fukkery alert mayne, Terrence Howard on the Joe Rogan Podcast

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Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
and also

Terrence has spoken at a few colleges I think. One even gave him an Honorary degree.

I see his vids often in my algorithms (none of them say Kendrick, Drake, Diddy, etc.. I usually watch shyt about building things like homes, cars, frequencies since I went to college for Audio Engineering and that led me down a rabbit hole that was talking about Tesla, Ancient sciences, how weapons work, etc.) and his shyt pops up here and there.

Thats when I first discovered he had patents, because studying ancient sciences and scientists like Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Oppenheimer, Plato led to the Flower of Life.. which Howard speaks about a great deal.

So obviously, a lot of people smarter than the porn watchers and rap gossipers of The Coli are interested in what he’s saying.. so interested that one of the vids posted earlier showed prototypes of Drones created off of HIS patents.. there was even a drone contest I think. So there are some subscribing to his ideas…

Crazy, aside from a few racists, the main people that attack black people who think outside the box and do things not expected of them are usually other black people.

I forgot who said it, but it’s still of an effect from the slave mentality we have as a people.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
:mjlol:The first video also explains his 1x1 video in full detail. Terrence Howard is an intelligent black male, and these Cacs have offered zero objective proof to the contrary.
I honestly think more white people and others are subscribing to his ideas than anybody

I don’t think billion/trillion dollar companies just cite his ideas and tech/engineering students show up to his lectures for no reason other than just to get off jokes

And the dude you been quoting, his previous name was @Rhakim… Ive bushed him since he started talking about midget Rastafarians with dreadlocks :mjlol:

He tries to act like he knows what hes stalking about, but dude is at-least borderline retarded and tries to use longwinded paragraphs with other peoples ideas to shyt on everyone who thinks outside of his box


All Star
Nov 22, 2016
He says It went abandoned because the lawyers kept hitting him up for money. He's not mentally Ill. He can articulate ideas and remember things and infact the amount of recall this man has. He seems highly intelligent to me and a free thinker. Which for a creative like he and Kanye has a double edged sword to it but is helpful for not thinking inside a closed box. The result of that is a bunch of patents and if you can discredit the abandoned one even if it has his name what can you say about his other patents or ideas? Everyones wants to attack the multiplication topic cause its the easiest to address but no one wants to dive into the deeper questions like Gravity. If anything if it solidifies old ideas then its good but people are afraid to debate those

Nah, his idea was rejected. A non-final rejection was sent out on 10/10/2012 explaining that his invention was not novel, it was anticipated by an invention by Basso et al. (US PG Pub 2010/0157063 if you want to look it up). Anticipation means every aspect of what he was claiming as his invention was publicly disclosed by another inventor already. After the non-final rejection was sent out, Terrence and his lawyers failed to respond and the application went abandoned. That's it. That's what happened. It has nothing to do with lawyers hitting him up for money, or it shouldn't at least, considering that he's quite wealthy and the fees at the early stage he was in couldn't have amounted to much. Everyday regular joe's file for patents all the time, Terrence Howard definitely could've handled the early legal fees. His patent application going abandoned has everything to do with the fact that he didn't invent or disclose anything novel.

:mjlol:Wrong. His idea wasn't rejected. Anyone that's ever had a copyright or patent in America knows that you have TO PAY. Some periodically. The powers that be knew Terrence Howard was onto something, so they kept up charging him to the point where he stopped paying. If it were rejected, it would have never made it to the list in the first place.

:unimpressed: Wrong. It absolutely was rejected. See above.

It meant like he said it did

He didnt keep paying for it.

“The cost to apply for a patent is only part of the total patent fees that inventors must consider: revising, prosecuting, issuing, and maintaining a patent all add to the cost.”

And the more complicated the patent, or the more complicated the invention, the more expensive is everything.

The point is, he did have a patent as far back as 2010 (latest I saw was 2013 and that was before the podcast or the thread). And that patent was cited by mega tech corporations… all of them

Not trying to be funny or sarcastic or rude, but I promise you that I more than likely know much more than you do about the patent process. Trust me. With that said, it's not about money. His patent was rejected initially because the invention was not considered to be novel (the patent examiner on his case found another patent publication that disclosed everything he was claiming as his new invention) and when he and his lawyers failed to respond to the rejection, the case then went abandoned. End of story.

