How does HL feel about Dr. Claud Anderson?


All Star
Apr 30, 2012

and i do think education is key, but the issue was asked about fundamentals, so when i say education in the context of this thread, im talking about reading, writing and math, not necessarily higher education, although im a big proponent of that also, but fundamentally black people need to focus reading, writing and math at the k-12 levels, that is where things break down

and to focus on that means changing black culture to be academically oriented, because right now ghetto black culture is anti academic


Uppity Black culture is very pro-academic. But mostly only for vain reasons.

If high achieving academics didn't come with the perception of wealth building among the black upper crust, they wouldn't care nearly as much.

I know people with PH.D's who are doing NOTHING with them but blogging to make themselves feel useful. Wanna know why?



Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
I think the agreements and disagreements in this thread are only seeming because we all mean something different by "black culture". Until we are actually talking about the same thing, the conversation will go nowhere.

This would mean, clearly defining "black culture"...:lupe:


Jun 4, 2012
yep, every failing school should be shut down and we should celebrate the punishment of failure

yeah pretty much

reading should be one of the defining characteristics of black identity, if you dont read you shouldn't call yourself black

i diss anything that stops the progress of black people

i dont even know what this means, what does western imperialism even have to do with this thread

im not making any catch phrases, what i said about education is that we need to eliminate the public education system and switch to charters and vouchers, its a movement that is going on all over, its not a catch phrase its very real

i called you saying a story about your son as evidence anecdotal, which is what it is

and i posted a study that showed that middle class black students do worse then poor white students, which contradicts your point
lol And SMH.


Jun 4, 2012

Uppity Black culture is very pro-academic. But mostly only for vain reasons.

If high achieving academics didn't come with the perception of wealth building among the black upper crust, they wouldn't care nearly as much.

I know people with PH.D's who are doing NOTHING with them but blogging to make themselves feel useful. Wanna know why?


Apparently people actually believe that if you simply say education three times fast.... all social economic, political, and criminal justices issues will be solved.............. AND and somehow blacks will magically become expert businessmen and women in the process.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Apparently people actually believe that if you simply say education three times fast.... all social economic, political, and criminal justices issues will be solved.............. AND and somehow blacks will magically become expert businessmen and women in the process.
Whos that in ur AVI tho?:mjpls:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Apparently people actually believe that if you simply say education three times fast.... all social economic, political, and criminal justices issues will be solved.............. AND and somehow blacks will magically become expert businessmen and women in the process.

i believe that most problems in the black community and most problems in the nation in general are fundamentally caused by lack of education, name any problem you want and at its core is education or lack of

but as i said before, SOLELY and FUNDAMENTAL are two different words, the fact that you try to argue by suggesting im using the word SOLELY is intellectually dishonest and corny

i said that business is a specialized skill, which is why it shouldn't be considered fundamental, reading and writing and math on the other hand is fundamental to anything black people try to do including business

my advice to you is 1) stop making passive aggressive posts that reference me but dont mention me 2) respond to the words that i use not to what your imagination said that i said
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

Uppity Black culture is very pro-academic. But mostly only for vain reasons.

If high achieving academics didn't come with the perception of wealth building among the black upper crust, they wouldn't care nearly as much.

I know people with PH.D's who are doing NOTHING with them but blogging to make themselves feel useful. Wanna know why?


i think i would separate K-12 from higher education, i support both and i think both are necessary, but as far as fundamental problems and anderson's discussion, i think K-12 is the fundamental problem and that is what im talking about when i say academic culture

if somebody graduates from 12th grade with globally competitive reading, writing and math skills and they dont want to go to higher education, then they shouldn't, they should do whatever their creativity and imagination tells them to do

as far as black people or educated black people not having jobs that is where i agree with anderson, solving that issue is about increasing entrepreneurialism and commerce, i call it capitalism but a lot of people dont like that word
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
i think i would separate K-12 from higher education, i support both and i think both are necessary, as far as fundamental problems and the anderson's discussion, i think K-12 is the fundamental problem

as far as black people or educated black people not having jobs that is where i agree with anderson, solving that issue is about increasing entrepreneurialism and commerce, i call it capitalism but a lot of people dont like that word


