You've never been in a bathroom stall long enough to know personalitiesI would never treat a nice guy like this. SMH.
These women are truly evil.
You've never been in a bathroom stall long enough to know personalitiesI would never treat a nice guy like this. SMH.
These women are truly evil.
Bruh these lames couldn't fathom a woman actually just liking them for them. Everything is transactional to them and they all want low hanging fruit, not realizing they are low hanging fruit themselves. They care entirely too much about women.That’s why you have to go for the ones who are genuinely crazy about you. She may not be an 8, 9 or 10, but she’s into you for who you are.
Y’all swear the only black men who get attention are thugs, and they simply isn’t true.
That "put that women first" nonsense will lead you on a path of disappointment.Another Another unpopular opinion - The more effort you have to put into a relationship the less attracted to you that person is imo.
DOGYou've never been in a bathroom stall long enough to know personalities
Yep! She's talking about unattractive guys.If the nice guys are attractive, that’s not the case.
The sooner y’all accept it, the better you’ll feel. Put effort into your looks. Just because someone is attractive, doesn’t mean they’re toxic.
Relationships require physical contact. Do you want to be physical with someone you aren’t attracted to?
Are you dating this woman because she’s nice?
How do you expect a woman to really throw it down in the bedroom, if she doesn’t find you attractive? No relationship is perfect 24/7. Everything they do to annoy you will be magnified if they don’t find you attractive, and vice versa. Y’all know how black women go to bed. You’re going to be turned off by that scarf, and bonnet if that face card isn’t working.
Is he thuggish, and not nice?
Do you see his girl. She is also not ratchet. They are both square. They MATCH. You have to get a woman of the same level of attractiveness, and lifestyle.
Depends on age and situationthe pic is not true
my female relatives say the worse he looks, the worse he treats you. I believe them.
but this works also in reverse, if he looks like he can do better, she will resent him
Stay in your lane folks. Men are better at this I know...
Lastly, the older generation didn't have this problem, you know why... they almost all had natural sex appeal, no matter what their face looked like.
Today too many people built like wet marsh mellows
/threadIf the nice guys are attractive, that’s not the case.
The sooner y’all accept it, the better you’ll feel. Put effort into your looks. Just because someone is attractive, doesn’t mean they’re toxic.
Relationships require physical contact. Do you want to be physical with someone you aren’t attracted to?
Are you dating this woman because she’s nice?
How do you expect a woman to really throw it down in the bedroom, if she doesn’t find you attractive? No relationship is perfect 24/7. Everything they do to annoy you will be magnified if they don’t find you attractive, and vice versa. Y’all know how black women go to bed. You’re going to be turned off by that scarf, and bonnet if that face card isn’t working.
Fellas do not follow this advice in any wayThis is why on a first date you need to ask a woman "what's your type?" and then get her to describe what her last partners looked like PHYSICALLY.
If a woman's past relationships have been with brehs who were 6ft+ and you're 5'9, yeah she's settling
ASK HER who her celebrity crush is. How close do you resemble them.