How does HL feel about Dr. Claud Anderson?

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
reading and writing is something that gets started at home, its part of ones culture not simply something that happens at school, it has to be started at home, something as simple as reading to kids is something that multiple studies have shown does not happen in black homes and it has a huge impact on education

so yeah a lot of black people do not develop reading and writing skills at home and they end up behind most people, the way to fix this is by addressing black culture

there are exceptions but generally speaking academics is not a fundamental part of black identity, in other words if you do bad in school for example will somebody question your blackness? no, because high academic standards is not part of the definition of being black

so when i say we have to change black culture to be more academic im saying we need to change the definition of what it means to be black ie a real nikka to include high academic standards, imo until that happens black people will always be behind

yes, during 14 and 1500s when europeans encountered africans, the europeans were way ahead of the africans in terms of science and technology, which allowed them to conquer the africans....i dont get what is the point of denying the obvious, what we need to to is learn from history and make sure we catch and supersede other groups in terms of technology

i went to a 99% black elementary school, but i dont see what that has to do with learning about intergenerational poverty, when i say we have to change the culture, intergenerational poverty is exactly why we have to change our culture, some parts of our culture and political structures that have been passed down are not conducive to economics or academics as claud anderson has pointed out, part of ending intergenerational poverty is addressing culture, specifically culture and attitudes toward academics

it depends what you means by group economics, if you mean increased trade and commerce among black people im down with that, if it means some cornball marxist gibberish, then im not down with it
I feel there is validity here. My mother has a masters in education and it wasnt until i read your post here that i peeped how she got me so acclimated to reading and writing at a young age in subtle ways. She would make me read the bible to her on sundays and got me interested in writing stories for her to read at a young age. I believe thats what really honed my abilities to communicate with friends in a variety of ways with these writing tools. Perhaps you're a bit misunderstood, friend.


Jun 4, 2012
Black people didn't listen to Marcus Garvey. Black people didn't listen to Malcolm. What makes anyone think black people are gonna listen to Claude Anderson in 2013? Black people aren't about the collective. We subscribe more to the ideology of individualism more than anything. As long as were doing good personally, we don't care what happens anywhere else. People only talk about Claude Anderson in these pseudo discussions that lead to nowhere for the most part.
Black people listen to church leaders and teachers unions. Black people listened to leading 'educators'..... but somehow our drop out rates still go up and down and we don't make progress.

I just don't get it.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Black people listen to church leaders and teachers unions. Black people listened to leading 'educators'..... but somehow our drop out rates still go up and down and we don't make progress.

I just don't get it.
Cause black leaders dont understand black culture...


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I like him, he's on point for the most part, but I would disagree that business is at the core of black problems, I would lean more toward (lack of) education and literacy, but overall a agree with him

How does education and literacy help without having a black economic base that can employ black people to create/further industries that we control and operate? Just to be able to say "we're educated"?

There's plenty of "educated" black people who struggle to get and keep the same jobs as their white counterparts who may have less education. Why? Because those whites are seeking jobs that are mostly provided by white-owned and white-controlled corporations.

Not to mention that even if they get those jobs, they have to contend with being paid less. So, I don't how education and literacy takes precedent when we need vehicles (businesses) that we control to use those educated and literate people. Otherwise, we'll keep providing this education to others(white-owned companies/businesses) who don't invest back in our "education" and "literacy" while our community continues to spin its wheels for lack of the very thing we need to properly use our own "educated" resources, a black economic base to employ them.



Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Either way, Claud Anderson is the truth. He speaks nothing but plain English on how and why the black community is in its current positon, which is no better than right after slavery and worse than what we experienced during segregation. With no economic base, your community is at the mercy of others who do have an economic base.

Dr. Anderson's call to action can be described in the following: If whites and asians one day decided to NOT service black communities with food, clothing, gas, utilities and other any other vital needs, WHAT BLACK BUSINESSES WOULD BE ABLE TO KEEP THE BLACK COMMUNITY RUNNING WITHOUT A HITCH ON A LOCAL/REGIONAL/NATIONAL SCALE? BEYOND THAT, WHAT MEDIA OUTLETS WOULD WE BE ABLE TO USE TO LET THE OUTSIDE WORLD KNOW OF THIS ACTION BEING TAKE AGAINST US?

I'll wait for an answer that I'll never get. Oh, but we'd have plenty of music, soul food and tax preparation places to keep us company as we slowly die off.

But beyond just talking and typing, this man has a black think tank. The only think tank devoted exclusively to the issues affecting the black community, and he needs our support-emotional AND financial. We spend money on Jordans, Gucci belt buckles, impressing double-d#ck clutching ratchets and showing out to broke nikkas.

Can we take some of that bread and give to a think tank devoted to our community? If so, here's the link to the organization:



Jun 4, 2012
We spend money on Jordans, Gucci belt buckles, impressing double-d#ck clutching ratchets
:unsure: :whoa: when ur trying to build, sometimes ratchets is all you have time for


Either way, Claud Anderson is the truth. He speaks nothing but plain English on how and why the black community is in its current positon, which is no better than right after slavery and worse than what we experienced during segregation. With no economic base, your community is at the mercy of others who do have an economic base.

Dr. Anderson's call to action can be described in the following: If whites and asians one day decided to NOT service black communities with food, clothing, gas, utilities and other any other vital needs, WHAT BLACK BUSINESSES WOULD BE ABLE TO KEEP THE BLACK COMMUNITY RUNNING WITHOUT A HITCH ON A LOCAL/REGIONAL/NATIONAL SCALE? BEYOND THAT, WHAT MEDIA OUTLETS WOULD WE BE ABLE TO USE TO LET THE OUTSIDE WORLD KNOW OF THIS ACTION BEING TAKE AGAINST US?

I'll wait for an answer that I'll never get. Oh, but we'd have plenty of music, soul food and tax preparation places to keep us company as we slowly die off.

But beyond just talking and typing, this man has a black think tank. The only think tank devoted exclusively to the issues affecting the black community, and he needs our support-emotional AND financial.

Can we take some of that bread and give to a think tank devoted to our community? If so, here's the link to the organization:

peace. And your 100% correct, imho.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012

and i do think education is key, but the issue was asked about fundamentals, so when i say education in the context of this thread, im talking about reading, writing and math, not necessarily higher education, although im a big proponent of that also, but fundamentally black people need to focus reading, writing and math at the k-12 levels, that is where things break down

and to focus on that means changing black culture to be academically oriented, because right now black culture is anti academic

you have made fair and great points in this thread...but how would you actually get to the masses and interest them in changing the culture. That is the key to effecting what you wish because the current way is not working and kids are disinterested and know they are being lied too by the dominant society.

Part of what Claud Anderson is doing is indeed 'education' its just from a different angle and once educated of that knowledge he requires action and application.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
How does education and literacy help without having a black economic base that can employ black people to create/further industries that we control and operate? Just to be able to say "we're educated"?

There's plenty of "educated" black people who struggle to get and keep the same jobs as their white counterparts who may have less education. Why? Because those whites are seeking jobs that are mostly provided by white-owned and white-controlled corporations.

Not to mention that even if they get those jobs, they have to contend with being paid less. So, I don't how education and literacy takes precedent when we need vehicles (businesses) that we control to use those educated and literate people. Otherwise, we'll keep providing this education to others(white-owned companies/businesses) who don't invest back in our "education" and "literacy" while our community continues to spin its wheels for lack of the very thing we need to properly use our own "educated" resources, a black economic base to employ them.


its pretty simple, if you dont know how to read and write you cant be good at business, so reading and writing and math are more fundamental then opening up a business


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
you have made fair and great points in this thread...but how would you actually get to the masses and interest them in changing the culture. That is the key to effecting what you wish because the current way is not working and kids are disinterested and know they are being lied too by the dominant society.

