EXCLUSIVE!!!!!! Boyce Watkins: "Resurrecting Black Wall Street" Trailer

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
True shyt. Results are what we're about to start seeing I feel. Its gonna take a few years before it's real prominently but, it's definitely coming. Now that everyone's starting businesses all we have to do is value it. But from what I've seen people are kind of falling in love with the idea of owning and controlling aspects of society. I've also noticed folks are looking at the integration civil rights folks sideways like we feel betrayed.

But if we don't do it we should assume no one will ever do it and with that we have no option but to sacrifice and build. When we get mobilized there is nothing that can stop us and Isiah Washington's recent interview with dumb lemon he conveyed it well. He said we civilized the world and we must do it again. I'm down with that task. It can only be us to do it.

I hope so man,people shouldn't feel betrayed by integration,it was just one idea of many put out there by great black minds at the time...that was the beautiful thing,that you had multiple movements with different ideas on how to get there,but all had the same goal in mind:banderas:....For its time I don't see an issue with integration because so many blacks were about their communitys whether they went to white schools,worked at white places of business they were still for their people and community at the end of the day. So we still would've had prosperous black communitys/businesses that we owned all over.

You really couldn't predict the things that were systematically done to fukk us over,from drugs being put into our communitys,drug laws,black folks losing the will to build or just getting too content with the little we have:mjcry:....You cant really predict that,this is where we failed to#Adapt...Many of our leaders got assassinated,got hooked on drugs,set up and sent to jail,so the people best suited to help us think our way out of the bullshyt weren't able to do so:mjcry:....The ball got dropped,but that civil rights movement could feel betrayed as well that folks didn't pick the ball up sooner after they took the L at the hands of white supremacy,but we were casualtys as well....People should do nothing but thank those people and put our minds together to build multiple movements,all having the same goal in mind just like they did....Our resilience kicked back in and it feels like we ready to carry the weight now:myman:

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
I haven't seen the movie, so I can't comment on it and I have no problem dropping $$$ to support the film. But again, as a guy who works behind the scenes on films the trailer touched a nerve just because, whoever is responsible for the trailer, they could've dropped the 100-200 bucks needed to clear the music and remove the watermarks

Don't rip off a black man especially when you are making a documentary on black folks getting fukked over.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
This is cool but I noticed quite a few people on here are like the black version of 6 minute abs when it comes to this stuff. What I mean by that is cats like something that'll hype themselves up but at the end of the day after the hype done wore off most does nothing with the info/product but spent money on something that you end up not using after awhile. How many times can you watch the same types of things on some "we just have to know about this flow" when its similar things over and over? If black people want to advance you have to do things to move forward like start profitable businesses, have more black in all types of trades from doctors on down so we can have this "group economics" cats kick, more intact families, etc.

To make it simple we have to follow and emulate what other successful people (regardless of race) are doing in different aspects of life as a whole but I think that's hard to do period. That's why its only the 1% anyway cause regardless of race its hard to be successful mainly because of self inflicted doings IMO.


May 6, 2012
I hope so man,people shouldn't feel betrayed by integration,it was just one idea of many put out there by great black minds at the time...that was the beautiful thing,that you had multiple movements with different ideas on how to get there,but all had the same goal in mind:banderas:....For its time I don't see an issue with integration because so many blacks were about their communitys whether they went to white schools,worked at white places of business they were still for their people and community at the end of the day. So we still would've had prosperous black communitys/businesses that we owned all over.

You really couldn't predict the things that were systematically done to fukk us over,from drugs being put into our communitys,drug laws,black folks losing the will to build or just getting too content with the little we have:mjcry:....You cant really predict that,this is where we failed to#Adapt...Many of our leaders got assassinated,got hooked on drugs,set up and sent to jail,so the people best suited to help us think our way out of the bullshyt weren't able to do so:mjcry:....The ball got dropped,but that civil rights movement could feel betrayed as well that folks didn't pick the ball up sooner after they took the L at the hands of white supremacy,but we were casualtys as well....People should do nothing but thank those people and put our minds together to build multiple movements,all having the same goal in mind just like they did....Our resilience kicked back in and it feels like we ready to carry the weight now:myman:
I disagree with the notion that at the time integration was a good idea. I would NEVER IN LIFE put my children at risk just so they could go to white schools. They were physically attacking us and we wanted to snuggle up. Turn the other cheek was foolishness and it should not be viewed in a positive light. They may have had good intentions but, I'm not thankful in anyway. My standards are higher then that. I'm building a business for my future children right now so they don't go through this. That was what they should have focused all that energy on. I don't care if white folks have better books and schools. Cause you know what? I'm willing to go out and put in the work and get dirty. Marching? Wtf. All the walking they could have set up their own factorys and started printing their own books. Building their own schools and making them nice. Making their own water fountains and making them nice. I'm willing to put in the real tangible work. Now everybody from that gen that was on the do for self wave was where it was at. Do for self and demand reparations. That's the goal and that's the only valid goal that there ever was. No disrespect but I gotta call a spade a spade. We can't let good intentions make us romanticize psychotic failures on mass scales. We can't even learn from the failures because people are romanticizing them. I'm not afraid to critique anyone and I would hope people would critique me if I'm off base.
Jul 26, 2012
I disagree with the notion that at the time integration was a good idea. I would NEVER IN LIFE put my children at risk just so they could go to white schools. They were physically attacking us and we wanted to snuggle up. Turn the other cheek was foolishness and it should not be viewed in a positive light. They may have had good intentions but, I'm not thankful in anyway. My standards are higher then that. I'm building a business for my future children right now so they don't go through this. That was what they should have focused all that energy on. I don't care if white folks have better books and schools. Cause you know what? I'm willing to go out and put in the work and get dirty. Marching? Wtf. All the walking they could have set up their own factorys and started printing their own books. Building their own schools and making them nice. Making their own water fountains and making them nice. I'm willing to put in the real tangible work. Now everybody from that gen that was on the do for self wave was where it was at. Do for self and demand reparations. That's the goal and that's the only valid goal that there ever was. No disrespect but I gotta call a spade a spade. We can't let good intentions make us romanticize psychotic failures on mass scales. We can't even learn from the failures because people are romanticizing them. I'm not afraid to critique anyone and I would hope people would critique me if I'm off base.

