Dude they were trying to paint black people as domestic terrorists during Ferguson. I think they still are. I don't doubt this country's wickedness for a second. Once too many black people get woke, they'll try something to throw a wrench in the gears...
Like with ISIS and Boko Haram...why am I hearing stories of random American brehs "joining up" with them?
It ain't over.
Of course, they will do like they did with the Japanese during WW2 (assuming this is the plan of action) where they paint blacks as a whole in the light of "well all y'all might be a threat and we have no way of telling who's who". In life Blacks are often given tests to see "What side of the fence" they are on, this is primarily done to blacks who are rising up the ranks of corporate america or the entertainment industry. Thats why we gotta focus on Economics, folks can paint you as being a "black racist" when you talk about anything, but nobody can dispute you or say you are a bad person if you state you want economic justice for all humans

. Folks have to understand the world is Chess, if any of you work with Asians for example then you will know what I mean, they don't c00n or kiss ass, they just keep cordial with everyone and act as if they dont understand political/race issues thus never speaking on them. With technology it is impossible to never be around people of other races, the goal for all people imo should be to make it where people in their communities can compete on a Global scale, the issue for the past 400 yrs is Racism has made it where blacks can't compete, thus why we want Economic Justice for every human on this earth