May 4, 2012
Van sertima, amos wilson, claude anderson and dr. clarke and farrakhan are the best voices of the 80s 90s


Jun 4, 2012
i believe that most problems in the black community and most problems in the nation in general are fundamentally caused by lack of education, name any problem you want and at its core is education or lack of

but as i said before, SOLELY and FUNDAMENTAL are two different words, the fact that you try to argue by suggesting im using the word SOLELY is intellectually dishonest and corny

i said that business is a specialized skill, which is why it shouldn't be considered fundamental, reading and writing and math on the other hand is fundamental to anything black people try to do including business

my advice to you is 1) stop making passive aggressive posts that reference me but dont mention me 2) respond to the words that i use not to what your imagination said that i said
You're not the only one that thinks the way u do... so I can't quote u every time.

However, I grew up the way you describe and it didn't help me at all. Made A's then I went to a big U when i was 16-- waste of my life. I learned more shyt from mentors and from the military.

I know a complete dumbass w a Associates degree that has made 3 millions dollars in 2 years doing what i do- when most people have advanced degrees. Do you honestly believe the close to 100% of the ceos and politicians and investors are smarter than than all of their workers?.

It's about mentality. You're the one that always talks about how black people will always get left in the dust. WTF are we focusing on reading and math for? If a Muthfakan kid is going to be up to reading standards than he will or he wont- depending on living conditions and focus.

Don't you agree that we have striven to be defacto servants long enough?
I mean come on breh- all the people who put up the trash in all the offices in my building know how to read and they don't even speak ignorantly or anything. They are actually good people with unfortunate circumstances. They aren't some "thugs" or ghetto minded" people. I feel bad for them... cuz most are older than me.... I don't even let them get my trash cuz that BS ----- And the entire system is BS , And simplistic narrow ideas about education perpetuates that same Bull shyt.

You doubt black people too much. You say business is a specialized skill. I guess CAC are born w that skill then cuz I see them killing the game daily, when really there are more Asians that are technical. I do aight, but I know that anyone from my hood could do what I do easily, if given the right guidance. I don't really know anyone who can't read n shyt. I just don't believe that black would be behind on even playing fields, I notice black dudes all the time in IT who kill it, and they compete w cac and others who grew up with out the "culture" .

my advice to you is 1) stop being a simple muthfuka. Realize that K-12 failure and being unmotivated is not the reason why we've been here longer than every other group (since 1500's ) but are at the bottom of every social and economic ladder. 2) Stop Telling people most problems in the black community are fundamentally caused by lack of education. Every kids wants an education retard. As a matter of fact -Most kids have delusions of grandeur. There is a reason Claud Anderson focuses on race and economic issues. Education, family life, money, etc - all fall into place when groups are empowered and self sufficient economically.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
However, I grew up the way you describe and it didn't help me at all. Made A's then I went to a big U when i was 16-- waste of my life. I learned more shyt from mentors and from the military.

i dont have any response to anecdotes, they are irrelevant
I know a complete dumbass w a Associates degree that has made 3 millions dollars in 2 years doing what i do- when most people have advanced degrees.

i dont have any response to anecdotes, they are irrelevant

Do you honestly believe the close to 100% of the ceos and politicians and investors are smarter than than all of their workers?.

i have no idea what the meaning of this question is, where did i say that ceos and poltician are smarter then their workers? i dont even know what the hell you are talking about

It's about mentality.

i thought it was about social factors and economics?

