Ice Cube says The Black Community can't keep blindly supporting Democrats.. Is he a c00n?


Mar 11, 2022
Should have our own party, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work with dems but we have to be separated
The fact that black people are majority dems, dems sell trickle down policies and “gatekeepers” promote why we should accept trickle down policies, while if we were by ourselves we could be more focused on “our” ideas, and also this would make black people more involved with politics as a side effect

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
This negga lying through his fukking teeth cuz he knew he fukked up and overplayed his hand

1. He supported Trump. He’s lying saying he never supported Trump.

2. He said Republicans said they would implement some of the stuff he had in his documents. He went to length trynna Juelz to make it seem like Republicans had good intentions 🤣

3. He said Democrats said they’d talk to him after the elections. My guess is they never did but a black democrat in LA said they reached out to him but he never got back to them. I don’t know who’s lying here.

So let’s say Cube was serious about the black community, why didn’t he follow up and be as vocal to make sure his demands were considered ? I mean, at least that’s what I’d expect him to do.

I remember a little bit of this too.

Kamala Harris' reached out to him for a sit down but he turned it down because he was semi insulted that Biden wouldn't meet with him.

And about 2 weeks later he ended up having a sit-down with Jared Kushner. Not president trump, not vice president pence, but Kushner which was ok


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
  1. Partisan divide: Obama faced significant partisan polarization during his presidency, with Republicans generally opposing many of his policy proposals. This made it challenging to garner enough support to pass legislation, particularly in areas where there were significant policy differences between Democrats and Republicans.
  2. Filibuster in the Senate: The filibuster is a parliamentary procedure that allows a senator to obstruct or delay the passage of legislation. It requires a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to end a filibuster and proceed to a vote. Republicans effectively used the filibuster to block or delay several of Obama's initiatives, as they held enough seats to maintain filibusters.
  3. Control of Congress: While the Democrats initially had control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate during Obama's first two years in office, their majority was not filibuster-proof in the Senate. Additionally, the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections, leading to divided government for the remainder of Obama's presidency.
  4. Policy disagreements: Even within the Democratic Party, there were differences in policy priorities and approaches. Some Democrats held more moderate positions, which sometimes created challenges in passing more progressive legislation.
During President Obama's tenure, there were several factors that affected his ability to pass legislation. It's important to understand that passing legislation requires cooperation and support from multiple parties and branches of government.

This is the false narrative that keeps Blacks accepting mediocrity. At a minimum, Obama had a Congress with Dem control, and a Senate with supermajority for 6 months. Obama and Dems had 2 years to pass bills via reconciliation which are filibuster proof and only require a simple majority. What did we get? During the 2008 financial crisis, instead of paying off the balances of home owners, Obama's secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, got Obama to allow him to bail out the banks instead, leaving home owners (Many of them black) assed-out. Can't blame this on Republicans. That single move, under the control of a Black Democratic president, wiped out more Black wealth than what we saw from either Trump, Bush, Bush Sr, or Reagan.
Blacks Lost Half their Wealth due to Housing Crisis....
Impact of the US Housing Crisis on the Racial Wealth Gap....

I am not saying or implying that Blacks need to vote Republican or not vote at all, but we can't keep pretending the Dems are trying hard. Over the past 50 years, the US has had about a 50/50 split of Dem and Republican rule. If the Republicans were so destined to send us back to the Jim Crow era, don't you think we would have seen it during one of Reagan's, G. W. Bush's , or Trump's 2 term eras? This is called the "Revolving Villain" fallacy. As long as they scare you into thinking there is a new villain willing to reek havoc, you will be afraid to ask for too much, and just go along to get along. History exposes this. Now the same Dems who told us to fear George W Bush, invite him to parties and hire his staff.

Notice how Bernie Sanders is now pushing Medicare for All again, when Dems only barely control the Senate, and have a minority in the House, but refused to even talk about it when Dems had control of both houses? Folks need to learn that the people who you think are your friends, aren't always your friends.


May 17, 2013
This is the false narrative that keeps Blacks accepting mediocrity. At a minimum, Obama had a Congress with Dem control, and a Senate with supermajority for 6 months. Obama and Dems had 2 years to pass bills via reconciliation which are filibuster proof and only require a simple majority. What did we get? During the 2008 financial crisis, instead of paying off the balances of home owners, Obama's secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, got Obama to allow him to bail out the banks instead, leaving home owners (Many of them black) assed-out. Can't blame this on Republicans. That single move, under the control of a Black Democratic president, wiped out more Black wealth than what we saw from either Trump, Bush, Bush Sr, or Reagan.
Blacks Lost Half their Wealth due to Housing Crisis....
Impact of the US Housing Crisis on the Racial Wealth Gap....

