one star.
one star.
my lord jesus christ who is that in the fukking avatarblack women are number one in my book, most brothas have them at the top...are u retarded or sum
LOL that's because most white men don't!You keep saying that black men don't want black women but somehow men of other races do.
That does not even make sense so black men don't like black women but white men do.
LOL that's because most white men don't!
THat's the dirty little secret that black women who go on and on about white men don't tell you...
If you go to a white male dominated board you never ever see them bragging about black women...none of them express any interest in marrying one,
and they would only sex up the tip top ones....
Black women on the otherhand make topics, websites, blogs, write books, TV shows, yotube videos, movies, talk shows, "meet ups" etc and the entire fan base consists of Black women lol.
You never ever see a white guy in a majority white guy setting telling white men to date black women....nor does he get any accolades for dating black women.
Heck they re the ones who protest against having black women seen as "sex symbols" on TV and in mainstream media...I'll never forget a few years ago, when Tyra Banks was chosen
to be on the front of SI Swimsuit edition....white men were complaining and threatening to cancel their accounts if it happened again LOL.
While black women were celebrating....white men were complaining...
Interracial dating is always a "hot topic" amongst black women...they gush at the very opportunity...
And statistically, white guys love it on the low too....just not with black women...their "fetish" of choice is usually Asian or Latinas (the white or Arwak indian ones)
Negative...I'm simply putting an end to the LIES lol...the way yall talk on here is complete fantasy...You certainly are HEAVILY invested in "proving" that black women are undesirable to non-black men. Why are you so threatened by the mere notion that some white men are attracted to black women?
You are talking about what you read on messages boards as if that is the definitive voice of all white men. In general, white men prefer white women. Then there are some who prefer other races. Many white man have been of the belief that black women would not date them so some of them wouldn't even try. But now that there is a more "openness" on the part of BW, many WM are taking heed. From personal experience, the white men in my area are very bold in their pursuit of black women.
Negative...I'm simply putting an end to the LIES lol...the way yall talk on here is complete fantasy...
I don't disagree that there are some that "prefer" and/or are open to it....but the way yall make it sound as if this is some big thing amongst them like some of you present it...
The way yall talk about it is as if it were some commodity...when White dudes clearly aren't presenting it that way...BW have the lowest marriage rates amongst them compared to women of other races...
And every BW has the same their "neighborhoods" it's some hot trend LOL. Yet when I step out my door...I see white dudes climbing walls to get to blondes, Asians and latinas...I'm just sayin...
LOL that's because most white men don't!
THat's the dirty little secret that black women who go on and on about white men don't tell you...
If you go to a white male dominated board you never ever see them bragging about black women...none of them express any interest in marrying one,
and they would only sex up the tip top ones....
Black women on the otherhand make topics, websites, blogs, write books, TV shows, yotube videos, movies, talk shows, "meet ups" etc and the entire fan base consists of Black women lol.
You never ever see a white guy in a majority white guy setting telling white men to date black women....nor does he get any accolades for dating black women amongst his other white male friends....White guys never ever say things like "hey I see a lot of BW with WM...that's great....I'm glad more WM are opening up to BW"...
Heck they re the ones who protest against having black women seen as "sex symbols" on TV and in mainstream media...I'll never forget a few years ago, when Tyra Banks was chosen
to be on the front of SI Swimsuit edition....white men were complaining and threatening to cancel their accounts if it happened again LOL.
While black women were celebrating....white men were complaining...
Interracial dating is always a "hot topic" amongst black women...they gush at the very idea of being seen as an "arm trophy" with a white guy... (regardless of how slovenly the white guy is) doesn't matter how uneducated, how broke, or how many white women don't desire him...he's "white" and it tells the world that they can be "desirable"'s all about appearances with them....
And statistically, white guys love it on the low too....just not with black women...their "fetish" of choice is usually Asian or Latinas (the white or Arwak indian ones)
It's clear at this point you lack basic reading comprehension and analysis skills. The only posters in the thread that talk about pedestals are 1) black posters (wallace, stuntindojos, etc) and 2)that one poster who said that bw aren't on pedestals and so don't feel wanted (therefore they are easy). That's it. You got this wrong like you got the OKCupid analysis wrong; you are not smart and I tire of saying it. This is my final post.
them cacs have a white supremacist bias to everything. if it's not them on top of the world, they can't believe it. black men are variously ranked as the most masculine and physically attractive men, higher than cacs even, all else equal. that aside, men do not consider women's opinions that much. it's sexism but it's true. women don't run shyt
a cac is a cac.
There's an interesting tidbit here....Children produced by Black Women/White Men tend to have lower IQ scores than children produced by Black Men/White Women...approximately 11 points lower.......this might explain why a white woman and black male couples have been able to produce a "Barack Obama" while 400 years of Black woman procreation with white men hasn't been able to...just a thought.
"Lee Willerman and his colleagues compared children with a black mother and a white father to children with a white mother and a black father. The cleanest comparison is for mixed-race children who lived only with their mother. Mixed-race children who lived with a white mother scored 11 points higher than mixed-race children who lived with a black mother. Since the black-white IQ gap averaged about 15 points at the time these two studies were done, they imply that about four-fifths of that gap was traceable to family-related factors (including schools and neighborhoods)"
I'm not spreading propaganda though......but it's an interesting caveat...
You certainly are HEAVILY invested in "proving" that black women are undesirable to non-black men. Why are you so threatened by the mere notion that some white men are attracted to black women?
You are talking about what you read on messages boards as if that is the definitive voice of all white men. In general, white men prefer white women. Then there are some who prefer other races. Many white man have been of the belief that black women would not date them so some of them wouldn't even try. But now that there is a more "openness" on the part of BW, many WM are taking heed. From personal experience, the white men in my area are very bold in their pursuit of black women.
Black men are not considered the most attractive to other races, for the most part.
Most of the women in this vid, even stated they would not date a black guy. Asian women and Hispanic women prefer whites over their own, so what makes you think they prefer black men.
On the last page of that thread one of the men even showed a clip of a mixed girl rejecting a white guy. no one said they were easy, just easier to conversate with. One even said black women are nicer when they reject him. men dont consider womens opinions? yeah okay, thats you're excuse for black men putting other races on a pedestal, when most dont feel the same.
I said black men rank highest in physical attractiveness and masculinity (studies say so), not overall dating favorability when it comes to every woman. I never said women choose partners based solely on physical attractivess and masculinity. Asians and Hispanics' racialism affect their choosing, with whites winning out. Despite their reticence however, Asian and Hispanic women still rank black men as the highest in physical attractiveness and masculinity (studies say so). Obviously the X factor is racialism or something related to it since their base attraction follows the general trend.
You are delusional. The opening poster himself says he was rejected by 4 white girls and rebounded on a black girl b/c it was easy when the white girls weren't (one of whom he mentions leaves with a taller, better-lookin guy). I variously linked about 8 comments, each of which said black girls are easy in one form or another. On the last page a poster says that the thread amounts to a popular stereotype, which is that black girls are easy and want to assimilate. The only relevant comment about putting women on a pedestal made by a yt poster in the thread was the one where he implied black girls are easy since they aren't put on a pedestal by society in general. You are delusional.
I bet most black men would still sleep with this lady, you think its okay for black men to sleep with white women but not the other way around when its all the same.