You're the one that always talks about how black people will always get left in the dust.

that is also what anderson is saying and you co-signed it

WTF are we focusing on reading and math for?

because anderson said that business was the fundamental problem and i disagreed i said that reading writing and math is fundamental

If a Muthfakan kid is going to be up to reading standards than he will or he wont- depending on living conditions and focus.

yeah so? and if a kid doesnt know how to read he will stay poor

Don't you agree that we have striven to be defacto servants long enough? I mean come on breh- all the people who put up the trash in all the offices in my building know how to read and they don't even speak ignorantly or anything.

im getting really tired of your anecdotal stories, anecdotal stories have no meaning, whether any specific person knows how to read or not is not relevant, what is relevant is what the statistics say
Nearly Half Of Detroit's Adults Are Functionally Illiterate, Report Finds

and im not talking about people who work taking trash anyways, what the fuk are you even talking about? who gives a fuk what you do with your garbage

They aren't some "thugs" or ghetto minded" people. I feel bad for them... cuz most are older than me.... I don't even let them get my trash cuz that BS ----- And the entire system is BS , And simplistic narrow ideas about education perpetuates that same Bull shyt.

i dont even know what the fuk are you are talking about, stop posting stream of consciousness bullshyt

if you think the whole system is bullshyt then move to the mountains or something

if you think the system is bullshyt then why are you saying black people should own business in a bullshyt system?

You doubt black people too much.

i dont doubt black people at all, i said black people are perfectly able to solve their problems, while you say that black people cant solve their problem until white people stop being racist

You say business is a specialized skill.

yes it is

I guess CAC are born w that skill then cuz I see them killing the game daily, when really there are more Asians that are technical. I do aight, but I know that anyone from my hood could do what I do easily, if given the right guidance. I don't really know anyone who can't read n shyt. I just don't believe that black would be behind on even playing fields, I notice black dudes all the time in IT who kill it, and they compete w cac and others who grew up with out the "culture" .

i dont have any response to anecdotes, they are irrelevant

my advice to you is

spare me

1) stop being a simple muthfuka. Realize that K-12 failure and being unmotivated is not the reason why we've been here longer than every other group (since 1500's ) but are at the bottom of every social and economic ladder.

go read a book

2) Stop Telling people most problems in the black community are fundamentally caused by lack of education. Every kids wants an education retard. As a matter of fact -Most kids have delusions of grandeur. There is a reason Claud Anderson focuses on race and economic issues. Education, family life, money, etc - all fall into place when groups are empowered and self sufficient economically.

overall you're a corny ass fake black militant and a stupid idiot so it doesnt matter what you think but thanks for taking the time to share your useless worthless thoughts with me
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Jun 4, 2012
i dont have any response to anecdotes, they are irrelevant
i dont have any response to anecdotes, they are irrelevant
i have no idea what the meaning of this question is, where did i say that ceos and poltician are smarter then their workers? i dont even know what the hell you are talking about
i thought it was about social factors and economics?
Be a clueless person if you want to. So when leaders in every industry, and also public speakers use anecdotes ( describing real life situations) to explain things they are being foolish?

You only use that phrase when you are clueless about how to respond. It's looks pathetic and silly to pretend... .
because anderson said that business was the fundamental problem and i disagreed i said that reading writing and math is fundamental
But you have shown yourself to be clueless about social situations, economics, history, and life in general. How do you figure your idea is more valid than Claud Anderson's? I don't get it.:rudy:
yeah so? and if a kid doesnt know how to read he will stay poor
R Kelly isn't poor, lol.