I am not saying or implying that Blacks need to vote Republican or not vote at all, but we can't keep pretending the Dems are trying hard. Over the past 50 years, the US has had about a 50/50 split of Dem and Republican rule. If the Republicans were so destined to send us back to the Jim Crow era, don't you think we would have seen it during one of Reagan's, G. W. Bush's , or Trump's 2 term eras? This is called the "Revolving Villain" fallacy. As long as they scare you into thinking there is a new villain willing to reek havoc, you will be afraid to ask for too much, and just go along to get along. History exposes this. Now the same Dems who told us to fear George W Bush, invite him to parties and hire his staff.

Notice how Bernie Sanders is now pushing Medicare for All again, when Dems only barely control the Senate, and have a minority in the House, but refused to even talk about it when Dems had control of both houses? Folks need to learn that the people who you think are your friends, aren't always your friends.
It's important to approach political discussions with an open mind and consider multiple perspectives. While it's true that President Obama had a Democratic majority in Congress during his first two years in office, it's also worth noting that passing legislation is a complex process influenced by various factors, including political dynamics and negotiations.

Regarding the financial crisis, the actions taken by the Obama administration were aimed at stabilizing the economy and preventing a complete collapse. The decision to bail out banks was a controversial one, and it's true that many homeowners, including a significant number of black homeowners, faced difficulties during that time. However, it's important to recognize that the crisis was a systemic issue that required a comprehensive response.

The topic of wealth inequality, particularly its impact on minority communities, is a valid concern. Racial wealth gaps have deep historical roots and are influenced by a range of factors, including discriminatory practices, systemic barriers, and economic policies. It's important to analyze these issues holistically and consider the long-term effects of various policies and historical factors.

Regarding the "Revolving Villain" fallacy, it's true that political narratives can shift and evolve over time. Parties and politicians can change their positions or rhetoric, and alliances may shift depending on political circumstances. It's important for voters to critically evaluate policies and the track records of politicians, rather than relying solely on party affiliations or rhetoric.

In any political system, it's crucial for citizens to stay informed, engage in constructive dialogue, and hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. Remember that political decisions and outcomes are often complex, influenced by a multitude of factors, and it's essential to consider a broad range of perspectives when forming opinions.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Why do you speak on politics if you clearly lack any understanding of how it works. It didn't take republicans one election, they steadily worked on replacing federal judges and nominating supreme court judges for decades until they got to the point where the next time they get elected, they are in a position to turn the United States into a white supremacist authocracy. People didn't vote for democrats in 2016 and the result was Donald Trump, who not only radicalized the GOP into an openly racist authoritarian party, but also got to nominate two supreme court judges, shifting the balance for decades to come. Those judges then went immediately to work to dismantle decades of progress. So what tangibles did not voting for Hillary provide for you smart dumb motherfukkers? You're not sending a message, you're falling for republican voter supression tactics.

So basically you proved my point. One election,two new judges appointed. And those two judges made it possible to dismantle decades of progress in your own words.

  1. Partisan divide: Obama faced significant partisan polarization during his presidency, with Republicans generally opposing many of his policy proposals. This made it challenging to garner enough support to pass legislation, particularly in areas where there were significant policy differences between Democrats and Republicans.
  2. Filibuster in the Senate: The filibuster is a parliamentary procedure that allows a senator to obstruct or delay the passage of legislation. It requires a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to end a filibuster and proceed to a vote. Republicans effectively used the filibuster to block or delay several of Obama's initiatives, as they held enough seats to maintain filibusters.
  3. Control of Congress: While the Democrats initially had control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate during Obama's first two years in office, their majority was not filibuster-proof in the Senate. Additionally, the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections, leading to divided government for the remainder of Obama's presidency.
  4. Policy disagreements: Even within the Democratic Party, there were differences in policy priorities and approaches. Some Democrats held more moderate positions, which sometimes created challenges in passing more progressive legislation.
During President Obama's tenure, there were several factors that affected his ability to pass legislation. It's important to understand that passing legislation requires cooperation and support from multiple parties and branches of government.

Essentially democrats are useless unless we make sure they win every election and create a perfect environment for them. Which we dont have the power to control as a minority population,and as a population with limited wealth in comparsion to the dominant society.

Cant forget we have to hope judges die or retire during one of the periods where democrats win. Otherwise 20-30 years of your dutiful voting could be nullified and reversed. Not to mention there is potential for America to become Nazi Germany under the Republicans apparently.

Sounds like the best thing for black people to do is get our money by any means and leave the country:respect:#AnywhereButHere
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All Star
Mar 11, 2022
It's important to approach political discussions with an open mind and consider multiple perspectives. While it's true that President Obama had a Democratic majority in Congress during his first two years in office, it's also worth noting that passing legislation is a complex process influenced by various factors, including political dynamics and negotiations.

Regarding the financial crisis, the actions taken by the Obama administration were aimed at stabilizing the economy and preventing a complete collapse. The decision to bail out banks was a controversial one, and it's true that many homeowners, including a significant number of black homeowners, faced difficulties during that time. However, it's important to recognize that the crisis was a systemic issue that required a comprehensive response.

The topic of wealth inequality, particularly its impact on minority communities, is a valid concern. Racial wealth gaps have deep historical roots and are influenced by a range of factors, including discriminatory practices, systemic barriers, and economic policies. It's important to analyze these issues holistically and consider the long-term effects of various policies and historical factors.

Regarding the "Revolving Villain" fallacy, it's true that political narratives can shift and evolve over time. Parties and politicians can change their positions or rhetoric, and alliances may shift depending on political circumstances. It's important for voters to critically evaluate policies and the track records of politicians, rather than relying solely on party affiliations or rhetoric.

In any political system, it's crucial for citizens to stay informed, engage in constructive dialogue, and hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. Remember that political decisions and outcomes are often complex, influenced by a multitude of factors, and it's essential to consider a broad range of perspectives when forming opinions.

If you don't understand how Congress operates, then just say you don't understand how things work and ask questions. Please don't project your ignorance on the rest of us.


May 1, 2012
He might be. I don't know.

Blind support of democrats hasn't really resulted in tangible benefits (in the past what 30 - 50 years) but the black community has received ZERO, I repeat, ZERO! indication that things would be any better voting for republicans.

It's always been the lesser of two evils.

Dems act like pussies, but the Republicans are much worse for us.

You see what the Republicans did to the federal courts and the fukkery they're pulling trying to erase black history and the effects of white supremacy out of existence. But we supposed to support them instead?

It fukkin sucks having a two party system.


May 17, 2013
So basically you proved my point. One election,two new judges appointed. And those two judges made it possible to dismantle decades of progress in your own words.

Essentially democrats are useless unless we make sure they win every election and create a perfect environment for them. Which we dont have the power to control as a minority population,and as a population with limited wealth in comparsion to the dominant society.

Cant forget we have to hope judges die or retire during one of the periods where democrats win. Otherwise 20-30 years of your dutiful voting could be nullified and reversed. Not to mention there is potential for America to become Nazi Germany under the Republicans.

Sounds like the best thing for black people to do is get our money by any means and leave the country:respect:#AnywhereButHere
where are you going?


May 17, 2013
If you don't understand how Congress operates, then just say you don't understand how things work and ask questions. Please don't project your ignorance on the rest of us.
If you have specific questions or concerns about how Congress operates or any other topic, let me know, and I'll address them.
May 3, 2012
Eagle, Colorado
Essentially democrats are useless unless we make sure they win every election and create a perfect environment for them.
Republicans pursue power to wield it, Dems pursue power to act like hall monitors. The goals are different. It doesn't how much leverage or the Dems have they're going to bundle it.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
where are you going?

Undecided. With #BlackFreeAgency2028 we will be taking offers from the highest bidder. Whatever country puts together the best package for black people can have us. The U.S has the right to match any offer made. If we here crickets like Lamar Jackson,we will just go anywhere that fits our lifestyle and budget. As well as isnt on the cusp of becoming Nazi Germany at the drop of an election:respect:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
You mean which ever country you research and finds fitting for you? Because you're not a baby, no one is creating a package for you. :wtf:

No,I mean if black people as a collective make our intentions known that we want to relocate. Once we break down our value and what weve done for this ungrateful country. We could potentially have many nations trying to woo us. But if not?oh well,we will be in a position to be self reliant and choose our own destination on an individual basis. The latter is the most probable obviously. As of now,black people still have too much hope in our democratic saviors to give up on them,letalong to raise a hand against them:respect: