Ice Cube says The Black Community can't keep blindly supporting Democrats.. Is he a c00n?


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
You can, and as you pointed out yourself, he did. But why focus on the democrats at a time when republicans are actively trying to bring back Jim Crow?
I was saying he had balance with Obama. When he was on TV one. He could if he wanted to, do the same. It's a 2 hr show. Not negating that his focus should not be on Republicans and their focus to stomp out CRT and so called wokeism. But his rep with some non Black democratic is he's a defender of that party.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

He would hang us for treason against democrats if he could. Talking about going back to the Jim Crow era:respect:

The more yall talk the more yall prove the point. If all it takes is one election for black folks to become a "permanant underclass" or "go back to Jim Crow". Sounds like the democrats havent been doing anything meaningful for black people:mjlol:

If all it takes is me missing one paycheck to lose everything,and for everything to go to shyt. Sounds like there was no investment being made.

And this is largely our fault,thinking we could just sit back,vote and be catered to like cacs. When the only way black people have ever gotten anything in this country is through war,protest,and demonstration.

Which is why you wouldnt want to vote for a third party @Scustin Bieburr. Your not trying to send a message to both parties. Your trying to send a message to one party,the democrats. So you make the declaration #NoVoteNoTangibles. And then you follow through on that threat. By voting for absolutely no one. The only problem with this strategy is that black people in large love,and cant quit those democrats.

So a small minority of us holding our votes is enough to cause democrats to bsrely lose. But not enough to send a messsge. So Republicans would win AND no point was proven:francis:

So I guess we are at a standstill. Black democrats believe its our responsibility as black people to vote for democrat no matter what. And #Bothsides believes its black democrats responsibility to not vote for once.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
sooo who are you voting for then? :jbhmm:

wouldn't be blind support if you went out and voted on a local, state, house and then primaries level. can't just pull up to the federal polls and be confused at the candidate on the ballot. :heh:

you also can't blame a democrat if he/she's bills keeps getting rejected because republicans have the majority house. "they're not doing enough". do you know how your political system works? :wtf:

They had control of Congress under Obama. When he explained he cant get things done without control of Congress. And they have control right now after yall convinced black people that they must help stop the dangerous "red wave".

I guess the tangibles are in the mail:respect:


Dec 2, 2012
He would hang us for treason against democrats if he could. Talking about going back to the Jim Crow era:respect:

The more yall talk the more yall prove the point. If all it takes is one election for black folks to become a "permanant underclass" or "go back to Jim Crow". Sounds like the democrats havent been doing anything meaningful for black people:mjlol:

If all it takes is me missing one paycheck to lose everything,and for everything to go to shyt. Sounds like there was no investment being made.

And this is largely our fault,thinking we could just sit back,vote and be catered to like cacs. When the only way black people have ever gotten anything in this country is through war,protest,and demonstration.

Which is why you wouldnt want to vote for a third party @Scustin Bieburr. Your not trying to send a message to both parties. Your trying to send a message to one party,the democrats. So you make the declaration #NoVoteNoTangibles. And then you follow through on that threat. By voting for absolutely no one. The only problem with this strategy is that black people in large love,and cant quit those democrats.

So a small minority of us holding our votes is enough to cause democrats to bsrely lose. But not enough to send a messsge. So Republicans would win AND no point was proven:francis:

So I guess we are at a standstill. Black democrats believe its our responsibility as black people to vote for democrat no matter what. And #Bothsides believes its black democrats responsibility to not vote for once.
Why do you speak on politics if you clearly lack any understanding of how it works. It didn't take republicans one election, they steadily worked on replacing federal judges and nominating supreme court judges for decades until they got to the point where the next time they get elected, they are in a position to turn the United States into a white supremacist authocracy. People didn't vote for democrats in 2016 and the result was Donald Trump, who not only radicalized the GOP into an openly racist authoritarian party, but also got to nominate two supreme court judges, shifting the balance for decades to come. Those judges then went immediately to work to dismantle decades of progress. So what tangibles did not voting for Hillary provide for you smart dumb motherfukkers? You're not sending a message, you're falling for republican voter supression tactics.


May 2, 2012
Probably cause black people such a small population that it don’t matter what candidate we get behind. It’s no shot they can win. Waste of time

But literally the whole premise of this thread is that we need to use our leverage and not 'blindly' support Dem candidates because they can't win without us, which I agree with.

So which is it? Are we too small of a voting bloc to make a difference or do we hold all the cards because the Dems can't win without us? Because if it's the latter, why would we not use that leverage to support the actual candidates we want in the primaries?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
They already do that. They already know there are third parties. Black people are not dumb. And they discover over and over again that the liberal candidate, the liberal policy agenda, and the liberal party is always in our best interest. This is not complicated.

And then conservatives come down our ear and tell us we're too stupid to make our own political decisions and are being brainwashed into voting overwhelmingly for the pro-civil rights candidate.

Then c00ns who worship cacs and feel some childish narcissistic insecurity about being like minded to black people and "fakkits" listen to these racist conservatives and somehow call it "thinking for themselves."

Some of yall want to make party politics in this country more complicated than it is for the sake of looking like psuedo intellectuals. The whole idea that black people are voting "blindly" and not consciously is a racist narrative I use to hear on Fox News during the Bush days, and now we got "free thinkers" happily disseminating their agenda and think they look like outspoken geniuses doing it.

How yall can hear shyt like "black people need to stop blindly voting Democrat," whether from other black people or from the mouth of Ben Shapiro and Donald Trump and not feel insulted shows how amazingly effective Republicans have been in brainwashing the public with propaganda into indeed NOT forming logical political decisions of their own.

Black people are informed enough to vote for who we want and we want the liberal candidate, the liberal policy agenda, and the liberal party. Every time. White supremacists and these armchair internet "black militants" alike springing up out of nowhere find this bothersome. Wonder why.
The funny shyt is hearing white leftists being confused why poor white people vote republican as if they don’t know what THEY are doing also. They know they’re voting their heart and not their pocket.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
He's right on that point.
What he said was factual. There's no issue here.
The issue is when you question the Democrats, some happy slave jumps up and hollers "YOU SUPPORT TRUMP?!?!"
Or the super silly "We not voting! That'll make 'em RESPECT us!!!"
If your understanding of politics is that remedial, then you should be learning instead of talking.
Why hasn’t cube found a local politician to support?

This focus on national politics only reveals the bullshyt these guys are on.


May 17, 2013
They had control of Congress under Obama. When he explained he cant get things done without control of Congress. And they have control right now after yall convinced black people that they must help stop the dangerous "red wave".

I guess the tangibles are in the mail:respect:
  1. Partisan divide: Obama faced significant partisan polarization during his presidency, with Republicans generally opposing many of his policy proposals. This made it challenging to garner enough support to pass legislation, particularly in areas where there were significant policy differences between Democrats and Republicans.
  2. Filibuster in the Senate: The filibuster is a parliamentary procedure that allows a senator to obstruct or delay the passage of legislation. It requires a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to end a filibuster and proceed to a vote. Republicans effectively used the filibuster to block or delay several of Obama's initiatives, as they held enough seats to maintain filibusters.
  3. Control of Congress: While the Democrats initially had control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate during Obama's first two years in office, their majority was not filibuster-proof in the Senate. Additionally, the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections, leading to divided government for the remainder of Obama's presidency.
  4. Policy disagreements: Even within the Democratic Party, there were differences in policy priorities and approaches. Some Democrats held more moderate positions, which sometimes created challenges in passing more progressive legislation.
During President Obama's tenure, there were several factors that affected his ability to pass legislation. It's important to understand that passing legislation requires cooperation and support from multiple parties and branches of government.


Mar 26, 2017
  1. Partisan divide: Obama faced significant partisan polarization during his presidency, with Republicans generally opposing many of his policy proposals. This made it challenging to garner enough support to pass legislation, particularly in areas where there were significant policy differences between Democrats and Republicans.
  2. Filibuster in the Senate: The filibuster is a parliamentary procedure that allows a senator to obstruct or delay the passage of legislation. It requires a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to end a filibuster and proceed to a vote. Republicans effectively used the filibuster to block or delay several of Obama's initiatives, as they held enough seats to maintain filibusters.
  3. Control of Congress: While the Democrats initially had control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate during Obama's first two years in office, their majority was not filibuster-proof in the Senate. Additionally, the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections, leading to divided government for the remainder of Obama's presidency.
  4. Policy disagreements: Even within the Democratic Party, there were differences in policy priorities and approaches. Some Democrats held more moderate positions, which sometimes created challenges in passing more progressive legislation.
During President Obama's tenure, there were several factors that affected his ability to pass legislation. It's important to understand that passing legislation requires cooperation and support from multiple parties and branches of government.
The demonization of Obama is another clue that lets you know that someone doesn't know how politics works.
Those are the people who still think that the President is King and all he has to do is wave his hand and say "make it so".
The system of checks and balances between the three branches of government ensures that doesn't happen.
The opposition to Obama's presidency was very real.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
Why are we the only group of people that gets accused of blind support?
People insult our intelligence and think we just vote one way because everyone does?
This the most :mjpls: take that doesn't seem to get enough blowback when people say it.
We voting for who exactly we want. Just because you wanna be contrarian doesn't mean you know something we don't.
Instead of calling the entire black community stupid, be brave enough to come out in support of the opposing party or candidate you like specifically.