So when leaders in every industry, and also public speakers use anecdotes ( describing real life situations) to explain things they are being foolish?
if they are using anecdotes to prove something then its just a story to manipulate you, only naive people get persuaded by anecdotes or believe that an anecdote proves something
You only use that phrase when you are clueless about how to respond. It's looks pathetic and silly to pretend... .
i only use that phrase when you use the retarded logic that some dumb anecdote proves something, if you want to prove something you use statistics
But you have shown yourself to be clueless about social situations, economics, history, and life in general.
im not the one that thinks anecdotes prove things
How do you figure your idea is more valid than Claud Anderson's?
im expressing my opinion, is there something wrong with me expressing my opinion?
I don't get it.
R Kelly isn't poor, lol.
what does r kelly have to do with anything?
so let me get this straight, you think that r kelly not knowing how to read proves that black people dont need to read or write to move ahead?
this is an example of your completely retarded logic of using anecdotes as evidence
Do you honestly believe that those adults are illiterate because they didn't want to learn or because of any of the other BS you're talking about?
what the fuk are you talking about, according to you black adults arent illiterate, you just said that in your previous post, because according to you you could not believe that the people that take out your trash dont know how to read, do you even read what you write?
I will give you a pass because generalizing and stereotyping are the natural response to negative social situations and poor class situations. societal inequities produce some of the symptoms of real issues - and you are not alone in actually believing that the symptoms of these issues are the causes of the issues.
are you retarded? you just co-signed a video where a guy spent 2 hours generalizing and stereotyping black people in "negative social situations and poor class situations"
This is a
very very weak way of thinking

The system is bullshyt. That doesn't mean that you can work within it to better your community. I know that you have a love affair with Western Imperialism and all the ideas and institutions that come with that... but reality is that there are issues with most systems.
then what is the problem with me saying that black people should focus on K-12 then? if a business can work in the community why wouldnt k-12 education also work even though there is a messed system?
You (and people like you

) believe a couple things: Poor people mostly chose their circumstances and all the masses have to do is focus on education to move up. Poor people and black people do not value education. Charter schools are a key to progress.
yeah i said that focusing on education is the key to progress
yeah and i said that black people have an anti academic culture
So because your ideas are limited you resort to making shyt up

. You are talking some basic as hell reading and writing shyt, mean while I'm saying that we can do business technology etc. without feeling like it's beyond our grasp or as you say " specialized"
Idk Y you're bring up white people all the time --just for the sake of claiming that others are ...... bringing up white people .
How so? your mentality is fukkked up. There are dudes younger than you killing it in business right now who do not have 'specialized' skills.
How can I do that.... when I'm black -- I must be turned off by education, illiterate, against success, with a victim mentality, and don't have any business sense?
yeah i am saying business and technology are specialized skills and people shouldn't be pushed into those fields, what field a person goes to is a personal choice
What's a militant? To me that's someone who is talking about violence n shyt. I don't talk like that -so if I were you I would change it to
fake pro black person. Or fake something else.. Idk where you get militant from.
I guess I'm stupid if you say so. If I am stupid, why do I have a higher level of education than you? Which is funny because out of the two of us --
your the only one that hypes that bullshyt up.
i get that from your corny ass posts
what does your education level have to do with what i am saying?
I'd rather be an idiot than a nikka pushing 40 arguing with young nikkas that could buy my broke ass and sell me like a prostitute - using the
"Business SKILLS!" that I don't think black people have.
but at least i can always be your step dad and fuk your mother, since im her type, at least according to what you say i am
Anyway, regardless of what you think about black people or black youth - if black people practice powernomics we can make improvements.
as long as black youth or black youth get a good K-12 education they can do whatever the fuk they want