are 6 genders including “androgynous”, which is a Hebrew word.

That’s why the trans shyt is being forced on us just like it was forced on Germany during the Weimar Republic before the nazis do those things.

They’re doing the same thing here now.

So all political debate is essentially just controlled by upper level “J’s” and globalists.

Trump is supposed to be the “face of the nazi’s” that will fight against the “globalists”.

It’s a set up.

Black folks voting republican is just going to speed up this prewritten story. This country is destined for civil conflict. Voting republican will just ensure you can have weapons for the civil conflict, that’s about it :manny:

So if its a choice between a white supremacist party that wants violence and dominance or a party that wants to protect civil rights and peace, you prefer the violence and destruction.

You black "socially c00nservatives" are some psychopath weirdos man. Yall would literally die for these cacs before you live in a world where you coexist peacefully with others.


Jul 25, 2018
If Cube wants to speak with Republicans and see what they have to offer for black folks, why wouldn’t we welcome this? Isn’t that the absolute point of politics?

nikka said why won't we welcome seeing what the Republican Party has to offer black people.


We campaigning against "wokeness" and making America white again here. Did he not get the fukkin memo wit this bullshyt.


Man these negroes love us no matter what the fukk we do!


2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Also, to the naysayers on here. I have some questions.

Are you voting locally or on a municipal level? Are you showing up to city meetings to discuss issues that affect your community? Are you emailing and speaking with your local representatives? Are you bringing up the issues you want to see addressed outside the scope of the Internet?

These things matter a lot. A vote isn't supposed to be a snap into action like Thanos. The community as a whole needs to address these issues then bring them before the local politicians.

I've talked to politicians and local representatives in various cities before. All of them were minorities and Democrats and they understood some of the issues I brought up especially regarding the education of Black boys in public schools. And we had some deep conversations about that.

I can't ever imagine having those conversations with White Republicans and expecting to be taken seriously.

The Democrats aren't perfect but it's easier to be an armchair political analyst than actually get you and your community to push for change. If you're so mad with the DNC, you have the option to speak with them directly and show up to the necessary meetings and events where they can hear and hopefully address your concerns.
None of the naysayers vote period
They say stuff like this to justify to others why they don't vote without sounding completely ignorant of politics
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May 31, 2022
None of the naysayers vote period
They say stuff like this to justify to others why they don't vote without saying completely ignorant of politics

People keep bringing up "3rd Party" candidates as alternatives not realizing that damn near 80% of all 3rd Party candidates that are available are White Libertarians who are MAGA-lite and would never support Black tangibles in a million years. This "abundance" of 3rd Party candidates that have our best interests at heart is non-existent. Maybe there's a handful of people that fit the profile but not enough and definitely not big enough to win elections.

I get it. Politics can be frustrating and stressful. But Black people not voting and letting non-Blacks control elections, voting for the openly fascist/racist GOP, or looking for a perfect 3rd Party candidate like Waldo are not realistic options. Those are options that only make sense on the Internet.

The best solution is to vet for better Democrat candidates or to hold Democrat politicians more accountable by taking the measures that I laid out. But people somehow think that this is taxing or requires too much effort even though the MAGA crowd does this all the time with their politicians. MAGA voters don't just vote people in then close their eyes hoping for change. They hold their people accountable all the time and show up to town board meetings, send emails, make phone calls, show up to school board meetings, etc. This belief that voting in itself will magically fix things is a myth. In reality, community and politics go hand in hand.


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
Been saying this the last two election cycles
I think I saw something that some crazy number of registered voters did not vote in the last Texas elections. If more people got out a gerrymander can be beaten. If more people voted candidates without major financial backing, who also may be more inclined to get stuff done, may have a better chance at getting elected. Look at these school boards and the people who don’t want to teach black history because it’ll hurt the little feelings of their white children. Well those school board elections are important too.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Also, to the naysayers on here. I have some questions.

Are you voting locally or on a municipal level? Are you showing up to city meetings to discuss issues that affect your community? Are you emailing and speaking with your local representatives? Are you bringing up the issues you want to see addressed outside the scope of the Internet?

These things matter a lot. A vote isn't supposed to be a snap into action like Thanos. The community as a whole needs to address these issues then bring them before the local politicians.

I've talked to politicians and local representatives in various cities before. All of them were minorities and Democrats and they understood some of the issues I brought up especially regarding the education of Black boys in public schools. And we had some deep conversations about that.

I can't ever imagine having those conversations with White Republicans and expecting to be taken seriously.

The Democrats aren't perfect but it's easier to be an armchair political analyst than actually get you and your community to push for change. If you're so mad with the DNC, you have the option to speak with them directly and show up to the necessary meetings and events where they can hear and hopefully address your concerns.
They’re not voting locally. They expose themselves cause local elections happen more frequently and are always on the same ballot as the national elections and larger seats. Of course they aren’t paying attention.

The same ones voting locally think we dont know it’s the same ballot


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Again..then you geaux vote. I haven't voted since Kerry and I won't vote again.

Yall voting for new slave masters...geaux head and enjoy breh. But no fake militancy overhead.

I'm tired of seeing my people suffer and they keep on handing money to is you scared of not voting? What can happen to us that hasn't already happened???? We was enslaved, we was already hunted, we was already destroyed via our households, we been broke, we been uneducated......

The only they haven't done is A FULL ON EXTERMINATION

And if it come to that??? Let's Get It On!

Seems like a fascist endorsement to me

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
I have plenty of smoke for Democrats. I’ll also never not vote, and I’ll never vote for a Republican.
Seriously no matter how you try to spin it you sound like a moron if you think not voting is an option.

There are other parties you can vote for in a national election if you don't want to vote for the two major ones. It's not like there isn't any historical precedent

If people don't want to do their research and would rather just stay home. It's better that they just say that instead of acting like their laziness is some form of protest. It's not.


May 31, 2022
They’re not voting locally. They expose themselves cause local elections happen more frequently and are always on the same ballot as the national elections and larger seats. Of course they aren’t paying attention.

The same ones voting locally think we dont know it’s the same ballot
For real. People act like voting is this massive sacrifice that will run your money dry every week when it's literally only a bi-yearly event that's free.

I'm sorry but, if you find voting bi-yearly to be taxing, then something is wrong.

Also, people have the opportunity to hold their politicians accountable. It's amazing how dudes think that the other side simply votes then goes to sleep and let the politicians do whatever they want when that's not the case at all. The community as a whole must hold politicians to their feet and keep getting involved and that's usually not what happens in a lot of Black communities but people would rather solely blame the politicians.

I've been in situations where I've seen politicians and local reps get CONFUSED as to why more people in the community aren't getting more involved in the political process and trying to raise concerns to them but somehow TLR will paint every Democrat politician as Kwame Kilpatrick 2.0 or paint them as supervillains trying oppress Black people when, speaking from experience, that's far from the case for the majority of them.

Overall, this whole idea that voting Democrat alone is going to save the Black community is a very short-sighted way of thinking. Even MLK knew that he couldn't solely depend on politicians and legislation to keep the Civil Rights Movement active. Many of the things that TLR blames on Democrats are actually a result of other factors that are out of most politician's control. Many politicians have pushed for legislation specifically to help Black people prosper and give us opportunities but I'm sure we've all heard the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

And, as I mentioned before, not a soul on this thread has refuted me saying that there isn't an abundance of 3rd Party options who aren't White Libertarians
who tend to be MAGA adjacent.