fukkery alert mayne, Terrence Howard on the Joe Rogan Podcast

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Feb 19, 2014
Remember when you made a fool of yourself earlier in this thread, claiming I was ignorant for saying that Terrance Howard's patent for "VR" was never granted? Once an expert came in and said I was right, you backed down quick....but don't you have a bit of shame, calling me a moron for pages only to have to admit in the end that I was right?
:mjlol:I didn't back down to shyt! I quoted and responded to homie, and HE BACKED DOWN.

:mjlol:And you didn't disprove anything Terrence Howard said. He was told to pay 250k to get his patent active, which was an obvious upcharge to keep him from owning a billion-dollar idea. You and your friend did NOTHING to disprove that that's what happened. Your stance was Howard's idea wasn't good, and you claimed that dozens of people already had the idea cited, but your friend contradicted that point and stated only ONE person already having the idea is why it wasn't granted.

That actually solidified the argument (and destroys yours) that Terrence Howards idea was good, it's just that another person beat him to the punch. Despite that, he was still cited by 31 mega corps, thus proving even further that his idea was valid.

:mjlol:Whether it was 250k or only one person that kept his patent from being "abandoned", the point is Terrence's Howard is not insane and had a great innovative idea, it's just that he was a step slow in execution. Everyone already knew Terrence Howard's patent wasn't active, so you were arguing with yourself on that point. You're reasoning contradicts what the other person stated, so I have no idea you're glorifying his perspective.

:mjlol:Bottom line, you're an idiot cac trying to sound smart on the internet with the help of reddit and google to mask your deep seeded racism for any black man who comes across as intelligent.

I don't have a reddit account, and reddit is searchable so use your googles and see if any of my explanations were copy-pasted from ANYWHERE. I understand basic math and am decent at explaining it, and that's all that happened.
:mjlol:Bullshyt. You left for almost 48hrs and then came back with that exposition dump. You definately got that diatribe from another source.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:mjlol:I didn't back down to shyt! I quoted and responded to homie, and HE BACKED DOWN.

That is a complete lie. He didn't back down from shyt, he said you were completely wrong and that's the end of the story.

And you yourself finally admitted that all of his "ideas" were already in previous patents, which means the patent was never granted. After you had claimed over, and over, and over again to me that the patent had been granted and said I was a fool to say otherwise.

:mjlol:Oh, ONE other person in 2010? I thought your homie said his idea was proceeded by 1000's of people. So now we're just down to one person? So only ONE person was between him and a billion-dollar idea that he came up with on his own? Ah shucks.
Also, one other person with a similar pitch (that was accepted) doesn't discredit Howard at all; in fact, it solidifies it. The original argument on this subject was Terrence Howard was crazy for even making the claim. Now the goalposts have moved to, "well, it was a good idea, but someone else had it first".

:mjlol:So now we're back where we started: Terrence Howard is a genius; he was just a step too late in his idea.

The rest of your rant was lies too - it wasn't just "one person" who was between Howard and a "billion dollar idea". There is no billion dollar idea in Howard's patent, there's not even anything particularly interesting in it. They only quoting one priority patent because it only takes one priority to invalidate it.

We're still waiting for y'all to explain - WHAT was the billion-dollar idea in Howard's patent application? Copy-paste the most important part for us. There's nothing there. It's just a regular, generic description of VR with an arbitrary setup. Anyone could have written that same description in 1960, there's literally NO tech in the patent application at all.

:mjlol:And you didn't disprove anything Terrence Howard said. He was told to pay 250k to get his patent active, which was an obvious upcharge to keep him from owning a billion-dollar idea.

This was already proven to be a lie. If your patent is rejected because someone else had priority, then no amount of payment will change that. Also, there is zero record of failure to pay a maintenance cost, and application costs on that patent would never be $250K. The only evidence you have that he was told to pay $250k is that he said so, and he's already been a proven liar many times over.

:mjlol:Bullshyt. You left for almost 48hrs and then came back with that exposition dump. You definately got that diatribe from another source.

That's an outright lie.

He asked me the question at 11:39pm on May 21. I replied on 11:27am on May 22. Not even 12 hours later and I was asleep most of that time.

And just seven minutes after I answered his question, I also replied to @O.T.I.S.'s question, which he hadn't asked until 8:22am, just three hours earlier.

I didn't speak or write to a single person (or A.I. for that matter) or copy-paste a single sentence from a single source. And you can check with Google and prove that my explanation is all in my own words and using my own examples. Hell, copy-paste the whole thing and run it through a plagiarism checker.

Everyone can see you going down sad. You're perfectly comfortable with lying, just like the charlatan you're following.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether


Feb 19, 2014
That is a complete lie. He didn't back down from shyt, he said you were completely wrong and that's the end of the story.
:mjlol:He did back down. He bounced. He even admitted he couldn't back up anything he stated under cross-examination.

And you yourself finally admitted that all of his "ideas" were already in previous patents, which means the patent was never granted. After you had claimed over, and over, and over again to me that the patent had been granted and said I was a fool to say otherwise.
:mjlol:Wrong. I stated that neither one of you could prove that Howard wasn't 250k away from his idea being active, and you can't.

The rest of your rant was lies too - it wasn't just "one person" who was between Howard and a "billion dollar idea".
:mjlol:That's what your friend stated.

We're still waiting for y'all to explain - WHAT was the billion-dollar idea in Howard's patent application? Copy-paste the most important part for us. There's nothing there. It's just a regular, generic description of VR with an arbitrary setup. Anyone could have written that same description in 1960, there's literally NO tech in the patent application at all.
:mjlol:Again, your friend contradicts this take. It WAS a novel idea, it's just that someone else beat him to the punch according to the "official report"...Remember?

This was already proven to be a lie. If your patent is rejected because someone else had priority, then no amount of payment will change that. Also, there is zero record of failure to pay a maintenance cost, and application costs on that patent would never be $250K. The only evidence you have that he was told to pay $250k is that he said so, and he's already been a proven liar many times over.
:mjlol:Major contradiction. There's nothing novel (special) about Terrence Howards idea, and that was the main reason it wasn't granted, yet someone else had the exact same idea (closest equivalent) but there's WAS novel enough to be granted? You're not making any sense.

Everyone can see you going down sad. You're perfectly comfortable with lying, just like the charlatan you're following.

:mjlol:Only in your head are you winning this debate. The original premise was you were supposed to prove Howard's insanity. You've yet to do that. Lying (your logic) doesn't prove insanity. Theories you disagree with doesn't prove insanity.

:mjlol:The only one going out sad is you cac. You're a white boy on a black owned website pretending to be one of us. You're getting cooked by a real one all up and through this thread.
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