:snoop: at this whole post........ If you don't understand black history even on a rudimentary level during those movements, I seriously doubt you gonna make a splash in the near future...


May 6, 2012
:snoop: at this whole post........ If you don't understand black history even on a rudimentary level during those movements, I seriously doubt you gonna make a splash in the near future...
And no one can ever explain to me especially on here why integration was a good idea. It was clearly a failure and no one can refute me and change my mind up here or anywhere else yet. Not everyone was for integration.

Why do people always say I don't know what I'm talking about but never explain how I'm wrong. Explain and change my mind if I'm off base. I have not had 1 person change my mind. Just smileys and insults. I need explanations or I will never have any different point of view.

My kids will be taken care of that's splash enough for me.
Jul 26, 2012
And no one can ever explain to me especially on here why integration was a good idea. It was clearly a failure and no one can refute me and change my mind up here or anywhere else yet. Not everyone was for integration.

Why do people always say I don't know what I'm talking about but never explain how I'm wrong. Explain and change my mind if I'm off base. I have not had 1 person change my mind. Just smileys and insults. I need explanations or I will never have any different point of view.

My kids will be taken care of that's splash enough for me.

Most of yall just like to parrot sensationalized youtube rhetoric cause it provides some type of emotional catharsis it seems.......

First and foremost, America is not integrated...... and the fact that you think that the aim of the civil rights movement was to have the liberty to peacefully socialize with whites is not only intellectually lazy, but flat out insulting.

People love to yap about all this information that is available, but yet still make these type of assumptions when a simple google query could give them food for thought....

and if that query is too much of a sacrifice to gain some insight about a select few that were willing to die for your betterment, how the hell you expect anyone take you seriously...

I have yet to see anyone on this site make a valid post on how so called integration crippled the black community or caused it to regress......
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Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Most of yall just like to parrot sensationalized youtube rhetoric cause it provides some type of emotional catharsis it seems.......

First and foremost, America is not integrated...... and the fact that you think that the aim of the civil rights movement was to have the liberty to peacefully socialize with whites is not only intellectually lazy, but flat out insulting.

People love to yap about all this information that is available, but yet still make these type of assumptions when a simple google query could give them food for thought....

and if that query is too much of a sacrifice to gain some insight about a select few that were willing to die for your betterment, how the hell you expect anyone take you seriously...

I have yet to see anyone on this site make a valid post on how so called integration caused crippled the black community or caused it to regress......

The argument could be made is The generation that would be the age bracket of the children of MLK/MAlcolm Xs kids (our parents/ ppl born 1955-1969), would/should be the first gen to reap the benefits of the civil rights, get the education and jobs and rebuild black communities. But the Crack Era destroyed all hope of that + you had blacks who did get educated/good jobs but were c00ns and said eff rebuilding those communities. Gen X were pretty much the Gen that were corrupted and were the ones selling the drugs, becoming rappers, pretty much doing everything besides building and are the Gen the Civil Rights Gen (who would be their grand parents/parents) look down on and call lazy. Gen X I would say is the conflicted gen as you have a mix of people who gave up + a mix of people who see this peaceful ish doesn't work and wanted to be their own boss but the Crack era made it where it was tough to do things legally. Millennials are the children of the information age, where we were too young to be corrupted by the crack era directly (we were more so impacted by the decisions our parents made), we are the gen who saw went went wrong and right with the past and are the 1st generation to have historic documentation easily available of what to and no to do, but our gen face the hurdles of a Job economy that is completely diff, our education system prepares of for the good jobs of the past which dont exist, so many of us got BS education that is worthless + Entertainment has been completely taken over (no positive black mainstream images compared to what we had in the 90s), so the trick they use on us is everything is cool because we have drugs (that dont make us crack heads but more so lazy and content) and technology so things aren't that bad. in doing this they have made it where it is easy to kill us off since many of us walk around unaware of the evils of the world because we are on that New Black crap.

Our Generation literally is in position to be THE MOST important group ever, because if we build something tangible and strong to put our children in it will be Game Over, people the age of Tariq and Boyce Watkins ,etc time has passed, so the best they can do is make sure they are straight and their kids, but our generation is the one that will be the deciding factor whether or not a new system of Justice or at a min a new Class of Black Intelligence is birthed.


May 6, 2012
Most of yall just like to parrot sensationalized youtube rhetoric cause it provides some type of emotional catharsis it seems.......

First and foremost, America is not integrated...... and the fact that you think that the aim of the civil rights movement was to have the liberty to peacefully socialize with whites is not only intellectually lazy, but flat out insulting.

People love to yap about all this information that is available, but yet still make these type of assumptions when a simple google query could give them food for thought....

and if that query is too much of a sacrifice to gain some insight about a select few that were willing to die for your betterment, how the hell you expect anyone take you seriously...

I have yet to see anyone on this site make a valid post on how so called integration caused crippled the black community or caused it to regress......
So you can't answer me? Figures.


May 6, 2012
The argument could be made is The generation that would be the age bracket of the children of MLK/MAlcolm Xs kids (our parents/ ppl born 1955-1969), would/should be the first gen to reap the benefits of the civil rights, get the education and jobs and rebuild black communities. But the Crack Era destroyed all hope of that + you had blacks who did get educated/good jobs but were c00ns and said eff rebuilding those communities. Gen X were pretty much the Gen that were corrupted and were the ones selling the drugs, becoming rappers, pretty much doing everything besides building and are the Gen the Civil Rights Gen (who would be their grand parents/parents) look down on and call lazy. Gen X I would say is the conflicted gen as you have a mix of people who gave up + a mix of people who see this peaceful ish doesn't work and wanted to be their own boss but the Crack era made it where it was tough to do things legally. Millennials are the children of the information age, where we were too young to be corrupted by the crack era directly (we were more so impacted by the decisions our parents made), we are the gen who saw went went wrong and right with the past and are the 1st generation to have historic documentation easily available of what to and no to do, but our gen face the hurdles of a Job economy that is completely diff, our education system prepares of for the good jobs of the past which dont exist, so many of us got BS education that is worthless + Entertainment has been completely taken over (no positive black mainstream images compared to what we had in the 90s), so the trick they use on us is everything is cool because we have drugs (that dont make us crack heads but more so lazy and content) and technology so things aren't that bad. in doing this they have made it where it is easy to kill us off since many of us walk around unaware of the evils of the world because we are on that New Black crap.

Our Generation literally is in position to be THE MOST important group ever, because if we build something tangible and strong to put our children in it will be Game Over, people the age of Tariq and Boyce Watkins ,etc time has passed, so the best they can do is make sure they are straight and their kids, but our generation is the one that will be the deciding factor whether or not a new system of Justice or at a min a new Class of Black Intelligence is birthed.

I can dig this. But the problem I have with the post you quoted is that at that same time there was a movement for do for self. And since we are just as poor as they were. I think its valid to say they had plenty of info to know better then to integrate. I mean why trust the devil. It makes no sense to me to trust integration. I intuitively feel like being around people who want me dead is a terrible idea.
Jul 26, 2012
So you can't answer me? Figures.

I've already answered this. The sad part is that you lack the wisdom and discernment to do the knowledge yourself..... but yet want to proclaim you're a future leader

Its obvious with gross erroneous statements like "integration destroyed black (insert whatever)", that not only are you not putting in the effort to inform yourself, so there's no way you're going to be effective.....

Begging for "answers" in the internet age.... :smh:

Do this, name one thing that "social integration" has done to set black people back?
Jul 26, 2012
I can dig this. But the problem I have with the post you quoted is that at that same time there was a movement for do for self. And since we are just as poor as they were. I think its valid to say they had plenty of info to know better then to integrate. I mean why trust the devil. It makes no sense to me to trust integration. I intuitively feel like being around people who want me dead is a terrible idea.

You refer to white people as devil... cool..

So this lets me know you don't have kids, and more than likely are still sponsored by your parents


May 6, 2012
You refer to white people as devil... cool..

So this lets me know you don't have kids, and more than likely are still sponsored by your parents
You are phony as hell all you do is type a bunch of nothing. Why are you here on a discussion board when you neglect to actually discuss anything. You never say shyt but how wrong I am. Prove me wrong. Why haven't you done that? Are you telling me that you believe that economic empowerment isn't the way to go for us? We should just extend our hand to white folks? I don't see any other way. And lime I said before none of you ever provide any answers. You make claims but, never prove anything. Which I wee as a hallmark flof someone who doesn't know what their talking about. You say leader as if that's my goal. My goal is to contribute to a black economy.