EXCLUSIVE!!!!!! Boyce Watkins: "Resurrecting Black Wall Street" Trailer

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I think an important hurdle we need to overcome is this current hiphop culture. It does nothing but keep negative stereotypes alive and promotes black destruction by black hands. And its fueling alot of our own self-hate. With Lamar and Cole selling i think intelligence in hiphop is making a comeback which would be a HUGE step for us. Hiphop is the most powerful and influential form of music on the planet. If we could gain back control of it we could use it to motivate and uplift instead of promoting our own genocide. Unfortunately, many of us still see this powerful music as simply "entertainment" when its really sooo much more than that. Im seeing more and more ppl coming to the realization that rappers are some of the biggest c00ns out there tho.

Cole and Kendrick know that the paradigm change in black people's thinking is coming close. They are smart to see how since the incidents of Trayvon and Mike Brown, black people need to get their act together ONCE AND FOR ALL. Meaning that, no more setbacks to black unity and group economics. No more propaganda. No more bullshytting.

It's time.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Yep. This new back agenda class is booming. And the thing that makes this time different is we have no leader just the code/destination. The shift to economic empowerment is gaining steam like crazy. Think about how often terms like white supermacy are being used like crazy now a days. c00ns are being called out left and right. People in general are seeing straight through the bullshyt. Stuff like this makes me realize how important and how people like Dr John Henrik Clarke will live forever through their message and work.

It's a beautiful time to be alive and good time to start a business if you're black.

Yep. More of these #newblacks are gonna feel the force first-hand that c00ning never pays. Especially in 2015 where social media is calling out these c00ns for kissing white ass all the damn time. Pharell, Raven Symone, and others are gonna have their careers :rip: soon enough.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
At the end of the day, once The Black Agenda class produces tangible results blacks as a whole world wide will pretty much then have the choice of Being part of this class or letting the current system do what ever it pleases with them. We aren't in the business of begging people to improve themselves, once you have tangible results people will come to their senses, those who dont want to be saved dont deserve time wasted on them. The issue we have now is every one TALKS about what needs to be down and what we can achieve and while it is fun and empowering and builds hope, the avg person who isn't awake will be like :camby:.

You have people saying Kendricks Album was too complex, and that its for cats who wear muslim oils and kufis. You gotta think about it, rappers dont rap about the process to get to fame and riches, they only rap about riches, kids dont see the struggle and grind athletes had to go through, they only see cats slam dunking and living large, people need to see results.

Im convinced that cats are dumb and rather like turn up music that has ignorance such as being in the trap, shooting up nikkas, tricking on hoes, and so on. At this point, that music outlived its use, and a light is at the end of the tunnel after 12 years of party music shoved down our throats. Brehs who put in action to improve their community will see the harvest that the seeds that they have planted in the past.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Black folks about to be on some

when it comes to white supremacy

Yep. It will be a marvelous sight when that day comes :wow:

http://www.thecoli.com/threads/have...witter-warning-high-levels-of-c00nery.306680/ The horrific monstrosities that whites have committed against us have been suppressed, buried and hidden so well to the point that WE now are referring to them as "Gods":wow:

Its darkest just before the dawn. THe people that go extra c00ning, are the ones that fear the most what lies ahead. They know that the white supremacy system is on its last legs and know that the brehs that have knowledge of self and the pro-black people that put in work, will finally reap what we sow. :banderas:

In all honestly, people under estimate how powerful sites like the Coli are, people joke about it but the powers that be know about this site and there are Agents on here. It would be in the best intrest of everyone on here not to be too detailed in the discussion of plans and such as things like that should be handled on private forums/chats where we can control who can access the info. Pay attention how people throw the "militant" title around on here. I pretty much keep all convo i do on the net high level because agents will derail discussion fast. The only legitamate disussion of people being potentially scammed when it comes to supporting people is Dr.Umar's school, most of the other stuff is Agent derailment.

Look @ The Booth that have both posters and mods (yes, moderators) that say that "The streets don't fukk with Kendrick faux kufi pro-black music" but rant and brag that Maino and Young Thug are real nikkas in the streets that get props for harming their community. When the black man rises, best believe that the c00n rappers that harm other black people are gonna feel it as bad as the white man.

The argument could be made is The generation that would be the age bracket of the children of MLK/MAlcolm Xs kids (our parents/ ppl born 1955-1969), would/should be the first gen to reap the benefits of the civil rights, get the education and jobs and rebuild black communities. But the Crack Era destroyed all hope of that + you had blacks who did get educated/good jobs but were c00ns and said eff rebuilding those communities. Gen X were pretty much the Gen that were corrupted and were the ones selling the drugs, becoming rappers, pretty much doing everything besides building and are the Gen the Civil Rights Gen (who would be their grand parents/parents) look down on and call lazy. Gen X I would say is the conflicted gen as you have a mix of people who gave up + a mix of people who see this peaceful ish doesn't work and wanted to be their own boss but the Crack era made it where it was tough to do things legally. Millennials are the children of the information age, where we were too young to be corrupted by the crack era directly (we were more so impacted by the decisions our parents made), we are the gen who saw went went wrong and right with the past and are the 1st generation to have historic documentation easily available of what to and no to do, but our gen face the hurdles of a Job economy that is completely diff, our education system prepares of for the good jobs of the past which dont exist, so many of us got BS education that is worthless + Entertainment has been completely taken over (no positive black mainstream images compared to what we had in the 90s), so the trick they use on us is everything is cool because we have drugs (that dont make us crack heads but more so lazy and content) and technology so things aren't that bad. in doing this they have made it where it is easy to kill us off since many of us walk around unaware of the evils of the world because we are on that New Black crap.

Our Generation literally is in position to be THE MOST important group ever, because if we build something tangible and strong to put our children in it will be Game Over, people the age of Tariq and Boyce Watkins ,etc time has passed, so the best they can do is make sure they are straight and their kids, but our generation is the one that will be the deciding factor whether or not a new system of Justice or at a min a new Class of Black Intelligence is birthed.

Baby boomers dropped the ball on the Civil Rights gen.

Generation X got caught up with the super thug Tupac wannabe bullshyt, that hypermasculine shyt that messed up the minds of many late 60s-early 80s babies. That generation also got caught up with the baby mamma/baby daddy shyt and caught up in the crack game, focusing on instant gratification over community building. Gangsta rappers are the ones that removed the pro-black music from Public Enemy, KRS, and De La Soul out of the airwaves for glorification of black on black crime. They the same ones that brag about "back in the day" when they put up a track from some skilled 90s rapper talking about black on black crime like it is cool and "real nikka shyt"

Generation Y is split into 2 groups. One group, the commercialized/materialistic/over partied "turnt up" set, are too caught up in trap music and thinking that it is cool for other groups to exploit us for personal gain. The other group, the likes of J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar, are the ones that know that we gotta do the right thing and finish the mission that our Civil Rights leads started decades ago to finally close the mental and financial underachieving gap of black people.
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Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
To be Pimped or scammed you would need to give money and not receive a product. Every time people give people like Tariq money he gives them a product, so how is he pimping people? If thats the case thae broke boys are being pimped everytime they buy clothes since they dont make their own, every time they eat out since they didnt cook it, etc. Being pimped is giving up your money especially when you cant afford it PLUS not getting a product or service in return. If 10 bucks-1000 bucks to get a product you want to see is being scammed then thse broke boys need to blame God and not Tariq,etc for their circumstances.

They don't know how to support each other. They have self hate issues. Supporting a product you believe in is somehow a scam to these dolts. I don't ever remember hating like that when I was broke.

In all honestly, people under estimate how powerful sites like the Coli are, people joke about it but the powers that be know about this site and there are Agents on here. It would be in the best intrest of everyone on here not to be too detailed in the discussion of plans and such as things like that should be handled on private forums/chats where we can control who can access the info. Pay attention how people throw the "militant" title around on here. I pretty much keep all convo i do on the net high level because agents will derail discussion fast. The only legitamate disussion of people being potentially scammed when it comes to supporting people is Dr.Umar's school, most of the other stuff is Agent derailment.

