i dont know what this means, but IT and business are skills, just like sports or music, i agree that we need more people to go into those fields but i dont think those are things that everybody can do because point blank only people with certain skill sets or natural inclination can be good at that
and i dont feel comfortable with micro management, i think its important that black people get a good education and then they should do whatever the fuk they want to do as long as its legal
freedom, imagination and creativity are key things in being great and forcing people into certain fields can diminish those things
ok sure
the hood and the real nikka died??? really? when did that happen
what i said is that black people have an anti academic culture and we need to change it, i didnt say anything beyond that, i cant respond to what your imagination said that i said
any person that reads history would see that europeans were more advanced in technology and science than the africans
apparently you have never read a history book, i feel sorry for you and i apologize for having to be the one to break the news to you, but africans were behind, the europeans had ocean going ships and guns, the africans had none, its that simple, its that cut and dry
of course if you pay more attention to kids they develop better
like i mentioned already studies have shown that black parents dont read to their kids, im saying that parents need to read more to their kids
i understand that poor kids do not have a home structure but i also understand that the typical public school is not designed to handle poor kids with bad familiy structure that is why i suggest ending the public school system and starting a new system that is made up of independent charter schools and vouchers, this will create an opportunity for black educators to open up their own schools and open up options for black families
the only schools that have been shown to be successful are the ones that focus on culture, and the ones that dont will not be succesful and they will or should be shut down
i have no idea what this means, how does telling an anecdotal story about your son provide evidence that economics corrects academic standards?
anecdotes are not real evidence of anything
and i already told you its been proven that middle class black students perform worse than white students, in fact some have shown that middle class blacks perform worse than poor whites regardless of any anecdotes you come up with
what studies have shown is that early reading at home, homework and parental involvement are the keys to academic success, in other words culture
so the question is do rich kids perform better because of money or do rich kids perform better because their parents are more involved and more focused? im saying its the latter and so if the poor parents cannot provide the academic environment then we have to eliminate the public school system and create new schools that deal with poor kids that dont have an academic home environment, that is the logic behind my call to eliminate the public school system, its not an empty talking point, its a real idea that is already being implemented all over

whenever i hear that another public school in the hood got shut down
oh so you send your kid to private school but you think its wrong to give vouchers to people, ok i see, that isnt hypocritical at all
that is a meaningless phrase
the only thing i push in this thread is a strong K-12 education and learning how to read and write well and do math, that is fundamental
i think education itself creates wealth in and of itself and it creates the raw material to build a strong community
as far a career field, after getting a strong K-12 education and making high academic performance part of their identity, i think black students should do whatever the fuk they want to do and whatever floats their boat because freedom, creativity and imagination are key ingredients in developing a strong community