And if we are listen to you, most blacks will remain poor like u (bmy American standards) and ignorant. Learning to read and pass high school isn't a guaranteed tool of upward mobility.

im getting really tired of your anecdotal stories, anecdotal stories have no meaning, whether any specific person knows how to read or not is not relevant, what is relevant is what the statistics say
Nearly Half Of Detroit's Adults Are Functionally Illiterate, Report Finds

and im not talking about people who work taking trash anyways, what the fuk are you even talking about? who gives a fuk what you do with your garbage
Again, you have a very limited understanding of why things are the way they are. Do you honestly believe that those adults are illiterate because they didn't want to learn or because of any of the other BS you're talking about? I will give you a pass because generalizing and stereotyping are the natural response to negative social situations and poor class situations. societal inequities produce some of the symptoms of real issues - and you are not alone in actually believing that the symptoms of these issues are the causes of the issues. :snoop:
if you think the whole system is bullshyt then move to the mountains or something
This is a very very weak way of thinking :camby:
if you think the system is bullshyt then why are you saying black people should own business in a bullshyt system?
The system is bullshyt. That doesn't mean that you can work within it to better your community. I know that you have a love affair with Western Imperialism and all the ideas and institutions that come with that... but reality is that there are issues with most systems.

You (and people like you:scusthov:) believe a couple things: Poor people mostly chose their circumstances and all the masses have to do is focus on education to move up. Poor people and black people do not value education. Charter schools are a key to progress.
i don't doubt black people at all, i said black people are perfectly able to solve their problems, while you say that black people cant solve their problem until white people stop being racist
So because your ideas are limited you resort to making shyt up:dahell: . You are talking some basic as hell reading and writing shyt, mean while I'm saying that we can do business technology etc. without feeling like it's beyond our grasp or as you say " specialized" :aicmon: Idk Y you're bring up white people all the time --just for the sake of claiming that others are ...... bringing up white people .
yes it is
How so? your mentality is fukkked up. There are dudes younger than you killing it in business right now who do not have 'specialized' skills.
go read a book
How can I do that.... when I'm black -- I must be turned off by education, illiterate, against success, with a victim mentality, and don't have any business sense?
overall you're a corny ass fake black militant and a stupid idiot so it doesnt matter what you think but thanks for taking the time to share your useless worthless thoughts with me
:umad:What's a militant? To me that's someone who is talking about violence n shyt. I don't talk like that -so if I were you I would change it to fake pro black person. Or fake something else.. Idk where you get militant from.
I guess I'm stupid if you say so. If I am stupid, why do I have a higher level of education than you? Which is funny because out of the two of us --your the only one that hypes that bullshyt up.:scusthov:
I guess I'm an idiot. I'd rather be an idiot than a nikka pushing 40 arguing with young nikkas that could buy my broke ass and sell me like a prostitute - using the "Business SKILLS!" that I don't think black people have. :camby:

Anyway, regardless of what you think about black people or black youth - if black people practice powernomics we can make improvements.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
So when leaders in every industry, and also public speakers use anecdotes ( describing real life situations) to explain things they are being foolish?

if they are using anecdotes to prove something then its just a story to manipulate you, only naive people get persuaded by anecdotes or believe that an anecdote proves something

You only use that phrase when you are clueless about how to respond. It's looks pathetic and silly to pretend... .

i only use that phrase when you use the retarded logic that some dumb anecdote proves something, if you want to prove something you use statistics

But you have shown yourself to be clueless about social situations, economics, history, and life in general.

im not the one that thinks anecdotes prove things

How do you figure your idea is more valid than Claud Anderson's?

im expressing my opinion, is there something wrong with me expressing my opinion?

I don't get it.:rudy:
R Kelly isn't poor, lol.

what does r kelly have to do with anything?

so let me get this straight, you think that r kelly not knowing how to read proves that black people dont need to read or write to move ahead?


this is an example of your completely retarded logic of using anecdotes as evidence

Do you honestly believe that those adults are illiterate because they didn't want to learn or because of any of the other BS you're talking about?

what the fuk are you talking about, according to you black adults arent illiterate, you just said that in your previous post, because according to you you could not believe that the people that take out your trash dont know how to read, do you even read what you write?