With all due respect, I think some of y'all are kinda getting caught up listening to a guy who's talking a lot but not saying anything. This whole patent thing kind of exemplifies that he's saying and doing things that may seem like they're legit, but when you actually dig into the details, the reality just doesn't match up. Just my two cents. This will more than likely be my last time responding to anything regarding this situation but I just wanted to provide a little factual information for folks to digest.


Feb 19, 2014
Nah, his idea was rejected. A non-final rejection was sent out on 10/10/2012 explaining that his invention was not novel, it was anticipated by an invention by Basso et al. (US PG Pub 2010/0157063 if you want to look it up). Anticipation means every aspect of what he was claiming as his invention was publicly disclosed by another inventor already.
:mjlol:Oh, ONE other person in 2010? I thought your homie said his idea was proceeded by 1000's of people. So now we're just down to one person? So only ONE person was between him and a billion-dollar idea that he came up with on his own? Ah shucks.
Not trying to be funny or sarcastic or rude, but I promise you that I more than likely know much more than you do about the patent process. Trust me. With that said, it's not about money.
:mjlol:False. That's exactly what Terrence Howard is claiming, and 250K is not a small amount of money, even for a millionaire. Plus, you don't know his financial situation to state what's easy or not easy for him to afford. Unless you can prove that he wasn't 250K away from his patent being active (you can't), Terrence Howard still has a valid point of contention.

Also, one other person with a similar pitch (that was accepted) doesn't discredit Howard at all; in fact, it solidifies it. The original argument on this subject was Terrence Howard was crazy for even making the claim. Now the goalposts have moved to, "well, it was a good idea, but someone else had it first".

:mjlol:So now we're back where we started: Terrence Howard is a genius; he was just a step too late in his idea. An idea, that was still good enough to be cited by 31 fortune 500 companies.

This will more than likely be my last time responding to anything regarding this situation but I just wanted to provide a little factual information for folks to digest.
:mjlol:Of course, because you can't back anything you stated up, and you're wise enough to know that (which I'll give you). Terrence Howards speeches are mainly about energy, and I notice that none of you have a point of contention with that, because then you would have to concede that Howard is in fact intelligent. Like a poster stated earlier, you just want to take what you believe is the easiest thing to pick apart, but you still failed at that.

:mjlol:Days later, and still none of you have made a valid objective argument for Terrence Howard's insanity.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Nah, his idea was rejected. A non-final rejection was sent out on 10/10/2012 explaining that his invention was not novel, it was anticipated by an invention by Basso et al. (US PG Pub 2010/0157063 if you want to look it up). Anticipation means every aspect of what he was claiming as his invention was publicly disclosed by another inventor already. After the non-final rejection was sent out, Terrence and his lawyers failed to respond and the application went abandoned. That's it. That's what happened. It has nothing to do with lawyers hitting him up for money, or it shouldn't at least, considering that he's quite wealthy and the fees at the early stage he was in couldn't have amounted to much. Everyday regular joe's file for patents all the time, Terrence Howard definitely could've handled the early legal fees. His patent application going abandoned has everything to do with the fact that he didn't invent or disclose anything novel.

:unimpressed: Wrong. It absolutely was rejected. See above.

Not trying to be funny or sarcastic or rude, but I promise you that I more than likely know much more than you do about the patent process. Trust me. With that said, it's not about money. His patent was rejected initially because the invention was not considered to be novel (the patent examiner on his case found another patent publication that disclosed everything he was claiming as his new invention) and when he and his lawyers failed to respond to the rejection, the case then went abandoned. End of story.

With all due respect, I think some of y'all are kinda getting caught up listening to a guy who's talking a lot but not saying anything. This whole patent thing kind of exemplifies that he's saying and doing things that may seem like they're legit, but when you actually dig into the details, the reality just doesn't match up. Just my two cents. This will more than likely be my last time responding to anything regarding this situation but I just wanted to provide a little factual information for folks to digest.
Bruh, im not here to have a dikk measuring contest of what you think you know. I guarantee I know more about a lot than most of you here about a lot…

And I say all that to say that I feel I don’t actually know shyt.. I just observe and shyt is deeper than a lot of you ever been in anything.


He showed proof of patents with his name on it and companies that cited it. He’s shown designs, written books, lectured classes. Until you show something to dispute that, then he’s more credible.

I also seen other patents he claimed and seen a few people creating off of those ideas… until you show me otherwise, thats what Im rocking with

Idgaf about what you THINK :mjlol: . I didn’t even give af about what he was saying really until I saw he was actually taking ACTION on what he's saying.. you know, really doing shyt out here.

Even if he’s mostly wrong, Im sure hes right about something. I haven't even gotten around to watching his interview yet and I still knew most of this shyt because he’s not the only one talking about it or doing something like this.

Red Money

All Star
May 24, 2022
If you have 3 cups with 2 marbles in each, you have 3x2=6 marbles
If you have 2 cups with 2 marbles in each, you have 2x2=4 marbles
If you have 1 cup with 2 marbles in it, you have 1x2=2 marbles
If you have 1 cup with 1 marble in it, you have 1x1=1 marble
If you have 2 cups with 1 marble in each, you have 2x1=2 marbles
If you have 3 cups with 1 marble in each, you have 3x1=3 marbles

This is basic multiplication, it's not a trick. That's literally all that 1x1=1 means. It means if you have 1 set of 1 object, then you have one.

The fact that he's verbose doesn't mean he's not a quack.

I simply consider math a language that has rules we accept as a society. However, To help the breh out ....and you simplify basic math and basic multiplication so well....

Explain to me why the simple subtraction problem of 1-(-1) = 2 using just marbles?

Explain to me why 1x1x1x1x1 = 1 using your cups and marbles analogy?

Explain to me why -1x-1 = 1 using marbles?

Why is 100^0 = 1... but 100^1 = 100 using cups and marbles?

Why is 1^∞ undetermined....but 1^1,000,000 = 1 using cups and marbles?

Thanks Professor :handshake::cheers:
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Red Money

All Star
May 24, 2022
Hold up

1 x 1 = 1

If he cant grasp that, how the fukc can he say ANYTHING about math and science?

Here's a visual

The letter "a" one time


The letter "a" two times


1 letter a, one time is a

1 letter a, two times is aa

Help The people Visualize with your letter explanation why:

-5 x -2 = 10

:obama: Preciate it breh! I don't have the capacity...I just speak the language I was taught for effective communications.


A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
As someone with a Math degree, this thread is fukking hilarious :mjlol:

I hope people are trolling otherwise we've really got people in here arguing against basic multiplication. You man would failed miserably in a module about Number Theory :mjlol:


Probably drunk
Nov 18, 2013
As someone with a Math degree, this thread is fukking hilarious :mjlol:

I hope people are trolling otherwise we've really got people in here arguing against basic multiplication. You man would failed miserably in a module about Number Theory :mjlol:
My favorite is all these militants talking about basic math coming from CACs :mjlol:


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I simply consider math a language that has rules we accept as a society. However, To help the breh out ....and you simplify basic math and basic multiplication so well....

Explain to me why the simple subtraction problem of 1-(-1) = 2 using just marbles?

Explain to me why 1x1x1x1x1 = 1 using your cups and marbles analogy?

Explain to me why -1x-1 = 1 using marbles?

Why is 100^0 = 1... but 100^1 = 100 using cups and marbles?

Why is 1^∞ undetermined....but 1^1,000,000 = 1 using cups and marbles?

Thanks Professor :handshake::cheers:
He won’t be able too:mjlol:

Got to admit, when you use practical objects, that shyt kinda don't make sense. Just rules that we abide by.

Even something as simple as multiplying 1 x 0 (which is nothing) = nothing.. is backwards if you consider using marbles like you say. Does the other marble just disappear?

Im not saying it’s correct but I appreciate the conversation at least.

And dude even says he doesn’t have any degree in math or is a math expert. He also has other things he’s said that people aren't stuck on aside from the AR/VR patent. Im like.. he has other patents doesn't he?

I tried reading some other patent shyt but I couldn't wrap my mind around yet. But if you're open minded you don’t mind other trains of thought:yeshrug:

Everything in science and math in the universe hasn't been discovered yet and everything discovered now isn't set in stone, understandings in science changes damn near daily. 100,000 years from now shyt might be totally different

They used to teach us that Egyptian slaves built the pyramids and put it in books… they don’t do that shyt anymore because its damn near impossible to do during that time and in the timeframe it was done. And until a theory can be proven its just a theory.
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