Exactly I saw this early on with my dad since he runs his own business. Let's just say you wanted something to eat real fast without cooking for lunch. You had dudes who would say his business is going to fail, the white man's is better, he running a scam etc. meanwhile they going to Taco Bell paying 9.50 each time and the meal won't fill them up, and they'll be paying 6 to 7 more dollars at a fast food spot on the way home. Now the real brothers who wasn't hating would be the ones who would buy 4 hungry man TV dinners for 9.50 that would last them the whole week and it would fill them up till they got home.

That's why I don't even listen to these hoe ass dusty nikkas who throw around the scammer label. 99% of the time they are shytty with money anyway. One of the nikkas who use to say that about my father would buy his kids a bunch of anime DVDs and One Piece manga. I guess Shonen Jump was scamming him since there's apps to read and watch that shyt for free now. But, it won't be seen that way since those are Japanese created media.

@Hiphoplives4eva said the same shyt that some of these dudes saying this crab in the barrel shyt on here could be paid posters sent here to divert the energy. I agree with both of yall on that tip.
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Exactly I saw this early on with my dad since he runs his own business. Let's just say you wanted something to eat real fast without cooking for lunch. You had dudes who would say his business is going to fail, the white man's is better, he running a scam etc. meanwhile they going to Taco Bell paying 9.50 each time and the meal won't fill them up, and they'll be paying 6 to 7 more dollars at a fast food spot on the way home. Now the real brothers who wasn't hating would be the ones who would buy 4 hungry man TV dinners for 9.50 that would last them the whole week and it would fill them up till they got home.

That's why I don't even listen to these hoe ass dusty nikkas who throw around the scammer label. 99% of the time they are shytty with money anyway. One of the nikkas who use to say that about my father would buy his kids a bunch of anime DVDs and One Piece manga. I guess Shonen Jump was scamming him since there's apps to read and watch that shyt for free now. But, it won't be seen that way since those are Japanese created media.

@Hiphoplives4eva said the same shyt that some of these dudes saying this crab in the barrel shyt on here could paid posters sent here to divert the energy. I agree with both of yall on that tip.

This is true. I know brehs that passed up business opportunities because of the "scam" labeled their dumb ass, broke ass friends be thinking. Their thinking doesn't pay your bills or enhance your way of thinking, so best believe just ignore them.

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
I can't wait for this!!!!

I agree I went to see tariq nasheed speak last week It was some many of us young and old that wanted to build and network and plus at the black women's expo it was so many natural hair women not going by the European beauty standards I really think more and more of us will start to wake up I can feel it

in Chicago?
Jun 8, 2012
There seems to be some money in the 'black conscious' alternative media. Tariq Nasheed rasied $135k for his faux-history movie, "Hidden Colors 4" (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/6688684/hidden-colors-4)

Seems like a good hustle honestly. I should grow my hair out and buy some African attire, then do some video blogging on black issues. Advertise myself as some sort of black messiah while secretly fukking white women.
I don't think it's like that really. I think it's really less about a hustle then it is about creating educational vehicles that satisfy a need outside of traditional educational vehicles that don't teach things like this. Especially regarding black American history, which coincidentally (or not depending on how you look at it) makes up the bulk of "hidden" history.

Let's look at it from an honest perspective. There's a reason stuff like this isn't taught in schools. Most of the teachers teaching African studies and history classes from a college to junior high level are white. Most of them have no experience teaching black kids and most of them have had limited interactions with black people in their lives. I've even heard some white people who teach at certain institutions that they're scared to teach their classes about things like slavery for fear of division...what service is being provided by leaving out 400 years of American history? America just didn't exist like this. Lol.

