Ice Cube says The Black Community can't keep blindly supporting Democrats.. Is he a c00n?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You guys love this doom and gloom stuff. It’s how you try to sway people to vote how you want them to. Going on and on about made up / possible scenarios :heh:
they're literally doing this shyt in republican states because they control all levers of power and you p*ssy ass frauds ain't saying or doing shyt about it


Aug 10, 2015
they're literally doing this shyt in republican states because they control all levers of power and you p*ssy ass frauds ain't saying or doing shyt about it
Are you having a schizophrenic outbreak? Or did your whore mother drop you on your head as a kid? :jbhmm:


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
But do we feel we need to hold Democrats accountable? For example, I remember Roland Martin would call out Obama in his tteatment of funding of hbcus, black farmers, etc. When I watch him now, I dont see stuff like that as a main focus. It's what DeSantis, GOP doing today. The overall sentiment is what Joe Biden believes (vote democrat or you aint Black).
good point. The thing is we should do both. Desantis doing so many outrageous policies that you can't help but cover it but definitley I want Democrats held acountable too


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
As I said in the other thread. LA council member were talking straight racist bullshyt about black ppl & implementing policies to fukk us up & the dems largely said NOTHING. fukk both sides, fukking coward dikk riders :pacspit:

that's a fukking lie. WTF?

Biden called them out and everyone said for them to step down. Are you kidding me ?

Box Factory

May 14, 2014
The black vote was why Trump lost and the red wave didn't happen

I understand (to a degree) why the frustration exists, and alot of the points are legitimate, but if you don't see how so much of this push is manufactured, you're borderline blind

How has the not voting plan worked in terms of the right. They're actively disenfrachising and doing everything they can to stop certain areas from being able to vote. They're openly pushing extreme far right ideas that you couldn't fathom being openly discussed by legitimate politicians

The left needs to do incredibly better in terms of not being scared to push legitimately progressive race related (specifically black American) issues, but it's probably only going to happen via way more involvement. At the local levels and then up

Push for and support ppl at a local level. Support ideas you can vote into action

Letting the right win on the national level, just to spite the left is crazy with the rhetoric being amplified again and again nowadays. Look at twitter. Look at Elon. Look at who the most popular ppl on the right and what their followers care the most about
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Nov 20, 2013
I’ll more than likely use the write-in option for a 2nd election in a row. I know I won’t vote republican, and I doubt I’ll vote Biden.



May 28, 2012
Blindly supporting Dems ain't it however nine times out of ten when people have smoke for the Dems they don't have smoke for the GOP which leads me to believe an agenda is at play and if you support the GOP you're a fukking clown.
Why not have "smoke" for the side pandering and shaming us into voting for them over and over, only to get shyt on for the last half century? Why waste time beefing with the side we don't deal with? I don't remember any GOP cacs saaing "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black!" on TV
That's because they are agents. The tell you all the so called 'bad' things Dems have done. You start listing out the out right wing racism of the republicans and their policies which affect black people and all of a sudden you hear"both sides".
I see right through that BS.

It's one of the biggest lies told on here. The reparations movement would NEVER have gained ground nationally outside of social media without the support and backing of certain Democrats, Leftists, and activists.

I'm not even a Biden fan but he's done more for us with certain bills and legislature than any Republican would.

Ideally, we would have perfect candidates or prominent 3rd Party candidates but that's obviously not a reality right now.

If voting DNC helps screw up the GOP's chances of turning this country into a totalitarian fascist hellhole, then that alone is worth it. But, even despite this, we have gotten things from the Democrats. TLR just likes to act like nothing ever happened and promote contrarianism.
List the specific policies the Dems attempted to pass for the benefit of Black people or to stop the destruction of the Black community any time they've had control since the Civil Rights Act. Then, somehow explain how they didn't happen despite having total control.
1. There is no viable 3rd party.