I will give you a pass because generalizing and stereotyping are the natural response to negative social situations and poor class situations. societal inequities produce some of the symptoms of real issues - and you are not alone in actually believing that the symptoms of these issues are the causes of the issues. :snoop:

are you retarded? you just co-signed a video where a guy spent 2 hours generalizing and stereotyping black people in "negative social situations and poor class situations"

This is a very very weak way of thinking :camby:
The system is bullshyt. That doesn't mean that you can work within it to better your community. I know that you have a love affair with Western Imperialism and all the ideas and institutions that come with that... but reality is that there are issues with most systems.

then what is the problem with me saying that black people should focus on K-12 then? if a business can work in the community why wouldnt k-12 education also work even though there is a messed system?

You (and people like you:scusthov:) believe a couple things: Poor people mostly chose their circumstances and all the masses have to do is focus on education to move up. Poor people and black people do not value education. Charter schools are a key to progress.

yeah i said that focusing on education is the key to progress

yeah and i said that black people have an anti academic culture

So because your ideas are limited you resort to making shyt up:dahell: . You are talking some basic as hell reading and writing shyt, mean while I'm saying that we can do business technology etc. without feeling like it's beyond our grasp or as you say " specialized" :aicmon: Idk Y you're bring up white people all the time --just for the sake of claiming that others are ...... bringing up white people .
How so? your mentality is fukkked up. There are dudes younger than you killing it in business right now who do not have 'specialized' skills.
How can I do that.... when I'm black -- I must be turned off by education, illiterate, against success, with a victim mentality, and don't have any business sense?

yeah i am saying business and technology are specialized skills and people shouldn't be pushed into those fields, what field a person goes to is a personal choice

What's a militant? To me that's someone who is talking about violence n shyt. I don't talk like that -so if I were you I would change it to fake pro black person. Or fake something else.. Idk where you get militant from.
I guess I'm stupid if you say so. If I am stupid, why do I have a higher level of education than you? Which is funny because out of the two of us --your the only one that hypes that bullshyt up.:scusthov:

i get that from your corny ass posts

what does your education level have to do with what i am saying?

I'd rather be an idiot than a nikka pushing 40 arguing with young nikkas that could buy my broke ass and sell me like a prostitute - using the "Business SKILLS!" that I don't think black people have. :camby:

but at least i can always be your step dad and fuk your mother, since im her type, at least according to what you say i am

Anyway, regardless of what you think about black people or black youth - if black people practice powernomics we can make improvements.

as long as black youth or black youth get a good K-12 education they can do whatever the fuk they want


Jun 4, 2012
if they are using anecdotes to prove something then its just a story to manipulate you, only naive people get persuaded by anecdotes or believe that an anecdote proves something
i only use that phrase when you use the retarded logic that some dumb anecdote proves something, if you want to prove something you use statistics
im not the one that thinks anecdotes prove things
im expressing my opinion, is there something wrong with me expressing my opinion?

what does r kelly have to do with anything?

so let me get this straight, you think that r kelly not knowing how to read proves that black people dont need to read or write to move ahead?


this is an example of your completely retarded logic of using anecdotes as evidence

what the fuk are you talking about, according to you black adults arent illiterate, you just said that in your previous post, because according to you you could not believe that the people that take out your trash dont know how to read, do you even read what you write?
are you retarded? you just co-signed a video where a guy spent 2 hours generalizing and stereotyping black people in "negative social situations and poor class situations"

then what is the problem with me saying that black people should focus on K-12 then? if a business can work in the community why wouldnt k-12 education also work even though there is a messed system?

yeah i said that focusing on education is the key to progress

yeah and i said that black people have an anti academic culture

yeah i am saying business and technology are specialized skills and people shouldn't be pushed into those fields, what field a person goes to is a personal choice
i get that from your corny ass posts
what does your education level have to do with what i am saying?

but at least i can always be your step dad and fuk your mother, since im her type, at least according to what you say i am

as long as black youth or black youth get a good K-12 education they can do whatever the fuk they want
I was joking about R kelly. not joking about economics. And :umad: