fukkery alert mayne, Terrence Howard on the Joe Rogan Podcast

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Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
nikka said blackholes didnt exist...
Heard that before too from certain people

But what I think he actually said that the “empty void” in space doesn't exist, there are things in between. Ive heard people say that as well.. scientists say it.

And nobody still understands what a black hole even is or whats it for. Just that it sucks up any and everything including light.

Dark Knyght

All Star
May 11, 2012
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
I was with him for a bit, can’t lie. But his logic is flawed on his YouTube video 1x1=2. He has a part where he’s talking about 2 to the 1/2 power squared. Then he goes on to say it would equal the same as 2 to the 2/2 squared, where he multiplied the exponents for both powers. Your supposed to add the exponents together to solve not multiply them.

Da King

May 1, 2012
I honestly do feel bad for him, very talented actor. And got totally fukked so I get why he went off the deep end and lost his mind as he saw the marvel universe grow and grow and he saw millions and millions that he could’ve made.

Red Money

All Star
May 24, 2022
He won’t be able too:mjlol:

Got to admit, when you use practical objects, that shyt kinda don't make sense. Just rules that we abide by.

Even something as simple as multiplying 1 x 0 (which is nothing) = nothing.. is backwards if you consider using marbles like you say. Does the other marble just disappear?

Im not saying it’s correct but I appreciate the conversation at least.

Yeah, My things is Dudes discrediting Terrence with 2nd grade logic that is faulty like grouping objects.

How bout at least middle school logic of integers? Lol. Moving in a direction. We use "-" to indicate direction just like we use "+" to indicate direction. Plotting points on a graph...we all had graph paper at one point. Slope of a line in algebra.

Slope using algebra and then slope of curve using calculus in high school...And I don't even remember how to do derivatives and integrals.

Terrence Howard at this point should never think of being a Civil engineer. He should not be designing roads and bridges. He's miscommunicating agreed upon standards. Math is a tool/language to get stuff done.


Probably drunk
Nov 18, 2013
All I know is that RDJ :ufdup:

He couldnt go to bat for Terrence but went to bat for Chris Evans, Hemsworth and Johansson. :mjpls:
Yeah and after that interview I can see why.

RDJ: "Man is a hot one today right? hope I don’t have to stay in costume too long"

Terrence: "did you know 1x1=2, i remember being in my mother's womb and while inside I had a dream that explained how everything in the universe works, the periodic table is wrong, there is no gravity and I have a PHD from a school that doesn't grant the PHD's I claim to have"

RDJ: "yeah I think Favreu is calling for me"

RDJ was just coming back from being blacklisted, not surprising he would put the rep he worked so hard to restore in risk for this nut case.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Explain to me why the simple subtraction problem of 1-(-1) = 2 using just marbles?

You can think of the negative sign as debt. So if you HAVE a marble that means you have positive one (+1), and if you OWE a debt of one marble that's a negative one (-1).

When you subtract a negative, it's like taking away a debt.

So 1-(-1) = 2 is as if I give you a marble (the positive 1) and I also take away your one marble debt (subtract the negative 1), which combined is the same impact as if I had given you two marbles.

5-(-2)=.....? Just like as if I gave you five marbles (the 5) and also took away your 2 marble debt (the -2), so your net gain is 7 marbles.

Explain to me why 1x1x1x1x1 = 1 using your cups and marbles analogy?

So imagine you have a certain # of marbles in each cup, and a certain number of cups in each box, and a certain number of boxes in each truck.

1x1x1x1 is saying that you have one marble in each cup, one cup in each box, one box in each truck, and just one truck. So how many marbles do you have total? Only one.

If I insert the symbols, it's basically saying one (1) marble in each (x) cup, one (1) cup in each (x) box, one (1) box in each (x) truck, and one (1) truck = one (1) total marble.

You can change any of the #'s and the equation works perfectly. If you have 2 cups in each box but everything else in the same, your equation becomes 1x2x1x1 = 2 marbles. If you have two marbles in each cup, two cups in each box, two boxes in each truck, the equation becomes 2x2x2x1 = 8 marbles. If you get a second truck with the same setup, now you have 2x2x2x2 = 16 marbles.

Explain to me why -1x-1 = 1 using marbles?

So imagine the first -1 is your debt of one marble.

If I had written -1 x 5, that's basically like applying a debt of one marble five times. So now you have a debt of five marbles (-5). But if you do -1 x 1, then you're only applying that debt once, so your debt is just 1 marble (-1).