It's the same modus operandi that allows Martin Luther King Jr's legacy to be perverted into that of a man who wanted us to all hold hands and sing and doesn't say anything about Malcolm X other than he was a racist anti white rabblerouser.
Jun 8, 2012
Im definitely a Garvey man myself:banderas:....I just don't think people should feel betrayed by good intentions,ESPECIALLY being that integration wasn't supposed to be the end all be all....I specifically mean MLK,as people who followed him either didn't have as great intentions,or lacked the vision he had to continue and complete his plan....Theres more than one way to skin a cat,and being that neither the integration or separatist movements have ever been allowed to FULLY play out it theres no way I can honestly say which one would've been better for us even though I have my preference....We may have very well continued to just be bombed,sabatogued,betrayed by informants had we continued the separatist route IN AMERICA and prospered...we cant predict what would happen,but folks put they life on the line so "betrayed" feels like a strong word:patrice:....And to feel integration was destined for failure would mean that theres no hope for the future seeing as we not going back to separate schools or water fountains ever:heh:..,the policies put in place for integration aren't going anywhere,and were more integrated than ever before....its dishonest to pretend crack didn't happen and everything went smoothly up until now,to blame all the issues we face on integration aint fair.

But im all for having separate movements and ideologys like they had back in the day,better that than us waiting around for this one movement where we all agree on everything....may the best movement lead us to the promised land:blessed:....Besides nikkas being scary,c00ning,and lacking self belief and vision theres nothing about integration stopping black people imo..
I hate to burst your bubble but America is still very segregated.

There was a report that came out a while back that said that schools now are more segregated than in 1956.
Even here...The melting pot...NYC...is home to the MOST segregated schools in the country!

So yeah...integration doesn't mean much when the wealth gap between black and whites has become massive and black unemployment rates are triple that of whites. It's very obvious they aren't sharing the wealth.

I agree with everything else you're saying though...it's just high time black folks woke the eff up and realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the lawn.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I hate to burst your bubble but America is still very segregated.

There was a report that came out a while back that said that schools now are more segregated than in 1956.
Even here...The melting pot...NYC...is home to the MOST segregated schools in the country!

So yeah...integration doesn't mean much when the wealth gap between black and whites has become massive and black unemployment rates are triple that of whites. It's very obvious they aren't sharing the wealth.

I agree with everything else you're saying though...it's just high time black folks woke the eff up and realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the lawn.

I definitely wasn't trying to see we are a melting pot,most of our schools lean one way or the other,we still have our own communitys and are own culture somewhat....Props for the stats though because I did figure we were more integrated than we were back in the day in our schools and communitys....I still think though SOCIALLY we are still more integrated than ever,the way we exchange ideas,worldviews,behavior,culture I think are definitely at a all time high.....If anything this is the danger to black people more than being in the same schools,working in the same places....But they could fukk with our minds and steall our shyt with or without desegregation,thats all a matter of not being aware,,not bein woke:sas2:

People think we've been "Blackening America " when the truth is culturally and mentally blacks have been thoroughly whitewashed:smugfavre:...Meanwhile nikkas celebrating because some white boys sagging they pants,and white people love rap and using our slang "We got em:russ:"....nikkas do you realize they got our peoples minds for real:childplease:?,Probaly don't even realize it because that's how good brainwashing works..

We failed to be alert,which is why I say before any change can be made a mental overhaul has to occur....I think we starting to see that on a real level,at least I hope so.....I know people get sick and say "All people are doing is talking",but I personally believe you HAVE to do a lot of talking,all this "just talking" is going to wake people up,who will in turn wake other people up,who will pass it down to they kids....I'd say we in the midst of the deprogramming phase,and now is the perfect time as many have been delievered that "nikka wakeup call",realizing it aint as pretty as they were told....And yes you have to "keep talking" until we brainwash ourselves back into reality,out of the fantasy.

This aint the Matrix,aint no magical Red Pill to give nikkas:pachaha:...I know its frustrating to not be able to jump right into the karate and weapons training,but blacks of today have the benefit of illusion where there was almost no way for that back in the 60's....take this time to teach those close to you,and call them out and hold them accountable when you see them doing white folks bidding


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
wish i knew about black wall street back in my highschool social studies class

You know they don't talk about this shyt in public school, or private school for that matter(I've been to both).

The only black history they tell you about is some turn the other cheek MLK shyt, that they like to exaggerate. That's apart of their conditioning strategy.