Part of what Claud Anderson is doing is indeed 'education' its just from a different angle and once educated of that knowledge he requires action and application.

well i pretty much co-signed anderson, i just disagree with saying business is fundamental and i dont totally agree with his political stances, but i agree with most of what he said

and we agree on the gist that black people need to make some fundamental changes to be competitive

when i said education in this thread i was talking about K-12 and i was saying that black people have trouble getting from K-12 at a globally competitive level, i think anderson would agree

i think business is a skill and a talent, and everybody has different skills and talent, that is why i cannot co-sign making that fundamental, but besides that point i think anderson is saying the same thing im saying

im not following how me saying that black people need to change our culture to be more academic is somehow the polar opposite of anderson saying that black people are doomed if we dont change the way we do things

i would put more emphasis on K-12, that is simply a slight disagreement as you mentioned

and in fact, speaking of business, eliminating public schools and switching to charters and vouchers presents a tremendous business opportunity for black people, and im very pro capitalist ie im very much for black people starting business

i think this vid is more representative of my views

but overall i think everybody agrees that black people need to make some fundamental changes to the way we do things


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Either way, Claud Anderson is the truth. He speaks nothing but plain English on how and why the black community is in its current positon, which is no better than right after slavery and worse than what we experienced during segregation. With no economic base, your community is at the mercy of others who do have an economic base.

Dr. Anderson's call to action can be described in the following: If whites and asians one day decided to NOT service black communities with food, clothing, gas, utilities and other any other vital needs, WHAT BLACK BUSINESSES WOULD BE ABLE TO KEEP THE BLACK COMMUNITY RUNNING WITHOUT A HITCH ON A LOCAL/REGIONAL/NATIONAL SCALE? BEYOND THAT, WHAT MEDIA OUTLETS WOULD WE BE ABLE TO USE TO LET THE OUTSIDE WORLD KNOW OF THIS ACTION BEING TAKE AGAINST US?

I'll wait for an answer that I'll never get. Oh, but we'd have plenty of music, soul food and tax preparation places to keep us company as we slowly die off.

But beyond just talking and typing, this man has a black think tank. The only think tank devoted exclusively to the issues affecting the black community, and he needs our support-emotional AND financial. We spend money on Jordans, Gucci belt buckles, impressing double-d#ck clutching ratchets and showing out to broke nikkas.

Can we take some of that bread and give to a think tank devoted to our community? If so, here's the link to the organization:


i would add this organization also


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You are happy when public schools get shut down. :ohhh:

yep, every failing school should be shut down and we should celebrate the punishment of failure

Your entire solution for the black community is reading is fundamental, lol. :russ:

yeah pretty much

reading should be one of the defining characteristics of black identity, if you dont read you shouldn't call yourself black

You diss black youth. :camby:

i diss anything that stops the progress of black people

You hype of western imperialism.:scusthov:

i dont even know what this means, what does western imperialism even have to do with this thread

You talk ALL this shyt to people who actually do their parts - when you don't do shyt, but say random catch phrases about education.:mindblown:

im not making any catch phrases, what i said about education is that we need to eliminate the public education system and switch to charters and vouchers, its a movement that is going on all over, its not a catch phrase its very real

And worst of all - you call decades of reseach and study on how social economic conditions, poverty, and social stigma can affect academic performance - "anecdotal evedence"

i called you saying a story about your son as evidence anecdotal, which is what it is

and i posted a study that showed that middle class black students do worse then poor white students, which contradicts your point
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
yep, every failing school should be shut down and we should celebrate the punishment of failure

yeah pretty much

reading should be one of the defining characteristics of black identity, if you dont read you shouldn't call yourself black

i diss anything that stops the progress of black people

i dont even know what this means, what does western imperialism even have to do with this thread

im not making any catch phrases, what i said about education is that we need to eliminate the public education system and switch to charters and vouchers, its a movement that is going on all over, its not a catch phrase its very real

i called you saying a story about your son as evidence anecdotal, which is what it is

and i posted a study that showed that middle class black students do worse then poor white students, which contradicts your point