When you choose to multiply by a negative instead of a positive, you're inverting the action. So -1 x -1 is the opposite of applying a 1 marble debt once. What's the inverse of applying a debt? Just like in the addition problem, you're now removing the debt! So -1 x -1 means that you removed a 1 marble debt once. If I remove a one marble debt from you, that's the equivalent of giving you 1 marble.

Why is 100^0 = 1... but 100^1 = 100 using cups and marbles?

I think the easiest way to understand this is to work backwards from larger exponents first.

So you know that 100^2 is the same as 100 x 100 = 10,000

And you know that 100^3 is the same as 100 x 100 x 100 = 1,000,000

How do we get from 100^2 to 100^3? We just multiplied by 100, right? 100^3 is one more multiplication of 100 than 100^2 was.

Okay, so let's go backwards. How do you get from 100^3 to 100^2? You DIVIDE by 100, because division is the opposite of multiplication.

So 100^3 divided by 100 will give you 100^2. Just like 1,000,000 divided by 100 gives you 10,000.

Now let's keep going. How do you get from 100^2 to 100^1? You have to divide by 100 one more time. So what's 10,000 divided by 100? The answer is 100.

This makes sense, because if 100^3=100x100x100 (three multiplied 100s), and 100^2 = 100x100 (two multiplied 100s), then 100^1=100 (just one 100).

Now you can see how we get 100^0. To get from 100^1 to 100^0, you just divide 100^1 by 100. What is 100 divided by 100? It's one!

So 100^0 = 100^1 divided by 100 = 1

Why is 1^∞ undetermined....but 1^1,000,000 = 1 using cups and marbles?

1^∞ is only undetermined when "1" can possibly be part of an equation with variables, which would then have to be solved by limits. In THAT specific case, which is the sort of thing you'd run into in Algebra II, then you have to consider 1^∞ an indeterminate form because it doesn't find its limit at 1, since a number even infinitesimally larger than 1 will go to infinity, not 1, when multiplied by itself infinite times. I could give a longer, better explanation, but I don't feel like reteaching Algebra II from scratch right now.

The important part is that IF you assume that 1 is a constant, not part of a variable equation, then you CAN say that 1^∞ = 1.

So just be comforted in the fact that 1^∞ = 1 if 1 is assumed to be a constant. And don't worry about the indeterminate answer unless you're actually solving limit equations.

Thanks Professor :handshake::cheers:

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
He won’t be able too:mjlol:

I just did breh. Scroll up.

Got to admit, when you use practical objects, that shyt kinda don't make sense. Just rules that we abide by.

That's simply not true. Math can only be relevant to the real world if it accurately represents reality. Otherwise it would just be something Youtubers did.

Even something as simple as multiplying 1 x 0 (which is nothing) = nothing.. is backwards if you consider using marbles like you say. Does the other marble just disappear?

You misunderstand what 1 x 0 means. There is no marble in that equation. I already gave the marble and cups analogy to explain that a few pages back.

How about I give you a different example, with money?

1x3 means that I give you 1 dollar three times. So now you have 3 dollars.

1x2 means that I give you 1 dollar two times. So now you have 2 dollars.

1x1 means that I give you 1 dollar one time. So now you have 1 dollar.

1x0 means that I give you 1 dollar zero times. If I do something "zero times", it means I never did it. So I never gave you a dollar. You have zero dollars.

And dude even says he doesn’t have any degree in math or is a math expert. He also has other things he’s said that people aren't stuck on aside from the AR/VR patent. Im like.. he has other patents doesn't he?

None of Terrence Howard's other 97 patent applications were ever granted patent status except for 11 "design" patents.

A design patent is a design of your creation that can't have any novel technology or utility. You are simply patenting the artistic design you have made. Those sorts of patents are the ONLY ones he actually holds.

Here are examples of his design patents. They're literally just fancy shapes he made by cutting up pieces of plastic and gluing them together. His third wife (ex-wife?) says that he makes her do this with him up to 17 hours a day, and his house is full of these things.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:mjlol:This nikka left to reddit, asked them, the copy and pasted their answers here.

I can tell you're emotional cause you can't even dispute that my answers are right, now you're just making up fan fiction regarding where I got them. :dead:

I don't have a reddit account, and reddit is searchable so use your googles and see if any of my explanations were copy-pasted from ANYWHERE. I understand basic math and am decent at explaining it, and that's all that happened.

Remember when you made a fool of yourself earlier in this thread, claiming I was ignorant for saying that Terrance Howard's patent for "VR" was never granted? Once an expert came in and said I was right, you backed down quick....but don't you have a bit of shame, calling me a moron for pages only to have to admit in the end that I was right?

This thread is the perfect example of how misinformation and pseudoscience can spread, and how it can be countered. Anyone who hasn't figured out the truth by now is lying to themselves.
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