2. The black voting block isn’t large enough to elevate a 3rd party.

3. All we can do is leverage it against democrats but.

4. Not voting democrat would only lead to a Republican super majority.

5. And since Republicans don’t need the black vote to win elections, our vote doesn’t matter to them.

It’s a catch 22. Black voters have put themselves in a political box. Instead of forming an alliance with the Latino voting block, we allowed republicans to gain a large enough block to render the black vote meaningless.
When have Latinos expressed any interest in aligning with Blacks for Blacks' benefit? I can find quoted from their leaders saying our problems aren't theirs, telling us to hold our own nuts.
You do realize voting for a third party. Is at least more meaningful than not voting at all right.

Like do you not see how if a lot of people are voting for a candidate that has ideas they like, the two major parties wouldn't try to steal those ideas.
Not voting en masse is a statement that we won't be used any more. That former Dem Party guy said himself we'll never get anywhere until we show them we're willing to not vote for them.
I'm on the same damn time you are politically and otherwise....just letting these both siders know that I understand where they coming from but putting into perspective what our situation is with regards to the GOP currently ....these cacs are on some Christopher Columbus Jim Crowe shyt right's been normalized and mainstreamed too...we can't let celebrities slide with a voice that is detrimental to the common good of our community

  1. Partisan divide: Obama faced significant partisan polarization during his presidency, with Republicans generally opposing many of his policy proposals. This made it challenging to garner enough support to pass legislation, particularly in areas where there were significant policy differences between Democrats and Republicans.
  2. Filibuster in the Senate: The filibuster is a parliamentary procedure that allows a senator to obstruct or delay the passage of legislation. It requires a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to end a filibuster and proceed to a vote. Republicans effectively used the filibuster to block or delay several of Obama's initiatives, as they held enough seats to maintain filibusters.
  3. Control of Congress: While the Democrats initially had control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate during Obama's first two years in office, their majority was not filibuster-proof in the Senate. Additionally, the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections, leading to divided government for the remainder of Obama's presidency.
  4. Policy disagreements: Even within the Democratic Party, there were differences in policy priorities and approaches. Some Democrats held more moderate positions, which sometimes created challenges in passing more progressive legislation.
During President Obama's tenure, there were several factors that affected his ability to pass legislation. It's important to understand that passing legislation requires cooperation and support from multiple parties and branches of government.
List the specific policies the Dems attempted to pass for the benefit of Black people or to stop the destruction of the Black community any time they've had control since the Civil Rights Act.
It's always been the lesser of two evils.

Dems act like pussies, but the Republicans are much worse for us.

You see what the Republicans did to the federal courts and the fukkery they're pulling trying to erase black history and the effects of white supremacy out of existence. But we supposed to support them instead?

It fukkin sucks having a two party system.
You act like we couldn't elect a non-Repub Congress/President and have them reverse shyt, just like Repubs reverse Dem shyt. Nothing is permanent, people just have to have the heart to suck it up and possibly suffer short term for long term success. That's onw thing I respect from the Civil Rights Era folks. They weren't afraid to shake shyt up. Today's Black community is just scared and sleep enough to just go along for nothing.
It still blows my mind how people who put zero effort into holding their own politicians accountable are the first to blame them for not being heaven sent. How do you hold politicians "accountable" when you refuse to not vote for them?

You have dudes who never email or talk with local politicians/representatives, never show up to town board meetings, never campaign for 3rd party or ideal candidates, and overall never do anything to actually hold Democrats or any other political group accountable but are still the 1st to complain about everything.

But let's say that the Democrats have ZERO benefits to Black people.

Then, what should we do REALISTICALLY?

3rd Party support has been suggested since the dawn of time. Hell, Ross Perot literally became the face of it at one point.

Who are these "3rd Party" candidates who have ideal policies and agendas and will fix things overnight?

Also, keep in mind that a good portion of "3rd Party" candidates are White Libertarians who are basically just MAGA shills who smoke weed and have gay cousins.

You can't just vaguely suggest "3rd Party" and not suggest any specific candidates with great ideas and policy proposals. At least the Democrats have Gary Chambers who's about as pro-Black as a modern politician can get.

These are the realistic options. We can either:

A. Vote Dem but better vet which Democrats to represent our communities/states 99% of the time, there are ZERO candidates serious about helping Black people. If there is, and we rally behnd them, but they still don't make the General, flling back to "vote Blue no matter who" COMPLETELY and TOTALLY NEGATES everything done before.
B. Search for a 3rd Party candidate who isn't a Libertarian MAGA shill and rally around them despite the chances of them winning being low. Almosrt pointless. Withholding and letting the Dems know it beforehand en masse is much more potent.
C. Take a chance with a Republican despite how openly fascist/racist/reactionary/"anti-woke" the modern GOP is For what? They don't pander and shame us. They ask us for nothing, so why even consider them? OBVIOUS logic is to pressure the group that relies on our votes to win.

These are your only options. Anyone saying otherwise is looking for a pipe dream.

I was going to do and say more, but I don't have to, @Cakebatter has been whipping y'all asses this whole thread:mjlol:


May 17, 2013
List the specific policies the Dems attempted to pass for the benefit of Black people or to stop the destruction of the Black community any time they've had control since the Civil Rights Act.
  1. The Affordable Care Act (2010): This law, often referred to as "Obamacare," significantly expanded health insurance coverage and has disproportionately helped Black Americans, who have historically been more likely to be uninsured.
  2. Fair Sentencing Act (2010): This law reduced the disparity in sentencing for crack versus powder cocaine offenses, which had disproportionately affected Black Americans.
  3. Every Student Succeeds Act (2015): This replaced the No Child Left Behind Act and aimed to provide equal educational opportunities to all students, including those from minority and disadvantaged communities.
  4. First Step Act (2018): A bipartisan effort with strong Democratic support, this act aimed to make the criminal justice system fairer, reduce recidivism, and improve prison conditions.
  5. George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (2020): Although it was passed in the House, it has not been passed in the Senate as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. It aimed to increase accountability for law enforcement misconduct, restrict the use of certain policing practices, enhance transparency and data collection, and establish best practices and training requirements.
  6. For the People Act (2021): It aimed to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. This legislation could disproportionately benefit Black Americans, who have historically faced more barriers to voting.
  7. The American Rescue Plan (2021): This economic stimulus bill included provisions such as an expanded Child Tax Credit, which was expected to significantly reduce child poverty, particularly in Black and Hispanic communities.


May 28, 2012
  1. The Affordable Care Act (2010): This law, often referred to as "Obamacare," significantly expanded health insurance coverage and has disproportionately helped Black Americans, who have historically been more likely to be uninsured. Not specific
  2. Fair Sentencing Act (2010): This law reduced the disparity in sentencing for crack versus powder cocaine offenses, which had disproportionately affected Black Americans. Not specific. We're not all criminals.
  3. Every Student Succeeds Act (2015): This replaced the No Child Left Behind Act and aimed to provide equal educational opportunities to all students, including those from minority and disadvantaged communities. Not specific.
  4. First Step Act (2018): A bipartisan effort with strong Democratic support, this act aimed to make the criminal justice system fairer, reduce recidivism, and improve prison conditions. Not specific. We're not all criminals.
  5. George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (2020): Although it was passed in the House, it has not been passed in the Senate as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. It aimed to increase accountability for law enforcement misconduct, restrict the use of certain policing practices, enhance transparency and data collection, and establish best practices and training requirements. Not specific. Probably as close as you will get. Unnecessary if they enforced laws already on the books. Also, IIRC, didn't this basically give police a ang of money for "trainng"?
  6. For the People Act (2021): It aimed to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. This legislation could disproportionately benefit Black Americans, who have historically faced more barriers to voting. Not specific. Self serving. Does nothing FOR Blacks but enable them to vote for nothing.
  7. The American Rescue Plan (2021): This economic stimulus bill included provisions such as an expanded Child Tax Credit, which was expected to significantly reduce child poverty, particularly in Black and Hispanic communities. Not specific.


Jul 25, 2018

That money is going towards fixing a public crisis, it's not money for Latino immgrants.

You got to be the most simple minded crab in a barrel c00nservative I've ever seen. Bar none.

All up in arms over anything immigrants like some pearl clutching cac but quiet as a mouse at actual white supremacist. Coward add fake radicals man.